
Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

summer. Under a row of lush green camphor trees, Bai Jingting looked back in a school uniform jacket; his eyes were clear, his temperament was gentle, and his white shirt seemed to smell of washing powder dried by the sun.

He is the public wall of star-chasing girls (an artist with good feelings except for honmei idols), plays the first love of middle school, a harmless teenager with a harmless temperament, an ancient spring dreamer, and continues to maintain a clean and sunny school grass image in film and television works. In 2016, this freshness began to be broken.

In the "Star Detective" series of variety shows, Bai Jingting showed a logical and meticulous side, and in the past few years, he has successively tried the role images of newcomers, athletes, SWAT captains and other characters with different personalities.

At the beginning of the new year, the "Beginning" starring him was launched for two consecutive weeks to occupy the first place in the popularity list of Maoyan network dramas, with a Douban score of 8.2 points. The circle of friends of young people is constantly screened, "Am I entering the cycle again?" "A sharp increase in attention and fame focused on him for a time.

Someone finally realized that Bai Jingting was indeed a little different.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat
Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Born in Huairou, Beijing in 1993, Bai Jingting grew up accustomed to the feeling of being surrounded by mountains. His family was average, his father drove taxis for a living, his mother was a housewife, and until his son's debut, the family lived in a rented house. But for Bai Jingting, his parents were particularly pampered and have always given him care far beyond his own economic level.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Bai Jingting's childhood photos do not remember the age of things, Bai Jingting began to learn the piano, first the electronic piano, and then the piano. One day, when the teacher casually said "buy a piano" during class, Bai Jingting asked about the model, and when he returned home, he found that he had a piano.

That piano was priced at about 15,000 yuan 20 years ago, the price was high, and it cost the family's savings to buy it, and the parents borrowed 8,000 yuan from someone.

In the house they rented, the bedroom could only fit a bed, and the three people slept in a small bed. But for the sake of his son, the precious piano was easily bought back by his parents and placed in the narrow aisle outside.

The body is new and bright, and the rental house is dilapidated. This contrast made the young Bai Jingting feel out of place, and it was also particularly painful.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Bai Jingting played the piano in "The Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived"

Therefore, when he was in middle school, his most vivid memory was not the bean juice and brine that All Children in Beijing love to eat. Instead, he set off from his home in Huairou and took a one-way 2 or 3-hour long-distance bus on Jingmi Road to the city to prepare for the piano exam. It was a feeling of extreme motion sickness.

But to make himself better, he had to do it frequently. Preparing for the art exam in high school is also a hard experience. The family's money is not enough for him to attend professional teachers for a long time, so he cannot pay by online transfer.

Bai Jingting would go to class each time with a wad of cash, and the teacher would pinch the class after 45 minutes and then take the money away. He understood that the family had no savings because his parents had invested directly in his only son, so he practiced desperately with a heart of "sorry for his parents if he did not enter the ideal school".

After all, as long as you practice well, you can learn more things in class and save money to take classes again.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Later, this spirit of extra effort was also applied to many fields other than piano.

During the college entrance examination, Bai Jingting jumped from the second to last in the cultural score of the first year of high school to the second in the whole correction number, and was admitted to the Capital Normal University; during the college period, he submitted the resume of the film and television company, participated in the draft, interviewed the trainees of the Korean company, and actively sought opportunities in front of the stage.

In 2014, when he auditioned for a small role in the web drama "Hurry That Year", he also wondered, everyone wears school uniforms, how can he wear school uniforms better? Thanks to the carefully prepared, youthful appearance, Bai Jingting, who had not studied acting, was not originally selected, and the next day, the crew felt that his temperament was suitable, and called him back to audition and give people a role.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

"The Year of Hurry", Bai Jingting as Qiao Yan

This time, he learned very quickly, the more he read the lines, the smoother he became, and finally won the role of male No. 2 Qiao Yan from the audition of male N. It was also after this youth drama that Bai Jingting decided to take the actor as a profession, and successively played the gentle elder Chu yuan in "Whirlwind Girl", the rebellious Gao Xiang in "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", the taciturn Gu Nanyi in "Huang Quan", and the sunny Lu Zhiang in "The Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived"...

Lu Zhiang is his fourth time to play a male high school student, he laughed and said that he always played some juvenile images, and did not go to college much. But it is also these characters with soft facial lines and warm personalities that help him take on the imagination of many female audiences.

Around 2018, Bai Jingting began to call the "four major walls" together with Liu Haoran, Wu Lei, and Yi Qianxi. That is, there is no black material, good quality, and the fans like the most artists in addition to their own destiny.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

This is a symbol of audience popularity. However, in the early days of his debut, Bai Jingting was still working hard for the closure and introversion of his personality. Before the age of 22, he was not very accustomed to the work mode of show business, fearing to communicate with people, and things were pressed in his heart. This fragility and sensitivity have caused great trouble to acting. One day, Bai Jingting found that if he could be more open to himself, he could help to shape the role. He understood that it was time to start changing.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

The beginning of the liberation of nature was that Bai Jingting did not want to play the same role anymore. Although he was used to acting in high school when he first debuted, he never thought he was handsome, and he felt that none of the scripts he received wrote that the role was a handsome person.

Through styling and team, anyone can achieve the so-called "handsome" feeling, but what about handsome? "No one is going to stare at a guy for a long time just because he's handsome."

Bai Jingting said. After filming "The Year of Hurry", he gradually became clear about his ideas in his junior year, first of all, he had to work hard to be a good actor, and secondly, he hoped to become a producer and director in the future, and have more voice in the film and television industry. He did not want to play in the youth drama for a lifetime, but tried to challenge more diverse characters.

In the first movie "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", Bai Jingting played the role of the teenager Gao Xiang, with a rebellious personality, which was different from the previous image.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

In "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", Bai Jingting as Gao Xiang is a fairly young crew, just debuted a year or two Bai Jingting became the most senior actor, forcing him to open himself, flow more with others, and bring everyone together to integrate into the role.

This special experience brought him a breakthrough in his performance understanding, giving him a sense of belief that he could control a completely different role from himself.

As Michael Jordan, Bai Jingting's idol and basketball player, said, "When I first scored a dead end, I found that I could do it, and the second and third times followed." He understands that acting must also pass through one difficulty and one difficulty, accumulate a sense of certainty, step by step, and fight steadily, otherwise it will be irresponsible to himself and the role.

In the next 2 years, he took over the filming of "Ordinary Glory", "Glory Ping Pong", "You Are My City Fortress", "Early Morning" 4 dramas, from the workplace newcomer to the athlete, and then the SWAT, and finally played two roles.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

In "Glory Ping Pong", Bai Jingting plays Xu Tan

Moreover, it must have accumulated sports experience in "Glory Ping Pong" before Bai Jingting is willing to take over the role of SWAT captain in "You Are My City Fortress". He does not want to blindly take over the role and act for the sake of acting, but believes that the most important thing is to accumulate life experience and acting experience, so that he can be convinced that he can enter the role and pass the image to the audience.

This is the performance of the actor cherishing feathers. The other side of Bai Jingting's liberating nature is to have a goal and a choice in the field variety show. "Star Detective" is one of his few resident variety shows, and in each episode, he will play a different image, actively communicate with people, throw stems and stalks, and adapt to changes.

In this series of variety shows with a Douban score of 8.3 to 9.3, he showed a variety of interesting personalities such as "white rap" and love of shoes to more young audiences, and broadened the external side through the program. It also gives the audience a sense of confidence in his logical, polite and sincere image.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Bai Jingting, "Star Detective", but contrary to his temperament with Sven and no aggressive appearance, Bai Jingting's heart is a rational, independent, and "ball controller" who has a desire to control the development of things.

After filming "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", quite a number of brokerage companies in the industry took the initiative to find Bai Jingting, who was in the smoke and smoke of Vanity Fair, and he instead thought about whether the other party really understood himself? How can career planning be more long-term? He began to compare his acting career to the basketball court, determined to be a person who dominated the ball.

Together with the agent he knew when he debuted, he established the self-employed "Bai Jingting Studio". Going it alone brings a lot of autonomy, but it also loses a lot of good resources.

Bai Jingting simply went all the way to the end, sifted through the completely inappropriate script, and then discussed with the team on the script. The quality of film and television dramas in the market is uneven, some scripts he can't read, and the best scripts will not directly find him. He was not in a hurry, there was no drama after the work was over, and he began to rest, pull the film, and slowly wait for a breakthrough script.

Bai Jingting also cares deeply about the details he gives to the audience in the play.

In "Ordinary Glory", Bai Jingting played sun Yiqiu, a newcomer in the workplace, and finally had a lot of pressure because of the promotion of work. He felt that if the character was emaciated and could not support the clothes, it would definitely be conveyed to the audience, and he could not support the feeling of the job. He began to accurately control the weight, control the diet, only chew the peanuts after the play every day, and then go to sleep after the addiction, hoping that the audience can intuitively get the feeling of the characters from their thin appearance.

During that time, he was 183 centimeters tall and weighed on the scale every day, keeping his weight at more than 110 pounds, "slightly fat is not good at all." And the first attempt at costume roles, playing Gu Nanyi's beautiful role in "Huang Quan", Bai Jingting later revealed on the show that he had reduced his weight to 108 pounds at that time. He Jiong, who is officially 172 centimeters tall, sighed in surprise at the side, saying that he had 110 pounds. Bai Jingting's face was very calm. Once in the group, the body is not his own, just to serve the role, he always believes so.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

The recent hit "Beginning" is Bai Jingting's first attempt at suspense. In an interview, he revealed that when filming "The Beginning", before each scene, the crew will comb through the timeline like playing ben kill, and the actors will substitute for their own roles, talk about creative ideas, and straighten out logic.

This kind of start-up process is a bit like the "Star Detective" series of variety shows. And Bai Jingting's "lonely life" and "high IQ" personality that are deeply rooted in the "Ming Detective" program also allows the audience to have preconceived notions about the "Beginning" starring him.

People who have just started to chase the drama always feel excited to say that they are chasing the 7th season of "Star Detective", and many people have a desire to explore this new series because they believe in Bai Jingting. This linkage between good variety shows and good dramas confirms the spark of Bai Jingting's image and role collision.

And, as an actor, he can always calm down and choose the rationality that suits his role.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Bai Jingting, "The Beginning"

The entertainment industry is the place where fame and fortune are most concentrated, in a small range, a lot of fame and fortune, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of impermanence, a lot of competition. Shining men and women, looking in a hurry, come and go, and no one is the eternal protagonist.

The top stars of the past, after soaring, fell silent and disappeared. In 2015 and 2016, when the rice circle culture was the most popular, Bai Jingting officially entered the public eye, but he kept a distance from fame and fortune at the beginning. Before buying a thing, every drama and variety show, he would seriously ask his heart, whether this could have a deeper meaning for himself.

When filming "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", there were many magazines, businesses and activities that found Bai Jingting, which was an easy and more expensive job than filming. In the play, there was a scene where he filmed back and forth for a month, and he always had to carry a paraglider to fly down from a different old building. The metal frame in the paragliding paraglider is more than 20 pounds, and there is a high-voltage wire tied to it, and there is a strong current on the metal frame, which may be fatal once it encounters high-voltage electricity.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Worried about distraction, resulting in poor film shooting and poor picture presentation, Bai Jingting pushed away the short-term activities that can become famous and make quick money.

During the filming of "You Are My City Fortress", he spent several months at the SWAT training base in Beichuan, Sichuan, eating and living with real SWAT team members. Admiring the tanned faces of the special police, "from the side, the faces are all sunken in", Bai Jingting began to gain muscle and lose weight, and also set the goal of having a concave and convex face. Not only does it get close to the character, but it also increases the physical strength required to shoot action scenes.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

If Bai Jingting's work and rest are irregular, he will not be able to sleep. Some nights, when he loses sleep, he always looks through previous interviews to see what has changed along the way. There have been good and bad changes, but what has not changed is the most important goal in the acting career.

After all, he still wants to be a good actor.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Bai Jingting has played basketball for more than ten years, and also "loves shoes as fate", and has publicly said on the show that the face can be stepped on, and the shoes cannot be stepped on. But his favorite is still his hometown Huairou. The small town surrounded by mountains to the west and south is the most familiar place in the world for Bai Jingting. He doesn't have to look at the navigation to know where there is food and beauty; he can dial out the numbers of many friends without looking at the address book.

In Huairou, everyone lives close to each other, and they are also close, and they have always been like a quiet and leisurely peach blossom garden, full of humanity.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat


When he was in elementary school, Bai Jingting walked for 15 minutes and was able to call out nearly 10 classmates to come out to play, and now that more than ten years have passed, he feels that Huairou has not changed, and the relationship between people has not changed. If you're looking for a party with friends, just knock on the door. This simple and slow life also made him feel at ease.

Once upon a time, Bai Jingting, who was born in Beijing, and his parents could only live in a rented house in Huairou. In 2016, Bai Jingting paid his parents for the film and bought a mansion worth more than 100 million yuan in his hometown. The spacious living room and luxurious understated home accessories give him a sense of security. Finally, the costumes of each work were collected by the mother, and together with her son's piano, they were placed in the place where he grew up. Bai Jingting felt particularly proud, feeling that his parents had worked hard for half their lives, invested in themselves, and did not waste.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

Bai Jingting Mansion

But he's also not obsessed with making money, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, likes to play ball, and occasionally plays games. Agent Su Weiming feels that Bai Jingting is very simple, because his parents have never told him that "people are poor and short-minded", always guide their children to independent choices, and fully support him. This kind of love gave him the soil for healthy growth and the confidence to live freely. When he was in college, Bai Jingting finally arrived in the beijing area.

Haidian has a lot of children with a Beijing accent, and he sometimes envies their extroversion and "publicity", can speak, make friends, and be willing to express, how good. But in the city, he felt small and lonely, and he knew that the character traits he longed for were never his own.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

So what does the real Bai Jingting look like?

In one show, he took his long-time friend and director of "Ordinary Glory" Lu Xing back to Huairou, strolled through Longshan in the afternoon sun, and finally stopped in a pavilion to watch the sparkling river, where someone was driving a boat and walking slowly.

A huge sense of security wrapped him up, and he smiled and recommended to Lu Xing that he could come to Huairou to shoot next time.

After all, here, how beautiful, how quiet.

Hundreds of millions of mansions Bai Jingting, not small fresh meat

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