
【Sou Shen Ji 02】Ancient full-level immortal cultivators, take dragon seeds, ride carp, and become a miracle doctor if they are not immortals

author:Notes on watching the crane


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[7] The one who boiled the eagle was pecked by the eagle: the faint monarch and the demon ministers turned their eyes, and the retribution was really unhappy

What happens when a person is dissatisfied with his desires? Everywhere is right and wrong, causing trouble. What happens when two dissatisfied people meet and go toe-to-toe?

During the Xia Dynasty, there was an immortal cultivator named Shimen, who was said to be the apprentice of Xiao's father. Xiao's father was originally from Jizhou, and in the early years, he made a living by mending shoes in the bazaar, and he didn't hear it, and then he flew into an immortal because of his longevity, and he enjoyed the folk fireworks offerings. Legend has it that when the master learned the art of fire, he could also self-immolate and ascend to the immortals, and feed on peach blossoms all year round, so he has the appearance of an immortal.

【Sou Shen Ji 02】Ancient full-level immortal cultivators, take dragon seeds, ride carp, and become a miracle doctor if they are not immortals

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Emperor Xia Kongjia heard that this person was good at dragon control and recruited him as a dragon master. It's a pity that the master is talented and assertive, and he can't always act in accordance with Kong Jia's wishes. Kong Jia asked him to go east, but he had to go west. Although Kong Jia is not a Ming Jun, he is a gentleman anyway, and he has the power of life and death in his hands. The master is not long-sighted, and his own life is still in the palm of someone's hand, so he dares to break with his boss, and he will not end well. So Kong Jia found a reason to kill him, and abandoned him in the wilderness.

Kong Jia's approach is indeed unkind, everyone is killed, and he doesn't care about burying the corpse. Unfortunately, that night, the wind and rain were blowing, the thunder and lightning were flashing, and the grass and trees on the mountain were burning. Everyone said that Shimen Yu had become an immortal. Kong Jia was afraid of his revenge, so he prayed for him to repair the temple, but before he could return to the palace, he died halfway. (For the original text, see "Sou Shen Ji, Volume 1, Shimen Makes Fire")

The story of Shimen is very similar to Liu Lei, another dragon master in the Kongjia period, Liu Lei is the ancestor of the surname Liu and takes the dragon as his business. It is recorded in the "Historical Records" and the "Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty", I wonder if Liu Lei and Shimen are the same person? Let's talk about Kong Jia's death. As a famous faint monarch in the history of the Xia Dynasty, when Kong Jia was alive, he could be said to have aroused the anger of the heavens and people. It is said that he was burned to death by a wildfire. But it is unknown whether the heavenly fire is man-made or man-made. In short, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, and Kong Jia is a typical example.

[8] Full-level immortal cultivator Ge You: A peach in Suishan, happy like a fairy, the truth is extremely scary to think about

Can cultivating immortals really make people happy? Why is it difficult to return to the world after feathering and ascending to immortals, is it the difference between humans and immortals, or is it the eternal separation of heaven and man? Only the immortal cultivators themselves know.

We all know that Zhuge Liang has made wooden cattle and flowing horses, but few people have really seen it. In fact, Zhuge Liang is not the first person in the ages, and no one is thousands of years earlier than him.

When Zhou became king, there was a Qiang man named Ge You in Shu, who liked to carve, so he carved a wooden sheep and rode it to the market to sell. At that time, the skill level of the carpenter industry was not developed, not to mention the wooden sheep that could walk, even the wooden sheep that could not walk, which was rare enough. The dignitaries and dignitaries in Shu were surprised when they saw someone riding a wooden sheep from afar. In addition, Ge You was very good at fooling, and many nobles believed it and followed him to Suishan.

Suishan is in the southwest of Mount Emei, towering into the clouds, not seeing its top, like a fairyland. Legend has it that there is a kind of peach on the mountain, which is extremely delicious and was planted by the immortals. None of these nobles who followed Ge You up the mountain came back, and it was rumored that these people had all obtained the immortal way.

Therefore, there is a proverb: "If you have a peach in Suishan, although you can't become an immortal, you can do whatever you want without restraint." As a result, there were more than ten shrines of Ge You at the foot of Suishan Mountain. (For the original text, see "Sou Shen Ji, Volume 1, Ge You Cheng Mu Yang")

Being fooled is not a stupid thing that modern people would commit; The ancients would also be fooled. The so-called concern is chaos, and the more people care about something, the easier it is to fall into it. Ge You rode a wooden sheep on the street to attract attention; After achieving his goal, he immediately cut to the chase and began to fool these dignitaries into going up the mountain to cultivate immortals with him. The aristocracy usually had enough food and clothing, and the only thing they wanted was immortality. Ge You can be said to be in a word, these people obediently followed him up the mountain.

I don't know that it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down, but when I get to the mountain, I can't help them. Maybe it's because no one has come down the mountain, so whether Ge You really has a way to go, who will know the truth? It's scary to think about.

【Sou Shen Ji 02】Ancient full-level immortal cultivators, take dragon seeds, ride carp, and become a miracle doctor if they are not immortals

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

[9] Cui Wenzi, who is not a god and a miracle doctor: To be a doctor, you must also have a backer

As the saying goes, the stones of other mountains can attack jade. Selling and boasting is sometimes really bad. Especially in ancient times, the doctor's profession was particularly important. But when you haven't accumulated enough reputation, the teacher is very important, otherwise no matter how good your medical skills are, no one will dare to believe you.

In the Qin Dynasty, there was a doctor named Cui Wenzi, a native of Taishan, Shandong, who was good at Huang Lao's skills, and once sold medicine in the Xianyang area for a living. One year, there was a huge epidemic in Xianyang City, and tens of thousands of people died. The so-called doctor's parents' heart, Cui Wenzi's enthusiasm for saving lives and helping the injured suddenly surged into his heart. Besides, who doesn't want to make a name for themselves, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At first, I didn't believe him. After all, he is just a medicine seller on the street, who would believe that he can cure the epidemic that Chinese doctors are helpless. So he moved out of his mentor, Prince Joe.

Prince Qiao, whose surname is Ji Jin, and whose name is Qiao, is the crown prince of King Zhou Ling. The official history says that he died young before he could succeed to the throne. This person is a good sheng, sensitive and studious, and erudite in ancient and modern times. There is also a legend that when he was swimming between Yiluo, he met a Taoist priest Fuqiusheng, who was led up to Songshan Mountain and became an immortal.

But Wang Ziqiao has a gap of more than 200 years from Cui Wenzi, how did the two intersect? It turned out that Prince Qiao had turned into a white neon and came to see Cui Wenzi with an immortal medicine. Cui Wenzi was surprised when he saw Bai Ni, so he picked up a handful of Changge and threw it into the air. Unexpectedly, the fruit was white, and the immortal medicine fell.

When Cui Wenzi leaned over to look, he was surprised to see that the elixir was actually one of Wang Ziqiao's shoes. He hid his shoes in the house and covered them with broken baskets. After a while, the shoe turned into a big bird. Cui Wenzi was curious, moved the broken basket, and the big bird flew away after circling in the house a few times.

After saying this, people thought that Cui Wenzi's medicine was given by immortals, so they bought it one after another, and sure enough, the epidemic was quickly controlled. Cui Wenzi has made a name for himself since then. (For the original text, see "Sou Shen Ji, Volume 1, Cui Wenzi Xuexian")

It is not easy for any industry to become famous, especially the first pot of gold, without celebrity support and platform endorsement, who will believe you? Walking in society, without trust, it is simply difficult to move an inch.

[10] Jiang Taigong's low-profile version of Guanxian: It's never the fish that is fished, but the hearts of the people

Most of the people who know how to fish are calm and are masters of building momentum. For example, Jiang Taigong, the hook is never a fish, but a bole. Unexpectedly, more than 500 years later, in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was another rising star, will this person be as lucky as him?

In the spring and autumn period, there lived on the banks of the Jushui River a cultivator named Guanxian, who was said to be more than 100 years old. Interestingly, although this man was engaged in fishing, some of the fish he caught were sold for money, and the rest were released on the spot, and some were raised by himself. This person wears a crown and a belt, and has a fairy spirit, which is completely different from the fishermen. A good seed of saple lily, feeding on its flowers and fruits, this thing has the effect of aphrodisiac and longevity.

Song Jinggong heard that Guanxian lived for more than 100 years and regarded him as a strange person, so he asked him for advice on the art of immortality. Guanxian was reluctant to tell him. Song Jinggong was furious and killed him.

The reversal of things was just a few decades later, and an old man in Confucian clothes and a crown belt suddenly appeared on the gate of the Song Kingdom, and he stroked the qin for dozens of days. The old man was exactly the same as Guanxian. The news that the crown first died and came back to life, and became an immortal on the gate of the Song Kingdom, spread throughout the Song Kingdom for a while, and every household sacrificed to him. (For the original text, see "Sou Shen Ji, Volume 1, Guanxian Fishing")

Song Jinggong wanted to live forever, and if he didn't succeed in asking Guanxian, he killed him, which was too arbitrary. Not to mention whether Guanxian is really a person who has attained enlightenment, only to say that he lived for more than 100 years, there is no evidence. Song Jinggong not only believed the rumors, but also believed the truth, which shows that his name is so faint that such a monarch will inevitably be extinct in Li Minsheji.

However, a few decades later, the person who stroked the qin at the city gate was the real master, and he knew how to use the stories of his predecessors to build momentum, and he would definitely make great achievements. Reading this, we can't help but think of the method of the snake slasher Liu Bang.

[11] Qin Gao, a momentum expert: Take the dragon and ride the carp, he can be regarded as having understood the matter of "cultivating immortals".

The matter of cultivating immortals is too ethereal. Nine times out of ten, it's all a fool. Self-cultivation and practice exercises, these can be had; But it is an exaggeration to turn into an immortal and soar through the clouds. But the ancients liked it, believed it, and enjoyed it. Many people make a career out of this, and they can be regarded as finding a good job opportunity.

A famous painting in the Ming Dynasty is called "Qin Gao Riding Carp", which is written about the story of an immortal cultivator Qin Gao taking a dragon and riding a carp during the Warring States Period. Who is this piano high? He was a native of Zhao State, and in the early years, because he was good at playing the qin, he was named Qin Gao, and became the attaché and personal assistant of King Kang of Song. Speaking of this, it is the main business of Qin Gao; The next thing to talk about is his side hustle and where he became famous.

Qin Gao also has a powerful identity - an immortal cultivator. It is said that he learned the art of Juan Peng at an early age. What is the "Juan Peng's Technique"? Juan refers to the Qi people Juanzi, lived for 300 years, once fished in the Heze area, got carp, legend has it that there is a wind and rain charm in the belly of the fish, and Juan Zi soon became a fairy; Peng is what we read earlier, the Peng Zu who lived for 700 years. The common trait of these two is longevity. The techniques that Qin Gao learned and later performed are copies of these two.

Although Qin Gao entered the Song court as a servant, he may have returned to Zhao after Zhishi. It is said that he traveled around Zhuojun for more than 200 years before refuge. Where did it go? Legend has it that it is Zhuoshui. Living under the water is too exaggerated, and it is possible to live in seclusion in the Zhuoshui area. But Kotogao is not a person who can endure loneliness, and soon the news came that he had taken the dragon child. What is a dragon son? It is an animal that looks like a dragon. It may be a giant salamander, and there are many in the Yellow River Basin, which is what we commonly call baby fish.

The disciples soon got the news and rushed in. Qin Gao agreed with his disciples that the next day he would clean himself and fast, and temporarily build a shrine on the bank of Zhuoshui to carry out a sacrificial ceremony. After all, catching the dragon is not a trivial matter, and it is beyond the reach of divine power.

The next day, something magical happened. There were tens of thousands of people who attended the ceremony, and I saw Qin Gao riding a big red carp from the water, sitting in the ancestral hall, and accepting people's sacrifices. This is really thinking of himself as a god.

This sacrificial activity lasted for a whole month, and people came to worship and worship every day, and Kotoko became a "living immortal". A month later, he disappeared into the water, and has not been heard from since. (For the original text, see "Sou Shen Ji, Volume 1, Qin Gao Fetch the Dragon")

【Sou Shen Ji 02】Ancient full-level immortal cultivators, take dragon seeds, ride carp, and become a miracle doctor if they are not immortals

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

I have to say that Kotoko is really an expert in building momentum. was originally an ordinary pianist, and being an attendant by the monarch's side has been dreamed of by many people. Unexpectedly, he was not satisfied with the status quo, but actively looked for opportunities, and created opportunities by himself when there was no opportunity. From the beginning of the so-called practice of "Juan Peng's Technique", his life was destined to take another path.

Since then, he has started his own plans. First of all, he took the dragon son to build momentum, carried out sacrificial activities to attract traffic, and made the disciples spread the news everywhere. It attracts a large number of believers. The story says that tens of thousands of people gathered, probably a total of people who attended the event for a month. After all, the area on the bank of the river is small, and thousands of people are already present at the same time, and no matter how many people there are, King Zhao will send troops to maintain order, what if the crowd gathers?

The sacrificial activities were held for a month, and the worship of the believers alone was enough for them to eat for a long time, plus there were dignitaries and dignitaries who came...... It is conceivable that it is full of money, which is enough for them to be free for a while. It shows that in any era, if you want to make money and become famous, you can't rely on selling stupid strength, you have to rely on IQ.

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