
Wuchang Institute of Technology: Establish a school with quality and develop the school with talents

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Zou Hao

Photojournalist Huang Shifeng

Explore colleges and universities on the cloud, and know all the wonders. In order to provide reference for the majority of candidates and parents to fill in the voluntary application, Jimu News specially launched the program "Jimu Cloud School Exploration 2024 College Enrollment Interview", inviting a group of college leaders and admissions leaders to be guests in the Jimu News 5G live broadcast room to provide guidance for the majority of candidates and parents.

On the afternoon of June 27, Jimu News invited Cao Xuefeng, director of the Admissions Office of Wuchang Institute of Technology, to introduce the characteristics of Wuchang Institute of Technology, enrollment policies and precautions for this year's voluntary application to candidates and parents. The program was simultaneously broadcast on the four major platforms of Jimu News Douyin, Video Account, Weibo and Client, and 100,000 people walked into the live broadcast room.

Wuchang Institute of Technology is a full-time undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The school was founded in 2002, and in 2012, it was transformed from an independent college to an ordinary private undergraduate university, and was renamed Wuchang Institute of Technology. The school's level is mainly undergraduate, and the state uniformly issues the enrollment plan for ordinary colleges and universities, and recruits students from all over the country, with the right to confer bachelor's degrees and the right to independently enroll students for ordinary college upgrades.

The school adheres to the school motto of "Virtue, Learning, Self-improvement, and Innovation", practices the teaching style of "dedication, self-cultivation, learning, and cultivating people", cultivates the style of "respecting teachers, being good at learning, being ambitious, and being diligent in practice". In 2019, the school was awarded the top 10 private universities in Hubei Province and the top 10 private universities in Hubei Province in the Guangzhou Daily Applied University Rankings. In 2020, the school ranked among the top 10 private universities in Hubei Province in the Guangzhou Daily Applied University Rankings. In 2022 and 2023, the school ranked among the top private universities in China on the website of the China Alumni Association for two consecutive years, ranking among the high-level private universities in China.

Wuchang Institute of Technology: Establish a school with quality and develop the school with talents

Moderator: First of all, please tell us about the location and size of the school.

Director Cao: The school is strategically located in the central urban area of Wuhan, bordering the Yangtze River in the west, Huangjiahu University Town in the south, Wuchang Uprising Gate known as the "Beginning of the Victory of the First Uprising" of the Xinhai Revolution in the north, and Wuchang Railway Station, one of the landmarks of Wuhan. Wuhan South Gate Expressway (Baishazhou Avenue Elevated) and Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge meet in front of the school, with superior location and convenient transportation. The school environment is elegant, the scenery is pleasant, and it is a palace of knowledge for students to pursue further studies. The school covers an area of 470,000 square meters, with a building area of 360,000 square meters and more than 12,000 full-time students.

Moderator: Many students and parents also want to know what are the conditions of the school?

Director Cao: The school has perfect operating conditions, with more than 1.32 million paper books, more than 3.22 million electronic books, and nearly 600 kinds of newspapers and periodicals in order. Modern education technology is fully equipped, with more than 16,000 seats in multimedia classrooms and language rooms; The school has 6 comprehensive experimental centers, more than 100 professional laboratories and more than 160 off-campus practice bases. The school has all kinds of complete sports and living facilities, and the campus is harmonious and orderly.

Moderator: We have learned that the talent training of the school is very distinctive, so what are the advantages of the faculty?

Director Cao: The school adheres to the strategy of "establishing a school with quality and revitalizing the school with talents", and has a team of teachers with reasonable structure, superb academics and noble morals. The school has more than 1,000 faculty members, 94% of the faculty has doctoral and master's degrees, and 35% of the teachers have senior professional titles, and a group of well-known domestic experts, senior professors, and doctoral supervisors serve as deans and discipline leaders of secondary colleges, and the school has hired more than 200 executives and technical experts from listed companies, government agencies, and industry associations as distinguished professors, and the faculty ranks in the forefront of similar universities.

Moderator: What are the advantages of the school's discipline construction?

Director Cao: The school has distinctive discipline characteristics and outstanding advantages, and has formed a discipline layout with engineering as the mainstay, and the coordinated development of six disciplines: engineering, management, economics, literature, art, and education. There are 10 colleges, including the School of Intelligent Manufacturing, the School of Information Engineering, the School of Urban Construction, the School of Economics and Management, the School of Accounting, the School of Art and Design, the School of International Education, the School of Physical Education, the School of Marxism, and the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and currently offers 44 undergraduate and junior college majors (directions). The university has 2 provincial-level advantageous and characteristic discipline groups, 7 first-class undergraduate major construction sites in Hubei Province, 2 pilot majors for transformation and development in Hubei Province, 4 disciplines selected for the Chutian Scholars Program, 1 key (cultivation) discipline in Hubei Province, 1 provincial first batch of key cultivation undergraduate majors, 3 undergraduate projects of Hubei Province Strategic Emerging (Pillar) Industry Talent Training Program, 2 undergraduate projects of "Professional Comprehensive Reform Pilot" in Hubei Province, and 2 projects of "Jingchu Outstanding Engineer Collaborative Education Program" in Hubei Province. The school has 1 national first-class undergraduate course, 34 provincial first-class undergraduate courses, 1 provincial teaching team, 6 excellent grassroots teaching organizations, and 7 outstanding young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation teams in Hubei Province, which is in a leading position among similar universities in the province.

Moderator: What is the current level of scientific research in the university?

Director Cao: The school regards scientific research as the source of teaching, has a strong academic research atmosphere, continuously improves the level of scientific research innovation ability and scientific and technological achievements, improves the quantity and quality of scientific research projects year by year, steadily increases scientific research funds, and achieves remarkable results in industry-university-research cooperation, which effectively promotes the improvement of teaching quality and the improvement of students' innovation ability. In the 2018 ranking of the number of papers published in the core journals of Peking University released by the Chinese Research Center for Scientific Bibliometrics and Evaluation, the number of core papers published by Peking University was 75, ranking first among similar universities in Hubei Province. In the 2018 National Ranking of the Number of Papers Published in the C Journal of Colleges and Universities Majoring in Humanities and Social Sciences (the Core of NTU), the number of papers published in the C Journal of Design Colleges and Universities of our university ranked 12th in the country. In 2020, the school's research achievement "Key Technology and Industrialization of Grain Processing Chain Efficiency Enhancement" won the third prize of Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. In 2022, the school won the China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Promotion Award, and is the only award-winning university in Hubei.

Wuchang Institute of Technology: Establish a school with quality and develop the school with talents

Moderator: The discipline construction and scientific research level of the school are indeed good, could you please introduce again what are the achievements of the reform of teaching and research?

Director Cao: The university is one of the leading universities in Hubei Province Collaborative Innovation Center approved by the Hubei Provincial Department of Education and the Department of Finance. In March 2014, the Ministry of Education's University Practical Teaching Equipment Research Center was established in Wuchang Institute of Technology, which is one of the first 14 educational equipment collaborative innovation research centers in the country and the only approved private university in the country. In November of the same year, the Hubei Provincial People's Government agreed to award the internship and training base jointly built by Wuchang Institute of Technology and other universities as the "Provincial Demonstration Internship and Training Base of Hubei Universities". Since 2015, the school has been jointly training master's students in mechanical engineering with Wuhan University of Light Industry. In 2016, the School of Mechanical Engineering was approved as a pilot college for university reform in Hubei Province. In 2017, 4 projects of the university were approved as provincial teaching reform research projects in colleges and universities in Hubei Province, ranking second in the number of similar universities in Hubei Province.

Moderator: Many students and parents want to know what kind of scholarship and financial aid system does the school have?

Director Cao: The school has a complete scholarship and aid system, with a perfect system of "awards, grants, loans, attendance, supplements, exemptions, and reductions" to subsidize students in difficulty, and to build a scholarship and aid system with outstanding student scholarships, special scholarships and grants as incentives, Guangwen Education Fund as the basic guarantee, national scholarships, national inspirational scholarships, national grants, and national student loans as the main channels, and school work-study as the basic way, so that students can be helped in distress and rewarded for their excellence.

Moderator: What are the achievements of the school in recent years?

Director Cao: The school has a strong cultural atmosphere and fruitful results in educating people. The school attaches great importance to the branding and characteristic construction of campus cultural projects, and has formed campus cultural brand activities represented by the selection of "The Most Beautiful Youth - Touching Campus Figures", the power of role model lectures, and club culture month. In 2011, the school won the National Outstanding Achievement Award for Campus Culture in Colleges and Universities. In the past three years, students have made great achievements in many discipline competitions such as the China International College Student Innovation Competition, the China College Student Engineering Practice and Innovation Ability Competition, the National College Student Electronic Design Competition, and the National College Student Software Design and Development Competition, and won 1,377 awards at or above the provincial level, including 398 national awards. In the 2023 National College Student Competition List, it ranked 259th in the country with 198 awards and a total score of 61.63 points, and ranked first among similar universities in Hubei Province. The employment rate of the school's graduates is more than 93%, which is higher than the provincial average, and the quality of talent training has been continuously improved, which has been affirmed by employers. The 08 civil engineering graduates are now the general managers of Jiangxi Guoli Construction Group and have become the leaders in the construction industry in Jiangxi Province; 08 graduates of international economics and trade are now the chairman and legal representative of Shandong Hualu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; The 13th batch of graduates majoring in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation worked as data scientists at the Amazon R&D Center in the United States. In order to promote the comprehensive development of innovation and entrepreneurship education, the school invested more than 4 million yuan in 2015 to build an innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base for college students. In 2018, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base for College Students was awarded the "Hubei College Student Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base". In 2023, the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the school was selected as the Hubei Provincial Innovation and Entrepreneurship College. In recent years, the school has achieved remarkable results in the tide of postgraduate entrance examinations, and many students have been admitted to "double first-class" universities and foreign universities for master's and doctoral programs with excellent results. There are also two "best postgraduate dormitories" in the School of Intelligent Manufacturing, and all 8 people in the two dormitories have been admitted to master's degrees.

Moderator: Finally, could you please give us a detailed introduction to the school's enrollment plan in Hubei and the precautions for filling in the application.

Director Cao: The school recruits 487 people in the general batch of undergraduates in Hubei, 887 people in the first choice of history, 816 people in the first choice of physics, 150 people in the undergraduate batch of physical education, 33 people in the design class of the art undergraduate unified examination, 193 people in the art undergraduate unified examination and 193 people in the art undergraduate unified examination and 10 people in the calligraphy class, 70 people in the undergraduate batch of computer science in the technical college entrance examination, 10 people in the construction technology class, 30 people in the general batch of higher vocational colleges, 30 people in the history class and 40 people in the first choice physics class. There are a total of five enrollment batches. For the general batch of undergraduates, the number of professional groups and major codes and major plans corresponding to the history class is on pages 90-91 of the 16th issue of the Hubei Admissions Examination; The number of professional groups and major codes and major plans corresponding to the preferred physics class is on page 91 of the 19th issue of Hubei Admissions Examination; The number of college professional groups, major codes and major plans corresponding to the undergraduate batch of physical education is on page 84 of the 13th issue of the Hubei Admissions Examination; The number of professional groups and major codes and professional plans of the corresponding colleges and universities in the design category is on page 31 of the 13th issue of the "Hubei Admissions Examination"; The number of professional groups and major codes and major plans corresponding to the art category is on page 39 of the 13th issue of the Hubei Admissions Examination; The number of professional groups and major codes and professional plans of colleges and universities corresponding to calligraphy is on page 49 of the 13th issue of "Hubei Admissions Examination"; For the technical college entrance examination, the number of professional groups and professional codes and professional plans of colleges and universities corresponding to computer and architectural technology is on page 159 of the 13th issue of the "Hubei Admissions Examination", and the number of professional groups and professional codes and professional plans corresponding to the general batch of higher vocational colleges and universities corresponding to the history class is on page 97 of the 22nd issue of the "Hubei Admissions Examination"; Physics is preferred, and the corresponding number of college professional groups, major codes and major plans are on page 24 of the 22nd issue of "Hubei Admissions Examination".

To apply for the civil engineering majors of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing, the School of Information Engineering and the School of Urban Construction of our school, you need to apply for physics and chemistry, and you need to apply for English as a high school language. The reference score for the undergraduate general batch is about 437 points for history + unlimited, about 450 points for the subject requirement of Physics + unlimited, and about 453 points for the subject requirement of Physics + Chemistry. The reference score of the physical education undergraduate batch is about 495 points. The art class can be filled in with a double pass line for the art class, about 510 points for the design class, and a double pass line for the calligraphy class. The reference score of the undergraduate batch of the technical college entrance examination is about 595 points, and the construction technology class can be filled in after passing the line. For the general batch of higher vocational colleges, the score of history + unlimited reference is about 300 points, and the score of physics + unlimited reference is about 350 points.

For voluntary filling, I have the following three suggestions: 1. Candidates with similar reference scores are recommended to fill in our school as their first choice; 2. Candidates with a score higher than the reference score of 10 points are encouraged to volunteer for the top three to fill in our school; 3. Candidates with lower than the reference score can be put in the first place to volunteer to attack. Candidates who apply for the undergraduate general batch of physics and choose chemistry, if they want to be stable, they can fill in the two professional groups of undergraduate physics 02 and 03 of our university. Candidates who apply for the art undergraduate unified examination and approval of the art class can apply for the design class at the same time if they want to seek stability.

The school provides students with the opportunity to change majors at the end of the first semester of their freshman year, and those who meet the conditions can transfer to a new major. Students who change majors are required not to fail the course, not to violate discipline, and to apply to the counselor within the specified time.

Our campus has a good location environment, strong professional characteristics, and excellent teaching teachers, and candidates who want to study in Wuhan are the best choice for Wuchang Institute of Technology. After the candidates volunteer to fill in, they can pay attention to the WeChat public account Wuchang Institute of Technology Admissions Office, call the admissions hotline 027-88151188, browser search URL, QQ consultation 800803555, you can learn more about the enrollment information of Wuchang Institute of Technology!

(Source: Jimu News)

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