
The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

On January 14, 2022, the Aoling New Blue Brand Product Solution Conference with the theme of "Practicing the New Blue Brand and Leading the New Value" was held in Beijing. Zhang Chunlai, deputy general manager of Aoling brand, admitted in an interview with China Truck Network reporter before the press conference that the small partners around him almost stayed up all night in exchange for the smooth progress of the conference. So, what kind of launch is so important?

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

Witness the speed of Aoling non-stop to release models that comply with the new regulations of "blue brand" light trucks

The reason is that after the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Production and Registration Management of Light Trucks and Small and Micro Passenger Vehicles" on January 13, 2022, Aoling quickly launched and launched models that meet the new regulations of "Blue Brand" light trucks on the 14th with sufficient market planning and layout.

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

Zhang Chunlai, deputy general manager of Aoling brand, said in an interview with China Truck Network reporter: "As a single brand production and sales champion in the field of light trucks, Aoling's first model in the industry that meets the new regulations of 'blue brand' light trucks tends to have a strong sense of mission. Aoling is preaching to the majority of participants in the field of logistics and transportation that meeting safety standards, ensuring safe transportation and continuously meeting customer needs will be the future development trend. ”

At the same time, Mr. Zhang believes that after the release of the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Production and Registration Management of Light Trucks and Small and Micro Passenger Vehicles", it will promote the growth of models that meet the new regulations of the "blue brand" light trucks. This is due to the inevitable decline in single-vehicle capacity due to compliance, while the total amount of logistics and transportation is still growing. But this process of release may take a certain amount of time to accumulate.

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

It is reported that on the day of the press conference, all regions of the country in line with the "blue brand" light truck new regulations of the Aoling model has been fully laid out to offline terminal dealers, and some of the first batch of models have successfully passed the on-line test of the vehicle management office. The Auling light truck model equipped with The Oukang 2.5-liter engine has sold more than 2,000 units, and Aoling already has a very comprehensive technical reserve, which can be the most well-prepared enterprise to deal with the new regulations of "blue brand" light trucks.

Four major advantages highlight the new regulations of the "blue card" to enlarge the advantages of Aoling light trucks

With the continuous reduction of freight rates, the reality of not overloading and not making money has forced vehicles to overload and overweight, and compliance and lightweight have become an irreversible trend in the development of the light truck market.

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

Zhang Chunlai, deputy general manager of Aoling brand, said frankly: "With a keen sense of market smell, Aoling has laid out in advance in the engine, and has begun to build a fast-moving BUFF version of the Aucom power 2.5-liter engine a long time ago. This product, which is fully positively developed, has been vigorously promoted since the '521' blue brand light truck empty car overload large ton small standard incident and the 2020 State Council Safety Committee issued the "National Three-year Action Plan for Special Rectification of Work Safety". ”

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

Mr. Zhang believes that the Oukang 2.5-liter engine products, which draw on Fukang's advanced technology in Germany and The Isuzu technology, coupled with the help of Fukang's 2.5-liter engine products, make the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Production and Registration Management of Light Trucks and Small and Micro Passenger Vehicles" a major positive for Foton Automobile and Aoling. At present, Aoling has formed a situation of "double Kang competition" between The 2.5-liter engine of Aucon and the 2.5-liter engine of Fukang.

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

According to Mr. Zhang, Fukang engines have sold more than 1.5 million units worldwide, and have also created the only engine products manufactured in China and successfully sold back to Europe and the United States. Among them, Fukang's 2.5L displacement has been sold 3,000 units, making it the most technologically mature new engine of the same class in the world.

In addition to Fukang and Aucom Power, Aoling has also introduced very mature products in the market such as Dewei and Quanchai to create a power chain, so that Aoling has the strongest 2.5-liter engine power alliance in the industry.

It is reported that the Aoling model that meets the new regulations of the "blue brand" light truck uses the "ant elephant" lightweight + high-load technology platform released by Aoling in 2020, just like the effect of ants moving elephants. Through design innovation, structural innovation and material innovation, Aoling light trucks can achieve lightweight while also meeting the different needs of customers.

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

What is more unique is that the original box produced by Aoling definitely represents the highest level in the world, and the product has many highlights such as laser cutting, disposable stamping molding, automatic welding by robots, anti-corrosion of cathodic electrophoresis and automatic spraying by robots. Aoling original factory compartment uses the same process as the body, compared with the products produced by hundreds of thousands of small workshops, it has incomparable advantages in aesthetics, reliability and lightweight, making it easy to stand out among many similar products.

It is reported that Aoling meets the "blue card" light truck new regulations of the model product line, from undertaking the "blue card" light truck along the small blue card M card (the current small card and the future micro card), to the Aoling Express BUFF version, youth version, climbing tiger and refrigerated car polar bear and other blue light trucks themselves, and then to the newly launched Golden Ao Ling, Aoling Yutu II and other models, to fully achieve the "blue card" light truck market products are the most complete, the market segment products are the most specialized advantages. Mr. Zhang laughed: "If the 'blue brand' light truck can no longer meet the demand, you can choose the yellow card model Bumblebee mini and Bumblebee model, Aoling can really have a product that can meet the actual needs of customers." ”

The new regulations for "blue card" light trucks have just been released, and the new car of this brand has been delivered

Affected by the epidemic, the global economy is slowly recovering, while the domestic economic development is still in the lead. However, Aoling has always been cautiously optimistic. Zhang Chunlai, deputy general manager of Aoling brand, said very realistically that Aoling's sales in 2022 or will increase by several thousand units compared with 2021. It is believed that with the full launch of Aoling's models that meet the new regulations of the "blue card" light trucks, it is only a matter of time to complete this goal. Perhaps, Aoling will bring us great surprises in 2022, let's wait and see!

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