
How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

author:Meiling Layman


In 2023, Chinese female astronaut Wang Yufan will become the first astronaut to spend the "Goddess Day" in space.

Just like on Earth, the female astronauts had a very interesting Goddess Festival in space and shared their days in space with the women on Earth.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In the video shared by Wang Yufan, he not only announced the layout of the "bedroom" in space, but also mentioned some of his life needs in space.

Both male and female astronauts have their own life needs, and female astronauts have better living needs than male astronauts.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The living needs of female astronauts.

Wang Yufan is China's sixth astronaut and the first female astronaut.

Prior to this, the United States, Russia, Japan and other countries have had the experience of female astronauts in space.

In July 2012, the mainland successfully allowed astronauts to enter space for the initial exploration of manned spaceflight, laying the foundation for Wang Yufan to enter space later.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Astronauts don't stay in space for a long time, usually for days, and some space exploration missions will allow them to spend more time in space.

Moreover, a certain amount of food will be put in the space capsule during the space exploration mission to ensure that the astronauts have three meals a day.

After completing the food intake, the astronauts will also do corresponding exercises according to their own needs.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

This exercise program has also been developed by scientists after many tests, mainly because the space environment will put the astronaut's muscles in a state of non-work.

Therefore, most space probes in space will have a gravity-resistant ring to propelle astronauts to carry out certain exercises.

Initially, only one was built as a prototype, and then there were simulated Mars experiments, which made complex upgrades, mainly robots.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In the prototype machine, some situations in space are also simulated, and it is impossible to bathe in space, so this bathroom does not need to be set up.

However, a large amount of wastewater in space must be disposed of, otherwise the environment in the cabin will be polluted.

There is also a toilet in the cabin, because there is no scientific gravitational technology, so the toilet made must be tested to prove that it does not produce odors.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

If there is a peculiar smell in the cabin, it will gradually emit in the air, which will not only affect the physical and mental health of the astronauts, but even have a certain degree of danger, because once the concentration of this peculiar smell is strong enough, it will produce an air explosion.

How to protect the privacy of female astronauts.

The time spent by female astronauts in space will make their lives more fulfilling.

They will spend more time recording the situation in space, observing some changes in space, and discussing some scientific issues with their colleagues in space when completing some scientific research tasks.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

However, as a woman, their body's unique circadian clock cannot be ignored.

This characteristic requires the crew in the cabin to have a shorter time than the Earth time, in addition to digesting some abnormal sounds in the cabin.

looked at the people in the space circle coldly: "Where did the strange sound come from, isn't it the woman's aunt!"

Indeed, women's menstrual cycles are longer than men's, and their men's cycles occur periodically, each time about a month.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The length of the menstrual cycle and the degree of stability of the cycle vary from woman to woman.

So when arranging missions for female astronauts, scientists take this into account.

After calculating the length of the timer, it is necessary to arrange the tasks of the female astronauts so that they do not have a mission during the menstrual period, which has the advantage of allowing them to gradually adapt to different mission environments while they train on Earth.

In addition, sanitary conditions in space should also be improved, so that female astronauts cannot be allowed to expose their private affairs to the public.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Therefore, in terms of timer, earth time can be used, which is not only convenient to implement, but also allows astronauts to maintain a relatively regular sleep without disrupting their lives.

In the prototype machine, the wastewater treatment system has been perfected.

This wastewater treatment system contains a number of functions, mainly to treat the sewage that flows after washing.

At the same time, there is the sewage produced by sweating and releasing urine, as well as the sewage produced by the stove, etc.

In order to treat it cleanly, scientists list the types of sewage and then assign different treatment schemes to it, so that the sewage treatment can be easily completed.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Everyone is familiar with the anti-gravity ring in space, but as a woman, they will walk for a long time, and this anti-gravity ring will cause some damage to their waists.

Because there is no gravity in space, the wooden waist will become very weak.

Therefore, female astronauts should exercise more to make their waists stronger to resist the effect of wood.

At the same time, we should also prepare some painkillers, as well as shoulder and neck creams, etc., once there are some problems, we can deal with them in time.

Warm reminder for the model room.

In the model room, we not only have to ensure the lives of the astronauts, but also prepare them for some first aid.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

For example, in space, astronauts may have symptoms such as headaches, fever, and motion sickness, but we can't arrange too many first responders, which will waste too many resources.

Therefore, feedback can be given to the relevant problems raised on the ground, and the astronauts can be quickly instructed to carry out corresponding medical treatment.

In addition, it is some garbage disposal in the cabin.

Without a mature garbage disposal system like on Earth, we can only compress the garbage and then "send it away".

In this way, the working and living environment of astronauts in space can be improved.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In addition, women's menstrual cycles are incomprehensible to men, so safety measures in this area must be strengthened.


If you are a female astronaut, I would like to add that your self-cleanliness also represents the responsibility of space exploration, which is very worth advocating!

Whether it is a male or female astronaut, their mission is the same, that is, to complete their mission and be able to withstand some interference from the outside world.

How to meet the living needs of female astronauts in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

This is also a test for them, and it is also a kind of exercise for them.

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