
As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

author:Uncle Nanshan
As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

What is "Long Night Dream"? According to the literal interpretation, the long night dream refers to the long night time, the number of dreams, we generally use the metaphor of time delay, things may occur a variety of adverse changes. In fact, at the level of being a person, we must also pay attention to the "night long dream", otherwise, when we do some things that should not be done, and can not be satisfactorily solved, we will encounter the situation of long night dream, at this time, we often can not deal with the situation that appears, become very passive, very embarrassing, very failed. So, in what ways should a person avoid long nights?

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

First of all, if we can't climb the seat, we must avoid long nights and dreams. A person, in a certain unit, or enterprise, always has its own position, and sometimes, we look forward to climbing to a higher position through our own efforts. And the high position, not everyone can get, so we may think about the seat we want to climb, or even look at the tiger. And when we can't get this position, or when we don't have the means to get close to it at the moment, we fall into a trance, dream-like state.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

What we think about every day, even whimsically, must be how we approach and get to this position. Over time, such an idea becomes a situation in which the night is long and dreamy, and the things that the night is long and dreamy are often either impossible to get by themselves, or eventually fall behind others. Therefore, as a person, we must know how to avoid the night long dream, too much desire, can not get, we have to find a way to give up; and if you can get, we must work hard in time, with their own real ability to obtain, only in this way, we can avoid the night long dream more adverse changes.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

Secondly, if we don't get the tickets, we must avoid long nights and dreams. The wealth that a person has in a lifetime is limited. When we walk at a certain stage of life, sometimes there will be opportunities, or there will be some kind of convenience, and priority will be given to the opportunity to obtain certain resources. However, not all resources allow you to get a legitimate income, and in many cases, some tickets are very tempting when you can't go and have them.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

At this time, your heart is crawling with caterpillars, itching, unable to help yourself. As soon as you reach out your hand to get a ticket illegally, then, presumably, you are already in a state of panic. At this time, the dreams you have dreamed a lot of nights are estimated to be the various punishments you have suffered after illegally obtaining tickets. Therefore, a person, in the face of a ticket that is not his own, must not think of using illegal means to have, can not get the ticket, we must know how to give up decisively, only in this way, we can avoid the long night dream of suffering.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

Third, we can't think of men (women), we have to avoid long nights and dreams. When people arrive at a certain time, there will always be some men or women around them, who attract us with their unique charm. Sometimes, we always want to be closer to them, and some even want to steal a little "fishy" from them, and get a little "spiritual comfort" from outside the family.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

In fact, this is a very dangerous idea, and people who have such an idea will inevitably encounter a situation where the night is long and dreamy. When you think of a certain opposite sex, over time, you either try to get closer in a certain way, or think wildly all day long, as a result, for a long time, a person will inevitably fall into a very unfavorable psychological state, and sometimes, even if you achieve a certain goal, you estimate your own heart, but also suffer from some kind of suffering. In the days when the night is long and dreamy, what is brought to oneself is always an unfavorable burden of thought, and even a bad change.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

Therefore, if a person wants to avoid the unfavorable situation of long nights and many dreams, in addition to not having undesirable thoughts, he must also understand that the things he can solve must be decisively handled and solved. Problems that you can't do and can't solve must be given up in time, even if you can't have it for a while, it's better than suffering from more dreams every day.

As a person, we should try to avoid long nights and dreams

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