
Fiction: She's upstairs, don't believe you're going to see for yourself

author:Blue read

I think she came to find Xing Yifeng, and she thought I lived here.

Anyway, it has something to do with Xing Yifeng.

"No, it's impossible! So, you and Xing Yifeng got along? Gu Rou'er looked shocked: "How long have you been in this room?" Xing Yifeng has been coming for more than half a year, in fact, you lived here half a year ago, you have been good with him for half a year? ”

According to her, Xing Yifeng had been seeing a psychologist for half a year, once or twice a month, and she now thought I was the psychiatrist.

"You, you misunderstood." I couldn't admit it, my mind turned, and I said with a serious face: "I have just arrived, and I am also looking for Xing Yifeng." ”

"Are you looking for Xing Yifeng and you jumped out of the window?" Gu Rou'er still had a little burn on her face, and her eyes were full of scrutinizing light when she stared at me deadly: "Are you with Xing Yifeng, say!" ”

"I wasn't with him." I glanced up at the top of my head, and Sister Man hadn't found me yet, and I had to solve it quickly: "With her is another woman, who claims to be Xing Yifeng's psychiatrist, just upstairs, don't believe you can see it yourself." ”

"I'm going to see? I'm gone and you're gone, right? Gu Rou'er sneered, "Are you fooling ghosts?" You are wearing Xing Yifeng's pajamas, you are sleeping with Xing Yifeng! ”

She said in affirmation, and as she spoke, she walked up to me and looked at me with a disdainful look: "You still said that Lan Zhiwei was your friend before, did she know that you wore Xing Yifeng's clothes?" Do you know that you and Xing Yifeng sleep? ”

"Do you sleep with your girlfriend husband and your girlfriend know?"

"You misunderstood." I stepped back a little, my brain hurting: "I didn't sleep with him, you have to look for him upstairs, I have something to go out." ”

"Also said that Lan Zhiwei is your friend, or for her to fight with me, the result?" As soon as I turned my head, I put the man to sleep! ”

She didn't know why she slept with Xing Yifeng, no matter how I explained, she didn't listen, and she stopped me from leaving, and scolded me for being a little third.

"Ha, it's really funny, when I was good with Xing Yifeng, I was Xiao San, you came under the banner of Lan Zhiwei, and the result also became Xiao San, which is really interesting!"

She seemed very sad, but she was very relieved, and her voice shouted high: "You slut, I said why Lan Zhiwei never appeared, was she already angry at what you did?" You—"

"You're insane! Do you think Xing Yifeng is a fragrant feast? Who's going to come up and take a bite? I didn't want to argue with her at first, I just wanted to leave, but she pulled me hard and refused to let go, so I threw her hard and retorted loudly: "I tell you, I already have a favorite person, and what I like is Su Qing!" ”

Su asked this excuse I really said in passing, I had always used Su Qing as a shield, but now suddenly I brought Su Qing out again, I don't know why, my heart suddenly froze.

Gu Rou'er was thrown by me, staggering backwards, she grabbed my arm, but did not catch it, but she fell a little, fell backwards.

I wanted to take advantage of this time to run, but as soon as I turned around, I heard Gu Rou'er suddenly shout in surprise: "Wind! ”

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