
Fushou snails are disguised as snails and sold, and some merchants claim to sell hundreds of tons a year! Official Notice: Sealed


The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and more and more people are going out for supper, and delicious snails have become the first choice for many people. However, be careful! Although the snail is very delicious, one of its "little friends", the Fushou snail, has accumulated a lot of toxins in the body, so don't eat it by mistake.

On June 28, some media broke out that Fushou snails were "disguised" as Narita snail meat to make food and sell to consumers, which caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Fushou snails are disguised as snails and sold, and some merchants claim to sell hundreds of tons a year! Official Notice: Sealed

Fushou snails "camouflage" Narita snails into the market

Hunan Hanshou official report

According to the surging news report, the reporter in Hunan, Chongqing and other places unannounced investigation found that the price of Fushou snails caught from the wild is extremely low, and the price difference between the price of field snails and ring snails is several times.

The person in charge of a processing plant in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, said that due to the decrease in the number of snails, there are more and more Fushou snails in wild waters.

Fushou snails are disguised as snails and sold, and some merchants claim to sell hundreds of tons a year! Official Notice: Sealed

Zhang Jun (pseudonym), a "snail" dealer, said that shelled Fushou snails are sold for 5 cents per catty, and logistics and processing fees are calculated separately. Roughly processed Fushou snail frozen meat, 4 yuan per catty. The standard shipment is a pack of 30 pounds. The price of snails is much more expensive, 3 yuan per catty with shell, and 10 yuan per catty of frozen meat.

Relevant reports sparked heated discussions among netizens, many netizens said, "Make money in a good way, don't joke about the health of consumers", and some netizens lamented that it was too scary, "From now on, all kinds of snails will not be eaten as long as they can't see the shell."

Regarding the content exposed by the media, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Hanshou County, Hunan Province issued a notice on the same day:

Fushou snails are disguised as snails and sold, and some merchants claim to sell hundreds of tons a year! Official Notice: Sealed

On June 28, the surging news reported that after the two enterprises of Hanshou County Xiangyuan Special Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. and Hongtai Food Factory used Fushou snails to pretend to be snail meat sales, Hanshou County attached great importance to it and acted quickly, and immediately set up a joint law enforcement team led by the County Market Supervision Bureau and composed of county public security, environmental protection and other departments rushed to the scene. Follow-up handling in accordance with laws and regulations will be promptly reported to the public.

A snail can contain 3000~6000 parasites

Fushou snail has been repeatedly concerned, all of which are related to the "Angiostrongylus cantonensis" in its body. A Fushou snail can contain 3000~6000 parasites, if eaten raw or eat undercooked snail meat, it is easy to cause Guangzhou strongyloidiasis. After being ingested, live Angiostrongyloides larvae can pass through the intestinal wall and reach various organs of the body with the blood, causing mechanical damage and inflammatory reactions, the most serious is to invade the central nervous system, causing meningitis.

Liao Qiangbing, a physician from the Department of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of Fuzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that patients generally develop the disease 2~5 days after eating, and the clinical manifestations are mainly severe headaches, which will be aggravated when walking, sitting, and turning over, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, neck stiffness, limited activity, convulsions and other symptoms, and severe cases can lead to paralysis and death. In the case of timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis of most patients is good, but a very small number of infected worms can cause death in severe cases, or damage nerve tissue, leading to dementia and other sequelae.

In addition, the snail has a strong reproductive ability, can lay eggs 20-40 times a year, and the annual egg production is 3-50,000 eggs, which can spread rapidly. Moreover, Fushou snails are miscellaneous, and once they erupt, they will destroy the surrounding ecosystem.

Shanghai News Broadcasting is integrated from The Paper, National Business Daily, Southern Metropolis Daily, and CCTV

Editor: Wang Zheyan

Editor in charge: Yan Ping

Fushou snails are disguised as snails and sold, and some merchants claim to sell hundreds of tons a year! Official Notice: Sealed

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