
Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

author:Drawer movies

People often say that "the end of the comedy is a tragedy" Although the sentence is biased, but there are also times of application, to some extent, the tragedy is highlighted in the form of comedy, which more embodies a kind of desolation, which seems to be a comedy, but in fact, it is helpless or compromised for the absurdity of reality. In this situation, comedy and tragedy are perfectly integrated. Because the tragic ending is so tragic, only comedy can be neutralized by getting the form. After watching a comedy with an absurd emotional tone, the kind of thinking that comes from the inside out can be generated.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

The movie recommended to you today tells such a story, a tragic story is crowned with the cloak of comedy, and finally presented is an absurd ending, although the whole process will make many viewers feel funny, but after careful consideration, sad feelings or heavy psychology will breed. This film is "Four Lions".

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

"Four Lions" is about a terrorist attack in which four young Muslims living in London are very enthusiastic and proud of their dedication to jihad, but they have never had the opportunity. Tired of this endless waiting, the young people decided to go to the Middle East to study guerrilla warfare, and after returning from their studies, they finally decided to freeze the target of the attack on the day of the London Marathon. So the four of them embarked on a journey to develop bombs, and after several failed attempts, they finally developed a powerful bomb. However, when the day came, these people were confused. Eventually, they end their lives in a self-destructive way, whether for ideals or for what, no one can know their hearts.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

This is not an absurd story, but if the core of the story is presented in the form of comedy, it is undoubtedly absolutely absurd. Terrorist attacks with Muslims, Middle East Training Camps with London. These elements should not be combined in two, but in reality, they are well combined. And it is combined in a very awkward way, so the comedic nature of this film is reflected. But peeling back the comedic core of this film, what can we see?

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

This is actually a very heavy story, religious beliefs, what exactly is the faith? What kind of people will have a need for religious beliefs? The answer is simple, that is, the frustrated people in life. When Muslims are united with these frustrated, a religion that should be peaceful instantly becomes extreme. They don't know why they are fighting, not even who their enemies are, but what kind of spirit is it that they are always ready to dedicate themselves to holy war?

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

The contradiction between ideal and reality is deep and deep, but it is not insurmountable, but the tragedy of this film is that these young people have never been able to figure out why they want to uphold religious beliefs or the dignity of such beliefs in the people around them. And so tragedy happened.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

Is this film absurd? It is indeed absurd, but under the cloak of comedic form, the true core of the film is buried. On the surface, this is a terrorist attack, but behind such an event is the impression of the Muslim population on a global scale. Or a public image. There is no doubt that such an attack will not attract more people to join the Muslim religious mass, and they will inevitably have a diametrically opposed attitude towards Muslims, which is already explained in the scene set in this film in the university classroom. When the false bombs in the classroom are combined with the real bombs in reality, no one can really figure out which one is real. As a result, people's impression of Muslims falls into a Rashomon state, which is more of a collection of stereotypes.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

However, the protagonist of this film, Omar, completely buried the true faith of these people in a joking gesture. As everything began to get out of control, Omar eventually had to give up everything in front of him and plunge into the cause. The ending of this film is naturally very tragic, but this tragedy should not have happened. If Omar had not taken advantage of their small group beliefs in the first place, but had chosen to be a peaceful person, he would not have fallen into this guilty logic in the end, and thus there would have been no "terrorist attack". However, there is no if, and Omar is not a saint either.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

So in conjunction with this film, we look at these extremist religious groups, and they are actually not very clear about what they want. When a group of hot-blooded young people gather together, it is necessary to prevent them from doing something bad, and if this group of people is used, even if the purpose of the person who uses them may be a joke, the result will still be very serious. Because there is no purpose, everything begins with blind behavior, and blind action can ultimately achieve the absurd result of nature.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

This film is absurd enough, but the Muslim community in reality has to pay for such absurdity as this film, even if they do not have much malice themselves, but when a group is labeled as malicious for various reasons, no one can really escape, which may be their sadness, and this sadness is really difficult to lift.

Giving death a cloak of absurdity always looks so funny

When I don't know why I do it, why do I do it? There is no answer to this question, and going forward is an answer, but it is not always right, they need the right guidance, but the teachers who are running rampant are always moral.


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