
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden

author:Liangzhou Fusion Media

In the middle of summer, stepping into the Liangzhou Botanical Garden, it is like being in a quiet but vibrant green world, with warmth in the silence and romance hidden in the haze. When night falls, the botanical garden is colorful and dreamlike, weaving a beautiful picture of nature, so that people's souls can be comforted and sublimated in this peace. Citizens are here to exercise, enjoy the scenery, enjoy the cool weather, play, and find a comfortable "summer time".

Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden
Photos丨Colorful scenery in the Liangzhou Botanical Garden

Source: Wuwei Daily

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