
Buying a new home, finding an agent and going to see for yourself, the price is the same

author:The clouds are light and the wind is light and the Peng Road soars

When buying a house, look for an intermediary, although the channel offers promised verbally, the last 1 point is not preferential, but it is still recommended: there is a need to buy a house and there is no time, find an intermediary!

As the saying goes, no profit is early, the agent chooses the right house according to your needs, and then accompanies you to see the house, it is definitely to make money, but it is not to earn your money, it is to earn real estate money.

After looking for a good house, when looking for acquaintances who can talk to the real estate, it just so happens that the relative is the girlfriend of the sales manager of the real estate, and the real estate consultant is also a friend of the relative. The price, like the agent with the look, is just the sales manager applied for a 2 point discount.

When chatting with professional consultants, I talked about some micro-businessmen through commissions, so that customers can pull relatives and friends to buy things for the downline, which feels like pyramid schemes. The real estate consultant said: This is very normal, just like you buy a house, you come over at this price; the agent brings you over, or this price, our company has a special intermediary commission. It's a win-win, we sell the house, the agent makes money, and you find a satisfactory house.

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