
Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

author:Big Brother said movies

Hello everyone, today's big brother brings you a living humanistic film to make a thriller feeling of the god film "Luce", this movie will make you understand that the real evil people are always smiling, I hope you like.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Luce was a handsome guy with a smile on his face forever. The mother was a doctor, and the father should be a middle-class manager, a standard Middle-Class American family.

Luce is a good student with good character and excellent learning, the main force of the school's football team, track and field team and debate team, and is loved by the principal and has a promising future.

Luce is the epitome of the American Dream because he was a child from war-torn parts of Africa, most likely a child soldier, adopted by his own white parents at the age of 10. From a physically and mentally damaged African boy to now a good student recognized by society for his good character and good character, his success marks the success of the American social system.

Luce was perfect and a source of pride for all.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

But on this day, Luce's mother was invited to the school by the fat teacher to talk about some of Luce's problems.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

After a moment of greeting, the two of them sat down, and the fat teacher said: "I recently assigned an essay to the students, I asked the students to choose a historical figure, and then explain the views and behaviors of the character from a first-person perspective, so that the students can understand the character from different perspectives." ”

"Is there something wrong with what Luce wrote?" Mama Lu was a little confused.

"Luce didn't have a problem writing, but he chose Franz Fanon." The fat teacher said solemnly.

"Franz Fanon, who is this man?" Mama Lu was even more confused.

"He was an African revolutionary, and his philosophy was that violence was the necessary and only means for the success of a revolution." The fat teacher explained.

"I still don't quite understand what the problem is?" Mama Lu was still confused.

At this time, the fat teacher began to say very implicitly, because of Luce's special background, coupled with the views he expressed in this essay, combined with the current environment of frequent campus horrors, so she privately checked Luce's locker. Fortunately, the fat teacher is also black, otherwise such behavior would definitely be considered racial discrimination.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Mother Lu naturally felt very angry and said loudly, "You are clearly violating my son's right to privacy." ”

The fat teacher, with an expression that I knew you would say, took out a paper bag from the drawer without hurrying, and said steadily: "I found this, a bag of illegal and very dangerous fireworks." ”

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Mother Lu is speechless now, this is to catch a current ah.

The fat teacher continued: "Today I came to you to tell you that this matter is only you and I know about this matter now, we all know about children, but if outsiders find out, it will be difficult to say, so you take the composition and fireworks back first and have a good chat with him." ”

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Lu's mother is a good mother, although Luce is not her own child, but she does see it as her own, she spent a lot of energy to turn Luce from a child who has suffered great physical and psychological trauma to a sunshine superior student who is now loved by everyone, so after she thought about it again, she decided not to mention this matter to Luce first, but to hide the fireworks first.

But what she didn't expect was that Luce had found his composition and the bag of fireworks, and he seemed to understand something, and he started searching the Internet for the fat teacher's personal information.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile
Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

The next day, in a mock debate tournament, Luce invited many teachers to help as opponents, and he focused on the privacy of students and the fat teachers.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Subsequently, Luce found the fat teacher alone and had a conversation full of hints, especially pointing out that his favorite holiday was Independence Day, because there were fireworks, which directly made the fat teacher feel a threat, and it was clear that there was something in the words.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

The fat teacher called the child's father directly this time, because it was obvious that the child's mother was unreliable.

It was obvious that Papa Lu was more sensible and attached importance to this issue than Mother Lu of the Virgin's Heart, and despite Lu Mama's obstruction, he directly asked Luce why there was a bag of illegal, extremely dangerous fireworks in your locker?

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Luce replied that my friends on the track and field team shared lockers, we mixed things, and the fireworks were not mine, which sounded very reasonable. However, Lu Dad did not believe it, so a big family quarrel began.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Lu Mama is sandwiched in the middle, on the one hand, she believes that her son is kind and innocent, on the other hand, she also feels that Lu Dad's words are not completely unreasonable, so she decided to contact her son's ex-girlfriend, hoping to know more about her son.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Luce's Korean ex-girlfriend happily agreed to come out to meet, and after a conversation, Lu's mother learned about the girl who had drunk too much at the party and was molested, but Luce persuaded his girlfriend to remain silent. As a white woman with the heart of a virgin, Mama Lu is obviously very dissatisfied with her son's approach.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile
Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Unexpectedly, the Korean girl then appeared at the door of the fat teacher's house, and although she did not know what to say, the fat teacher immediately went to the principal and said that Luce was involved in a sexual assault.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

After receiving a notice from the principal informing parents to come to the school for negotiations. Lu Mama can no longer bear it, she directly confronted Lu Si what happened that night, why he wanted his girlfriend to keep silent, but Lu Si is worthy of the main player in the debate team, a speech about Lu Mama's strong desire to protect and make him feel pressured, so that Lu Mama is not only speechless, but also feels guilty.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

The final conversation began, and after some mutual apologies and mutual understanding of the nonsense, the fat teacher and Luce finally turned their faces completely, but when the fat teacher extracted the witness, the Korean girl waiting in the next classroom disappeared, and the fat teacher began to realize that he had been tricked.

However, the fat teacher was not reconciled, she raised the last question, the fireworks problem, but what she did not expect was that Lu Mama denied on the spot that the fat teacher had personally handed over the found fireworks to her, this time, the fat teacher completely became a bad teacher who framed a superior student with illegal fireworks without any evidence, personal threats to her and also involved sexual assault.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile
Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Do you think it's all over, not at all, that night, the fat teacher's desk appeared fireworks spontaneously, causing a fire, the fat teacher this hundred mouths are difficult to argue, directly expelled.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

When Mama Lu learned that there was a fire at the school, she rushed home, but when she found that the fireworks she had hidden were gone, she began to feel confused, on the one hand, she realized that perhaps the fat teacher's accusation was right, on the other hand, she was still stubbornly believing that her son was innocent.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Lu's mother decided to have a good talk with her son, but Luce said that he was on his way to the fat teacher's house, and he knew that the fat teacher had been fired, so he went to comfort her.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

Luce and the fat teacher had a very deep conversation, how to understand this conversation, you need to see it yourself.

Mother Lu was worried that her son and the fat teacher were in conflict, so she hurried over, and when she arrived, she just saw Luce come out, she didn't call him, she just silently followed behind, and finally came to a log cabin in a wood. Through the window, she couldn't believe that Luce and the Korean girl were doing something indescribable.

The film ends with Luce giving a speech as an honors student, and as to whether he really did those bad things, the film does not give the result.

Big Brother says the movie — Luce — the evil behind the smile

The film "Luce" is a controversial film in recent times, mainly because the issues discussed in the film are too many and too wide, human nature, social system, education system, etc., and more importantly, the film does not give a clear answer, so the whole film is too thought-provoking. On the one hand, professional film critics praised it, calling it "the most important black film of the decade." On the other hand, some people think that the depth of this film is deep enough, but in the end they did not understand what they wanted to say.

My personal level is limited, so I can't explore anything that is too deep. My only feeling is that Luce, the protagonist, is full of smiles, courtesy, and sincere feelings throughout the film, but the things that are obviously manipulated by him are really chilling. Especially when I watched it a second time, many details were noticed again, and the protagonist's smile definitely made you feel a deep evil.

A film about social humanities, it is vividly made into a thriller feeling.

It's not an entertainment-oriented movie, but if you like that kind of movie with a lot of depth, it's definitely not to be missed.

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