
The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

author:Meiling Layman


In 2020, as the contradiction between China and the United States heated up again, and it has involved the field of science and technology, Huawei has suffered the most.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

In its crackdown on Huawei, the United States invoked the Wolf Clause, a law enacted for the United States after World War II to restrict adversaries from accessing advanced American technology.

This is also a powerful weapon for the United States to strike at Huawei.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

Under the constraints of the Wolf Clause, is there still a way to play a key role in Chang Wu's sample?

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

Wolf Terms.

In 2020, the United States will suppress Huawei again, this time the pressure is very large, which is within everyone's expectations, but I didn't expect that it would not be long before the United States suppressed Chang'e-5, which has successfully landed on the moon on the mainland.

The United States' suppression of the "Chang 5" has aroused global dissatisfaction, not only negating the achievements of the mainland's aerospace industry, but also exaggerating the US scientific research undertakings.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

Since Chang'e returned to Earth, it has been analyzing lunar soil samples, and the mainland is also doing this work.

However, the United States believes that there is a certain difference in the composition of the samples collected from the moon by the mainland, so the United States has always wanted to obtain the lunar soil samples collected by the mainland's "Chang V", but the mainland has not agreed, and the suppression of the mainland's "Chang V" has intensified.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The United States believes that it is the mainland that manipulates the lunar samples, and believes that the mainland has mixed some ingredients into its own samples, which makes the samples of the mainland's "Chang-5" different from those of previous samples, so the United States wants to get the lunar soil samples of "Chang-5".

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The mainland refuted the US approach and refuted the rumors of the US itself, and at the same time, the mainland did not provide the US with a sample of the lunar soil for Chang 5.

In order to be able to get a sample of the "Chang Five" from the mainland, the United States also cited a law called the "Wolf Clause", which was an economic sanction imposed by the United States on Japan and Germany after World War II in order to suppress them.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

Under the restrictions of this law, U.S. companies and scientific research institutions cannot sell advanced technology to Japan and Germany, nor can they buy advanced technology from Japanese and German enterprises and scientific research institutions.

This law was taken out again when the United States suppressed Huawei, and this time it was taken out to suppress the field of scientific research, mainly restricting the cooperation between Huawei and American companies, and prohibiting Huawei from using advanced American technology without the permission of American companies.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

But the United States also knows that the scope of this clause is only to the adversaries of the United States, that is to say, only to the partners of the United States.

The United States can take it according to its own interests, but its partners cannot take it, and of course, in order not to let its partners suffer, the United States will also impose certain sanctions on the actions of its partners.

This can achieve the goal of the United States to control the scientific and technological community, so America's allies are also afraid.

The United States came up with this law to suppress China's development in science and technology, and it is a powerful weapon against Huawei, but it does not work against the lunar soil samples of Chang Wu.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The mainland's suppression of the United States.

Since the lunar soil samples of the mainland's "Chang-5" have been in the custody of China since they returned to the earth, it is impossible for the United States to obtain the "Chang-5" samples, so the United States' suppression of the mainland's "Chang-5" this time has no effect.

However, the United States is also extremely dissatisfied with the mainland's approach, and the United States has long wanted to dominate the field and hope to become a scientific and technological power in the world.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

For a long time, the United States has been the most advanced technology in the field of science and technology, so many countries yearn for the United States, and no country dares to say no to the United States, but since the founding of the country, the mainland has known that it must be self-reliant, cannot rely on foreigners, and only when it has its own technology can it have the right to speak.

The mainland has not been suppressed in any way on the road of development, and the mainland's aerospace industry has also been recognized by the whole world, but the United States' suppression of the mainland's "Chang 5" this time is disrespectful to the mainland.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The mainland has also responded to this US practice, and the mainland has severely criticized NASA, holding that the US suppression of the Chang 5 is not only disrespectful to the mainland, but also disrespectful to the mainland's aerospace field and to the world's aerospace industry.

The mainland also denounced the US approach, holding that the United States is not qualified to evaluate the space industry of other countries, that the United States is not so good in the space industry, and that they have also failed in the "battle for the moon." At that time, the United States was not yet a powerful country, and it was still competing with an underdeveloped country like the mainland.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The samples of the mainland "Chang'e" are open to the whole world, and the mainland will also send the samples abroad for foreign researchers to study.

In this regard, the mainland also shows the achievements of the mainland's aerospace industry in an all-round way, and also hopes that the mainland's aerospace industry can be recognized by the whole world, and also hopes that the whole world can participate in the aerospace industry.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

Continental foreign aid.

The sample of the mainland's "Chang Five" is open to the whole world, and the mainland has not said no to other countries on the road of development, and as long as it is about technological cooperation, the mainland is willing.

Moreover, the mainland's assistance to foreign countries has reached a certain level, and the mainland's landing mission on the "Chang 5" was originally only a task of collecting lunar soil, but the mainland also took advantage of the fire to rob and sent the "Queqiao" satellite into space.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The "Queqiao" satellite is mainly used to transmit signals on the moon, mainly to transmit information about the "Yutu" and "Chang-5" spacecraft.

The construction of the "Queqiao" satellite is also aimed at relaying the information transmitted back to the earth by the "Queqiao" satellite in longer communications.

The construction of the "Queqiao" satellite is also an improvement for the mainland, so that in the follow-up lunar exploration mission, the mainland does not need to build the "Queqiao" satellite, and can directly send samples back to the earth.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?

The construction of the "Queqiao" satellite is also a progress for foreign countries, and the "Queqiao" satellite can be used as a benchmark to refer to the "Queqiao" satellite built by the mainland, so that the samples can be sent back to the earth without having to carry out two exploration missions.

In this way, the United States will be able to obtain samples of the mainland's "Chang-5" and will not need to come up with the "Wolf Clause" to restrict the mainland, and it can be said that the construction of the mainland's "Queqiao" satellite will not pose a threat to the mainland's space industry.

The United States was approved for the application of Chang May soil samples, and the Queqiao satellite was also used! Does the Wolf clause still work?


The "Wolf Clause" is a U.S. sanctions law that suppresses U.S. adversaries, mainly for the purpose of restricting U.S. adversaries from accessing U.S. high-level technology and imposing sanctions, but the scope of this clause is only to restrict U.S. adversaries.

It is allowed to take it from the allies of the United States, so this clause does not play a role in the mainland's "Chang Five" sample, and even if this clause imposes sanctions on me, the mainland will not pay attention to it, because the mainland's sample is open to the whole world.

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