
February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Occurrence: February 1, 2022

Impact period: January 31, 2022 - February 2, 2022

Astrological importance: ★★★★★

Focus on influencing constellations: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

On February 1, 2022, we will usher in the Aquarius New Moon, this Aquarius Crescent represents new life and change, is a new moon with very strong innovative energy, its arrival will sweep away the accumulated pressure and past baggage in people's lives, open a new chapter of life, usher in a new atmosphere. People will feel that their mobility has improved, everything can be carried out with great vigor and power, they will be eager to try new things, and life will begin to become lively and busy.

In addition, this Aquarius New Moon also drives the energy of Saturn, making people face old problems and need to start planning new stages, during which there will be a lot of creative inspiration and desire to get rid of the constraints of the past.

At the same time, the crescent moon falls on Aquarius, which represents the relationship between the group, so people will also enter the best period for gathering, reunion, and meeting new relationships, which is the most warm time for various relationships. Any new idea may form a very different situation.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Let's take a look at what effect the Aquarius New Moon will have on the horoscope of the 12th sign, and see Rising & Sun Signs at the same time.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Aries: The social fortunes of the Aquarius New Moon are booming, generating some idealized ideas, and new future prospects and expectations are being nurtured and beginning to stir. During this time, matters related to interpersonal communication and customer communication will gradually enter a stable situation and slowly be implemented.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Taurus: During the Aquarius month, there will be a high outlook for the career, but at the same time, you will feel the constraints of reality. Work and financial issues slowly return to order, and some people may start a new project or career plan.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Gemini: This new moon is a good time for you to face your future plans, make study plans and travel plans, and some people will have plans to study abroad, or they will participate in skill assessments, business trips, and travel. This period of time is easy to get good results in terms of school and travel.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Cancer: This new moon may bring you some income, such as red envelopes, arrears of money to get back, etc., and the matter of negotiating loans with others will be settled in the near future; some people will start a new financial plan, plan travel, or go through the procedures related to studying, immigrating, and traveling.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Leo: During the Aquarius New Moon, things that negotiate and negotiate with people will gradually have the goal of implementation, such as cooperation and agreement finalization. For people with partners, the recent relationship with their partners will have a new look and beginning, talk about some things clearly with each other, and have new cognition and preparation.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Virgo: The work is in good shape, the Aquarius crescent is easy to receive new work tasks, and some people will change jobs and jump jobs. Many trivial things in life are gradually solved, and there will be a new look.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Libra: The arrival of the Aquarius New Moon will restore your sanity in your feelings and help you see the problems that exist in your feelings. This is a good time to move forward with relationships, and some Libras may experience things like confessions, dates, singles, etc., or have pregnancy plans, or even receive news of pregnancy.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Scorpio: During the Aquarius New Moon, the internal situation of the family gradually eases, such as the restoration of relationships with the family, and the ability to communicate with each other rationally and effectively; the housing negotiations of those who are ready to buy a house are carried out to the final stage and begin to prepare for implementation.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Sagittarius: During the Aquarius New Moon, they become more aware of their thinking, can focus on their own ideas, and try to implement plans. Academic luck improves, some people will start some short courses, or plan to travel, but they are still not sure of many things in their hearts.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Capricorn: Negotiations on finance have been going well recently, with some people starting to implement new business plans and start making a pot of money and focusing on financial planning; others spending a fortune on something to negotiate in the near future.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Aquarius: The arrival of the Aquarius New Moon allows you to begin to have a new inspiration for your next development direction, to begin to prepare for a new stage, and to refresh the whole person's mental state. Recently, I am still very focused on my inner thoughts, and I am eager to try many things, and I can get a lot of good opportunities. In addition, the social state is also very active, not only re-establishing contact with old friends, but also meeting new people.

February 1 Aquarius New Moon Strikes! 12 constellations will solve old problems and look to the future!

Pisces: During the New Moon, your escapism is serious, especially if you want to escape the eyes of the outside world, worldly pressures, and so on. You may also have strange dreams or have special inspirations.

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