
Tell the story of "integration" and go to the "development" covenant together- why should we plan the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon"

author:New Hunan

"New Cultural Tourism , New Fusion Series Famous Salon" is a high-end brand of dialogue cultivated and built by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hunan Province, and the program has been held for two consecutive seasons since 2019. The first season has 10 episodes and the second season has 8 episodes. The "New Cultural Tourism and New Integration Series Famous Salon" not only focuses on sowing and incubating the "golden ideas" of the integration of cultural tourism, "each with its own beauty, the United States and the United States", but also begins to excavate the "new rich mine" of Hunan's red resources in the history of the century-old party. After more than two years of focusing on typical cases, excavating characteristic connotations and "dissecting sparrow-style" precise pulses, the platform of cultural tourism salon has been sublimated from the initial exploration of cultural tourism integration practice to the "golden business card" of promoting the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry.

I. Sowing "Golden Ideas" for the Integration of Culture and Tourism

With the deepening of the integration of culture and tourism, tourists' pursuit of tourism acquisition and tourism quality continues to improve, and the demand for spiritual level is more focused, and tourism has changed from pure sightseeing activities to a living culture that integrates leisure, study, socialization, knowledge expansion and other diversified goals.

On May 25, 2021, the "New Cultural Tourism And New Fusion Series Famous Salon" entered the ancient city of Changde, which has more than 4,000 years of cultural precipitation and a strong book fragrance, and held a cultural tourism salon with the theme of "Pursuing the 'Peach Blossom Garden' in Calligraphy". Experts, scholars and local leaders gathered together and believed that Changde has unique resources and heritage in the integration of "calligraphy +" culture and tourism, and should be ahead of others in exploring models such as "calligraphy + festivals", "calligraphy + research", "calligraphy + characteristic towns", etc. "Calligraphy + Festival" can rely on Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and the tourism route with great cultural connotation of "Poetry Wall - Walking Horse Building - Crossing the Purple River - Peach Blossom Garden", and realize cultural experience and tourism contextualization by holding calligraphy festivals. "Calligraphy + study" should be designed for the market, such as allowing the audience to experience such courses as "Qu Shui Liu" and so on, which have both cultural value and traditional customs, which can attract Internet celebrities to punch in and expand the research and education market. Changde Taohuayuan Cultural Tourism Characteristic Town is famous for the Wei Jin Qinfeng in Tao Yuanming's "Taohuayuan", and the "calligraphy + characteristic town" should not only focus on the important direction of cultural tourism integration, but also serve as an important direction for rural revitalization. "Peach Blossom Origin" itself is a classic that has been repeatedly copied by famous calligraphers of past generations, which can be more integrated into such elements in scenic spots, guiding tourists to understand history, copying calligraphy, experiencing monuments, etc., so that they can personally experience that after the polishing and verification of time, this new chapter of ancient books has been released to the greatest extent in the new era.

Tell the story of "integration" and go to the "development" covenant together- why should we plan the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon"

"Don't look at Danqing and other idle, silent poetry praises Qianqiu." Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters, she spreads culture, praises classics, inherits the spirit, let the classical and modern elegance accompany, let the Chinese civilization flow through the ages. Calligraphy is also the carrier of culture, the beauty of calligraphy, the beauty in the visible pictographic art, the beauty in the beautiful Yan Yun willow bone, the beauty in the power of the back of the paper Danqing meaning. Calligraphy is a "booster" that can improve the quality of tourism, Changde Poetry Wall combines traditional Chinese calligraphy culture and modern tourism development, with "the longest poetry calligraphy and painting carving art wall" among the "guinness of the world", unique humanistic resources have become a unique factor attracting knowledge groups and research groups, and Wang Daohan, president of the Qianhai Association, praised as "a must in China". General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that China's excellent culture is the business card of our nation that will never fade and will never depreciate. To make Chinese traditional culture truly come alive and pass on is not only the overall layout of the Party Central Committee's strategy for inheriting traditional Chinese culture, but also the spiritual needs of the people for a better life in the new era. Along the fundamental guidance of the general secretary, we explore the integration of "calligraphy +" culture and tourism, respond to the people's yearning for a better life, and sow poetry and the "golden ideas" road in the distance will be wider.

Second, to create a "golden business card" for high-quality development

In order to promote Hunan tourism to become a new trillion industry and build "culture + tourism" into an important growth point for the province's economic development, in March 2021, the province issued the "Several Measures to Further Stimulate the Potential of Cultural and Tourism Consumption". The "New Cultural Tourism and New Integration Series Famous Salon" gives full play to the role of the platform, creates high-quality tourism products to help the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry, and plans three theme salons that combine the new formats of the cultural tourism industry and the revitalization of the countryside, such as characteristic cultural tourism towns, research and study tourism, and "tea tourism and cheapness".

On October 30, 2021, in Changsha Xiangcha High-tech Industrial Park, we and Hunan Tea Industry Group jointly held the "New Cultural Tourism • New Fusion Series Famous Salon" entitled "Poetry Meets Distant Places, Clean and Fragrant Fragrance - Exploring experiential tourism in the integration of 'tea culture'". Give full play to the bridge role of the "golden business card" of the cultural tourism salon to actively promote the cooperation between Hu Yaobang's former residence and the Hunan Provincial Tea Industry Group, build a demonstration scenic spot of "tea tourism and clean integration", inherit the Yaobang spirit to design and develop "clean cultural tea" and other characteristic tourism products, vigorously improve the tourism experience and quality of tourists, and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of "making good use of red resources, carrying forward the red tradition, and inheriting the red gene".

Tell the story of "integration" and go to the "development" covenant together- why should we plan the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon"

On October 15th, the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon" focused on the hot spots of research and learning under the background of "double reduction", with the theme of "reading 10,000 volumes of books and traveling thousands of miles" research practice and cultural tourism integration, invited Zhang Fangping, former director of the Department of Education of Hunan Province, and Chen Shuo, former executive vice president of Hunan University, and other heavyweight guests to discuss the combination of tourism and the excellent cultural traditions of Huxiang, promote public cultural facilities such as tourist attractions, boutique guesthouses, and cultural and expo venues to build research camps based on education and research practices, and actively promote effective investment. Promote the high-quality development of emerging formats of research and tourism.

Tell the story of "integration" and go to the "development" covenant together- why should we plan the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon"

On September 30th, the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon" walked into Guoyuan Town, Changsha County, Tian Han's hometown, with the theme of celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the National Day " Splendid Xiaoxiang • Song for the Country " - Listening to the Story Behind the National Anthem of the New Era", and introduced the typical cases of using red resources, doing a good job in the integration of culture and tourism, and empowering rural revitalization, and was awarded the "Top Ten Characteristic Cultural Tourism Towns in Hunan Province in 2019" in Changsha County Guoyuan Town, Changsha County. The salon dialogue closely followed the theme of "Splendid Xiaoxiang • Song for the Country", discussed the significance of the spirit of the national anthem to the new era and the specific measures of "inheriting a spirit, building a town, polishing a brand, enriching the people, and driving a region", and strived to create a "golden business card" for the high-quality development of Tianhan Art Town. Through the matchmaking of the cultural tourism salon platform, the Party Committee of Guoyuan Town and Hunan BaozhenYou Fun Growth Education Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement of 2 million yuan in a series of tourism product cooperation such as national anthem research, patriotism education, party history education, parent-child leisure, etc., which is expected to drive the average annual tourist flow to exceed 3 million and achieve all-round leapfrog development in the town's regional economic development, cultural tourism and rural revitalization. The "golden business card" attracts "money bags", and the high-quality development picture of a characteristic cultural tourism town that can be seen, eaten, played, experienced and taken away in Tianhan Art Town is slowly unfolding.

III. Excavating "New Rich Minerals" for the Study of Party History

In February 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Notice on Carrying Out Party History Study and Education in the Whole Party, making arrangements for party history study and education. In August, the "Opinions of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on Promoting the Construction of Clean and Honest Hunan" was officially released. When the study and education of party history and the "clean and honest Hunan" jump out of the paper, how can the policy decisions of the central and provincial party committees be implemented in detail and turned into concrete practices that can be seen, touched, and felt? On the festive days of the centenary of the founding of the party, can we dig out Hunan's "rich minerals in party history" that "there must be herbs within ten steps" and interpret clean and honest Hunan from the century-old party history of Huxiang? When we proposed the special topic of planning the "New Cultural Tourism and New Integration Series Famous Artists Salon" and the "Road to The Social Investigation of Young Mao Zedong's Study Tour" and led the expert team to Anhua County to investigate; when we proposed the special topic of planning the "Clean and Honest Hunan" series of "New Cultural Tourism and New Integration Famous Artists Salon" and discussed its feasibility with the discipline inspection team stationed in the office, the response was positive and enthusiastic. With the support of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Shaoshan Administration Bureau, the Hunan Daily Newspaper, the Discipline Inspection Team of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and the districts (counties) and red scenic spots in the province, we have successfully planned and held three theme salons combined with red resources.

On April 19, 2021 in Anhua, our office and the Shaoshan Administration Bureau jointly held the "New Cultural Tourism • New Fusion Series Famous Artists Salon" and the "Young Mao Zedong Study Tour And Social Investigation Road" as the opening work of the New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Artists Salon (Season 2). The significance of this salon is to extract the path of study tour that young Mao Zedong walked through and cast in the red resources of Hunan, and through the brand column of "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Artists Salon", publicize and promote this party history route with great value of the times, making it a unique red tourism route in Hunan. On June 18th and August 20th, our office successfully planned and held two special salons in Shaoshan and Changsha, "Inheriting Red Genes and Building a Clean and Honest Hunan" and "Displaying Xiaoxiang Red Scenery and Promoting the Culture of Honesty and Honesty" in Shaoshan and Changsha. The program invited party history experts and scholars and gold medal interpreters of red scenic spots as guests to interpret the incorruptible genes in Hunan red culture from the perspective of experts and professionals.

Tell the story of "integration" and go to the "development" covenant together- why should we plan the "New Cultural Tourism • New Integration Series Famous Salon"

The three-phase theme salon started from the study tour of The Young Mao Zedong in Anhua and returned to Shaoshan, the hometown of the great man. The footsteps of the young Mao Zedong in surviving, studying, seeking and seeking truth are like a main line running through the red hot soil of Hunan, engraved in the red blood of Huxiang. After the event was broadcast through the New Hunan APP, the response was enthusiastic, which is the best affirmation of our mining and utilization of red resources "rich mines". The achievements are not easy to come by, and we must continue to give play to the influence of the platform of the cultural tourism salon, educate and guide the majority of party members and cadres to be innocent officials, do things cleanly, act honestly, and compose the cultural tourism answer sheet of "clean and honest Hunan". The achievements are encouraging, and also encourage us to plan and create more high-quality cultural and tourism products to deeply integrate Hunan red resources with party history study and education, and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions to Hunan from the height of connecting history and reality.

(Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism Promotion, Communication and Exchange cooperation division)

[Editor-in-Charge: Listen to The Week]

[Source: New Hunan Client]

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