
People's Daily | Of the 254 important standards adopted by Fuxing, 84% are Chinese standards

author:Yongdeng release

Original title: Among the 254 important standards adopted by Fuxing, Chinese standards account for 84% -

High-speed rail technology sets an international benchmark (a new direction for the economy)

People's Daily | Of the 254 important standards adopted by Fuxing, 84% are Chinese standards

In Guilin, Guangxi, a Fuxing EMU train passes through the Xingfuyuan Bridge of the Guiguang High-speed Railway.   Photo by Feng Rongquan (Image China) Data source: China Railway Group

"High-speed rail technology sets an international benchmark". On June 24, the "Fuxing high-speed train" won the special prize of the 2023 National Science and Technology Progress Award.

Today, the Fuxing high-speed train has become the EMU train with the highest commercial operation speed and the most abundant operation scenarios in the world.

From snowy plateaus to tropical rainforests, from the shores of the Bohai Sea to the hinterland of the desert...... The Fuxing high-speed train has been running on the vast land of the motherland, and by the end of 2023, it has operated safely for a total of 2.34 billion kilometers.

The Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, with a total length of 1,318 kilometers, can be reached in 4 hours and 18 minutes at the earliest; Guinan high-speed railway, Fuxing strung together "colorful Guizhou" and "beautiful Guangxi", half a day can be realized to travel small seven holes, snail powder...... From a bustling metropolis to a quiet and peaceful village, high-speed rail reconstructs time and space. By the end of 2023, the Fuxing high-speed train has carried a total of 2.2 billion passengers.

Launched in 2013 and made a wonderful appearance in 2017, from catching up to leading, Fuxing measures the pace of a great country and engraves the height of China's innovation.

Why was the Fuxing developed?

Foreign technology platforms and foreign standards restrict further development

Back in 2004. In the face of the rising demand for railway "speed-up", the mainland began to track the world's high-speed rail technology, and successively introduced high-speed EMU technology from Japan, France, Canada and Germany.

In 2007, the Harmony EMU train was officially launched, and then a series of products sprung up like mushrooms after a rain and were mass-produced and put into use. By the end of 2012, a total of 816 high-speed EMUs of the Harmony series had been put into use in mainland China, with a total mileage of 1.16 billion kilometers.

The Harmony is so powerful, why did you develop the Fuxing?

It turns out that the introduction of multiple parties and the overtaking of corners are like a double-edged sword, which not only buys valuable time for the development of China's high-speed rail, but also leaves the problem of compatibility.

"We have introduced four different technology platforms from abroad: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 5. Models developed based on different platforms are difficult to interconnect with each other, from the layout of the carriage and passenger capacity, to the coupler, brake blade and other components, which brings great challenges to the actual operation. Zhao Hongwei, chief researcher of China Academy of Railway Sciences Group Corporation, introduced.

One of the simplest examples is the driver's console. The introduced Type 1 car has one handle, Type 2 car has 2 handles, and Type 3 car has 3 handles, and the driver's operation interface is also different, so the high-speed rail driver has to learn each model.

The bigger trouble is that the maintenance parts have not yet been unified, and the maintenance is complicated.

"EMUs are put into operation every day, and they have to be overhauled every day, and if the parts are worn or broken, they must be replaced in time." Shan Wei, deputy director of the locomotive department of China Railway Group, said that this requires the maintenance department to prepare a variety of spare parts, and the operating cost is high.

More importantly, looking at the world, no country has such a long distance of high-speed rail operation as China, and no country has such a complex operating environment. "Some imported models are inevitably 'unadaptable' and need to be innovated." Ye Yangsheng, chief engineer of China Railway Group, said that with foreign technology platforms, every upgrade and transformation cannot bypass software updates, and sometimes foreign experts have to be invited to solve the problem.

He Huawu, then chief engineer of China Railway Corporation, has a profound experience that although we have mastered the technology of the Harmony EMU, many technologies are still independently innovated and developed, but due to the use of foreign technology platforms and the adoption of foreign standards, further development has been restricted.

He Huawu said to the scientific research team: "We must develop Chinese standard EMUs and firmly control the development of the leading power in our own hands!" ”

Innovation is imperative.

"The purpose of digestion and absorption is independent innovation. From the day we were introduced, we were ready for independent R&D. Ye Yangsheng said that to build a high-speed rail technology system led by China and with Chinese characteristics as soon as possible, its design, manufacturing, testing, acceptance, operation and maintenance must follow Chinese standards.

How to build Chinese standards?

Independent research and development of key technologies such as car body and bogie, and independent development of software

"A high-speed train with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour is composed of more than 40,000 parts, covering many technical fields such as machinery, metallurgy, materials, power electronics, chemical industry, and information control." Wang Jun, chief scientist of CRRC, said that coupled with the mainland's unique ultra-large-scale road network, complex geographical and climatic conditions, and ultra-long-distance continuous high-speed operation conditions, the independent research and development of high-speed trains is facing unprecedented difficulties.

Taking the train network control system as an example, it is responsible for completing the control and monitoring of high voltage, traction, braking, auxiliary power supply, doors, etc. on the EMU, as well as the transmission, processing, storage and display of all control information and fault information on the EMU.

The software development of the train network control system requires a set of simulation test platform. At that time, when Zhao Hongwei inquired about the purchase from foreign companies, he either had no news from the sea, or explicitly refused to offer and sell. She was not reconciled, and led the team to start from scratch, from scheme design, drawing implementation to wiring test, etc., and it took only one year to build a simulation platform by herself.

The platform has been built, but network chips and network cards cannot be bought. What to do? Make your own! All the source code of the network software is written by itself, and the team has realized the hardware and software of the train network control system of China's standard EMUs, so that China's EMUs truly have a "Chinese brain".

In order to reduce noise, more than 3,000 sound insulation tests of different materials and structures were carried out, and finally the Fuxing ran at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, and the minimum noise of the carriage was as low as 65 decibels; In order to reduce the running resistance and energy consumption of the vehicle, simulation analysis and wind tunnel tests were carried out on more than 40 schemes, and finally the aerodynamic resistance was reduced by 14%, and the per capita energy consumption per 100 kilometers was reduced by 20%; In order to realize the optimal control of harmonics of the whole vehicle, we design, analyze, test and optimize again and again, and finally develop a new control plug-in to reach the international leading level......

Looking back, on the journey of independent innovation of Fuxing, the R&D team has made breakthroughs in core controls such as traction, braking, and network, as well as key technologies such as the design and manufacture of wheels, axles, and gearboxes. Of the 254 important standards adopted by Fuxing, Chinese standards account for 84%. The overall design of the EMU and the key technologies such as the car body and bogie are all independently developed, and the software is all independently developed, with completely independent intellectual property rights.

How big is the Fuxing family?

There are more than 100 core enterprises and more than 2,100 affiliated enterprises that design and produce EMU parts

In June 2015, China's standard EMUs were unveiled, and two Fuxing EMUs were successfully assembled, debugged and rolled off the assembly line. However, there is still a long way to go.

"High-speed rail is not only designed, but also tested." Ye Yangsheng said. National Railway Test Center, Daxi High-speed Railway, Zhengxu High-speed Railway, Harbin-Dalian High-speed Railway...... In more than one year, Fuxing traveled about 610,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to running 15 laps around the equator.

Finally, after tens of thousands of simulation calculations, ground tests, and line tests, in 2017, China's standard EMU trains obtained the type certificate and manufacturing license, and in June, the Chinese standard EMU named "Fuxing" was unveiled.

In September 2017, Fuxing achieved commercial operation at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway; In December 2019, autonomous driving at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour was achieved on the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway; In June 2021, the plateau internal electric dual-source power centralized EMU drove into Tibet and Lhasa, and the Fuxing covered 31 provinces......

Today's Fuxing, the family system is getting bigger and bigger-

Covering different speed levels of 350 km/h, 250 km/h and 160 km/h; Including 8 cars, 16 cars, 17 cars and other marshalling types; It is divided into different traction modes of power concentration and power dispersion; It includes different configurations such as standard, alpine and intelligent...... The Fuxing family meets the travel needs of passengers in an all-round way.

Today's Fuxing has driven the rail transit industry of "strong and strong" -

From R&D, manufacturing to operation and maintenance services, there are more than 100 core enterprises and more than 2,100 affiliated enterprises that design and produce EMU parts, and a world-leading rail transit industry has emerged.

According to data from the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, the scale of the mainland's rail transit equipment industry will reach about 480 billion yuan in 2022 and is expected to reach about 600 billion yuan in 2025.

Today's Fuxing has gone abroad and become a national business card——

In December 2021, the China-Laos Railway was put into operation, and Fuxing went abroad for the first time. In October 2023, a high-speed train with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour developed based on the Fuxing technology platform was put into operation on the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in Indonesia, marking the first overseas landing of China's high-speed rail system, all elements and the whole industrial chain......

By the end of 2023, China Railway has presided over a total of 65 ISO, ICE and UIC international standard formulation and revision projects, participated in 249 international standard formulation and revision projects, and all 11 system-level international standards in the field of high-speed rail of the International Union of Railways have been formulated by China Railway.

Revisiting history and looking forward to the future, why can Fuxing? Why can Chinese railways?

Leapfrogging, rooted in the strong advantages of the new national system.

Concentrate on doing great things. The development of Fuxing has been carried out from the central to the local, from scientific research and innovation, production organization to industrial application, from planning and design, engineering construction, equipment manufacturing to operation and management, with the participation of many supporting enterprises, nearly 100 universities and scientific research units.

Leapfrogging, rooted in the railway spirit of challenging the limit.

From the "Jiefang" and "Jianjian" steam locomotives to the "Dongfeng" diesel locomotives, the "Shaoshan" electric locomotives, and then to the Harmony EMU and the Fuxing EMU...... Different types of "locomotives" with different power carry the important mission of promoting national development in various historical periods.

Leapfrogging, rooted in the overall leap of industrial strength.

Rail transit is one of the most abundant categories of industrial chain, value chain and market chain in the equipment manufacturing industry. The production of a Fuxing EMU involves all aspects of the industrial system. From the inability to manufacture relevant parts and components to the best in the world, behind the increasing maturity of the Fuxing is the overall improvement of the mainland's industrial strength.

At present, China's railway science and technology innovation team is making every effort to promote the development of CR450 high-speed EMU, which is a new generation of EMUs with faster speed, more energy saving, more environmental protection and safer.

On the wheels and rails, the power is surging, and the pace of innovation never stops.

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