
In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

author:Strange News Bureau
In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

On April 7, 1993, in the detention room of the Police Department in Taoyuan City, Taiwan Province, a pale, panicked man was crouching in a corner, shaking.

He is now a major suspect in a major hijacking case in custody, but just two days ago he was a well-off and stable-income auditor.

His name was Huang Shugang, and he was imprisoned by his accomplice Liu Baocai. From an auditor to a hijacker to a hijacker, in fact, the arrangement of fate has been hinted at as early as the first half of Huang Shugang's life.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

The desire that breeds under coddling

Huang Shugang was born in 1964 to a working-class family in Tangshan. Although his parents were both workers, his father was the head of a large factory in the local area, so he grew up in a very good family and did not worry about food and clothing at all.

Huang Shugang's personality has been very arrogant since childhood, and he is active by nature, often causing trouble in the vicinity.

However, his father, who had a strong "son preference" mentality, doted on him very much, and for Huang Shugang, who often ran into trouble, he not only never had a word of discipline, but wantonly indulged in his various behaviors.

Huang Shugang's favorite thing to do every day is his infinite reverie about his future life after the disaster. Although he did not study well himself, he was bent on becoming a well-known "big man" so that everyone could look up to him.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

In 1980, 16-year-old Huang Shu had just graduated from junior high school and chose to drop out of school. Leaving school at a young age, he was used by his father to make connections and money deals.

Through the way of "taking the back door", it was sent to the Tangshan Iron and Steel Company in Hebei Province. But his initial job was just an apprenticeship.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

Huang Shugang, who had just entered the society, was still very scared. The noisy work environment, the many older colleagues, and the harsh demands at work all stimulate the fragile nerves of a 16-year-old teenager.

From a young age, he also chose to be honest at this moment.

In the first few years, Huang Shugang never "played a thorn" in the factory, and the master told him to do whatever he wanted. Some of his older co-workers occasionally made fun of him, and he laughed at him fondly.

Over time, people who knew Huang Shugang in the factory said, "This child is good and very down-to-earth." ”

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

In the early 1980s, the mainland's economic policy gradually opened up, and a wave of ideological emancipation followed. More and more people have left the "iron rice bowl" that can work in the factory and joined the army of independent entrepreneurship.

Huang Shugang found that the monthly salary in the factory was not as good as the people who went to the sea to do business in a day, and gradually, he began to be dissatisfied with the status quo.

In 1992, the 28-year-old Huang Shugang got an opportunity to be transferred to the catering department of Tanggang Hotel by Tanggang Factory and worked as a buyer.

Although it is only a small position, he actually controls the internal procurement of the entire hotel, and he can handle a lot of money every day. With this beauty difference, Huang Shu just began to move his mind.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

He found that by taking advantage of his position, it was very easy to overstate the quantity and unit price of purchases. He relied on this operation and was often able to earn additional income. Although he has little culture, he is very clever in corruption.

At the beginning of the procurement process, Huang Shu used a large number of blank transfer checks stolen from the financial office of the unit to cash out through acquaintances and buyers.

When it was determined that no one would pursue him, he began to become more and more bold, and even began to write the amount of the check without permission, and stole the items purchased into the warehouse for secondary trafficking.

Huang Shugang embezzled up to 100,000 yuan of state-owned assets in just one year, because he could often bring benefits to others through illegal means, and he also made many fox friends, liu Baocai was one of them.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

Liu Baocai is 6 years younger than Huang Shugang and is a native of Fengrun County, Hebei Province. He dropped out of school early at the age of 13 and entered the society, following his father to set up a small stall selling dried vegetables and spices at the Tangshan Vegetable Wholesale Market.

Since Huang Shugang often came to the market to buy ingredients, the two slowly matured after several black box operations.

Half of Huang Shugang's embezzlement can even be blamed on Liu Baocai. Because Huang Shugang did not dare to act too arbitrarily in his first year, although there were many times of embezzlement, in order to hide his eyes and ears, the amount of each time was not large.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

However, when Liu Baocai became familiar with Huang Shugang's corruption process, in order to follow the light himself, he constantly encouraged Huang Shugang to increase the amount of embezzlement, and he would often introduce him to friends who could help.

With Liu Baocai's "encouragement," Huang Shugang embezzled more than 270,000 yuan between January and March 1993 alone. This was an absolutely huge sum of money when the per capita wage was only 400 yuan at that time.

However, there are no impermeable walls in the world. Due to the excessive amount of embezzlement, there have been huge loopholes in the books of the Tanggang Hotel, and the hotel leaders have also sensed that something is wrong.

So professional auditors from the headquarters were hired to check the accounts of the hotel.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

Decided to hijack the plane and flee taiwan

Although Huang Shugang did a seamless job on the surface, the ledger truthfully recorded all his corruption plots. Under the auditor's inventory, Huang Shugang was pulled out.

However, Huang Shugang did not act like a great enemy, but faced the auditor with a sincere face, saying that he was not careful enough in the procurement process and lost some blank checks.

Because the attitude of admitting mistakes was very sincere, the leaders, in line with the idea of "correcting mistakes", only made a symbolic penalty of "fining Huang Shugang two months' salary".

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

However, the leaders of the unit did not put aside the matter of checking the accounts. Because of the excessive financial loopholes, auditors began to expand the scope of the review, and even each procurement location had to go to audit the accounts in person.

Huang Shu, who learned of this situation, was initially impatient, because under such scrutiny, it was only a matter of time before the financial loopholes he had created were discovered.

However, at this time, he did not think about how to make up for the mistakes he had committed, but gradually a thought of fleeing appeared in his mind.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year
In 1983, a hijacker named Zhuo Changren hijacked a civil aviation airliner in Shenyang and defected to Taiwan, where he was named a "righteous soldier" by the Taiwanese government and rewarded with a large amount of gold. This matter has always been deeply engraved in Huang Shugang's mind.

"Now that I am facing exhaustion, it is better to make a desperate bet than to sit still." Huang Shugang thought so in his heart, but what he didn't know was that zhuo Changren had become a street rat shouted and beaten by everyone in Taiwan at this time.

After Huang Shugang made up his mind, he went to find Liu Baocai and told Liu Baocai about his "grand plan and great cause".

Because the two had been in cahoots for many years, they had long been grasshoppers on a rope, so after hearing Huang Shugang's plan, Liu Baocai also nodded his head.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

Zhuo Changren

After the goal was finalized, Huang Shugang first went to the Xinhua Bookstore in Tangshan and bought a lot of books related to the plane. Because neither of them had ever been on an airplane before, they could only supplement their aviation knowledge through this way.

Huang Shugang also specially selects different time periods to go to the civil aviation waiting hall every day to step on the point, mainly to familiarize himself with the action route and record the flight information of the flight.

On March 12, 1993, the two began preparing the tools to be used in the hijacking. In order to hide their eyes, the two spent 700 yuan to take a taxi and rushed to the Baigou Market in Baoding, Hebei Province, to buy three prohibited firearms.

In order to verify the performance of the gun, the two deliberately found a deserted wilderness and found a dead tree to try a few shots. After familiarizing themselves with its use, the two returned to Tangshan satisfied.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

The first thing the two did when they returned home was to personally verify the security measures at the airport to ensure that their crime tools could be smoothly carried on the plane.

Huang Shugang asked the unit for leave on the grounds of going out to purchase, and then took Liu Baocai on a plane from Tangshan to Shanghai.

When passing through security, Huang Shugang deliberately put several pieces of metal in his suitcase to test the airport's reaction. After two trials, Liu Bao thought of a way to use some metal blocks to cover the crime tools.

After determining the feasibility of hijacking, Huang Shugang and his wife made a careful plan, making detailed plans for the number of planes to be hijacked, the flight plan, and the destination after landing.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

On the evening of April 3, 1993, after Huang Shugang had finished dinner at home, he solemnly told his wife that he would go on a business trip to Guangzhou in a few days, and instructed her to take good care of the elderly and children in the family.

Because this was not his first business trip, his wife didn't think much about it. As soon as Huang Shu came out of his home, he immediately joined Liu Baocai.

The two drove to Beijing with their tools, then drove all the way and arrived in Shenzhen late at night on April 4.

After a night's rest, Liu Baocai went to Shenzhen Airport on the morning of April 5. Because Shenzhen Airport was the newest airport in the country at that time, Liu Baocai observed very carefully.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

The special security inspection process and boarding process of Shenzhen Airport were all written down. He even bought a box of chocolates, a pair of military binoculars and a lighter in the shape of a pistol at the airport's duty-free shop.

On the evening of April 5, Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai bought two tickets for Flight 3457 from Shenzhen to Guangzhou the next day. The two then returned to room 919 of the Xindu Hotel in Shenzhen and began to disguise the pistol they had hidden in the suitcase.

Huang Shugang hid the pistol in a large iron box containing chocolates, and put the lighter and iron box in the shape of a pistol side by side to evade security.

On the morning of April 6, the two came to Shenzhen Airport to prepare for boarding. When Liu Baocai's suitcase was ready to pass X-ray scanning, the security inspector found a black shadow in the shape of a pistol on the screen, so he immediately asked Liu Baocai to open the suitcase for manual inspection.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

Liu Baocai went forward and unhurriedly opened the suitcase, and took out a lighter to explain to the security inspector, "This is not a real gun, this is a gift I brought to my friend." ”

The security inspector reproached: "Don't you know that lighters are not allowed on the plane?" Liu Baocai apologized sincerely, saying that he was flying for the first time and did not know that there were such regulations.

In this way, under the careful design of Liu Baocai and the security inspectors, the two successfully carried the suitcase containing three real guns on the plane.

At 8:31, flight 3157, which was taken off smoothly by the duo, carried a total of 187 passengers and 13 crew members.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

After the plane lifted off, the two made eye contact with each other. After confirming the start of the operation, Huang Shugang took the suitcase from the passenger plane's luggage rack and pulled out the pistol contained in the iron box.

Liu Baocai used the newspaper he carried with him to give Huang Shugang cover. After sorting out the guns, the two quickly walked toward the cockpit.

As he passed the aisle, a flight attendant who was pouring water for his guests found huang shugang, who was approaching him, nervous and holding something with a newspaper in his hand.

The astute flight attendant immediately thought that the two might be hijackers, so they instinctively screamed, a move that attracted the attention of everyone in the cabin.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

Seeing that the trail was revealed, Huang Shugang rushed over with an arrow and pushed the flight attendant to the ground, and Liu Baocai behind him also rushed into the cockpit and put the muzzle of the gun against the captain's head.

"Don't move, we're here to hijack the plane!" With a shout from Huang Shugang in the cabin, everyone tensed up.

Liu Baocai pointed at the captain and said: "Don't report to the ground, now give me a flight to Taiwan, if you don't cooperate, Hugh blames me for not having long eyes." ”

In order to calm the mood of the two men, the captain shut down all communication facilities on the plane. At this time, the plane had already flown over Fuzhou.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year
The captain said to Huang Shugang, who had just entered the cab: "As long as you can ensure the safety of the plane and all passengers, then I can agree to your request." ”

Huang Shu just saw that the captain was so cooperative, and he gradually let down his guard. But what the two did not know was that the secret hijacking plan they thought was seamless was now known to the ground tower.

Due to the many air disasters that have occurred before, the mainland civil aviation flight regulations have been urgently revised. Among them, it is clearly required that aircraft pilots should take the protection of passengers' lives as their primary purpose in the event of hijacking.

And a specific distress signal is set. At this time, the distress signal had been secretly sent out by the deputy captain sitting on the side, pretending to debug the navigation system.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

After being detained, he faces life in prison

Because the plane was flying above the clouds, it did not see the sea after passing through Fuzhou, which made Huang Shugang and huang Shugang very nervous, constantly threatening and intimidating the captain.

However, when the captain piloted the plane out of the clouds and an endless sea appeared on the porthole of the plane, Huang Shugang put his heart in his stomach. In his eyes, the dawn of hope was not far away.

At 10:01, Flight 3157 landed safely at Chung Cheng Airport in Taiwan. At this time, Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai were already so excited that they could not help themselves. They believe that under the plane will be the golden rewards offered by the Taiwanese side, as well as the luxurious life of paper drunk gold fans.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

What Huang Shugang didn't know, however, was that in the dead corner that could not be seen in the cockpit, dozens of Taiwanese police cars were already waiting for the two to get off the plane.

At the moment when the hatch opened, more than a dozen Taiwanese special police officers rushed up and pressed Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai to the ground. Before the two could react, the cold handcuffs were already resting on their wrists.

In this way, Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai, who were still dreaming of Huang Liang in their minds, were taken to the prison car.

According to the Golden Gate Agreement signed between the mainland and the Taiwan Red Cross Society, the 3157 plane and all passengers will fly back to the mainland safely, and the hijacking case planned by Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai was successfully solved.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

In June 1993, Taiwan's Taoyuan City Court sentenced Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai to 10 years in prison. Due to the heinous circumstances of the crime, the prison guards placed Huang Shugang and his wife in the worst condition of the entire prison cell.

After only a year here, Huang Shugang's body suffered from a variety of diseases, and his mental state was getting worse and worse.

During the Spring Festival of 1995, Huang Shugang, who was in a Taiwan prison, called his father in his hometown. On the phone, Huang Shugang couldn't cry, and the yellow father and mother on the other end of the phone also choked up and couldn't speak, and for a while there was only the sound of crying and firecrackers on the phone.

On July 16, 1997, at the request of the mainland, Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai were repatriated from Taiwan, and they were also released on guarantee pending further investigation and sent to the hospital for treatment.

In 1993, auditor Huang Shugang hijacked a plane and absconded to Taiwan, but he did not expect to live in the worst cell, and he could not hold on for a year

On October 20, 1998, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court held a trial of Huang Shugang's hijacking case, and sentenced Huang Shugang to 20 years' imprisonment for hijacking, embezzlement of office, and illegal purchase of firearms.

In order to satisfy their desires, Huang Shugang and Liu Baocai chose to test the fa by themselves, and finally tasted the evil consequences. Now that the two have been released from prison, their youth has been wasted in prison, hoping that they will be able to reform themselves in the second half of their lives.


[1] Guangming Daily, November 21, 1998, "Huang Shugang sentenced to 20 years in the first instance"

[2] "Procuratorial Storm", February 15, 1999, "Huang Shugang Hijacked the Plane to Go to Taiwan Insider"

[3] "People's Public Security", January 9, 1999, "Hijackers Have No Paradise - The Inside Story of the 93.4.6 Hijacking Incident"

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