
Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

Recently, the News of "Su Zhen's departure" broke on the Internet, I thought it was just a joke, after all, Su Zhen is a heavy minister of Huawei, but I did not expect that Huawei officials responded to this, four words: Blessing Su Zhen. From this point of view, Su Zhen did leave Huawei. So why did Su Zhen leave his job?

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

First of all, let's first talk about who su zhen is? From the perspective of seniority, Su Zhen is a well-deserved heavy minister of Huawei. When he first joined Huawei, he started from Huawei HiSilicon and was a technology bigwig. Later, when Huawei was developing the intelligent car business, Su Zhen assumed the position of president of BU's intelligent driving product line and concurrently served as the chief architect.

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

The name of Su Zhen was first known by the majority of netizens, that is, at the press conference of baiqi polar fox alpha S, because of the autopilot system solution ADS launched by Su Zhen, Huawei's automatic driving technology was a sensation, and many people also remembered Su Zhen's name. But Su Zhen, who became famous in World War I, seems to have drifted a little. At the 2021 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Su Zhen spoke amazingly, but also caused trouble.

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

Su Zhen released the remark that "Tesla's autopilot technology [kills] people", which also makes Huawei the target of public criticism. And Su Zhen's departure has a lot to do with this remark. Abandoning Su Zhen is really helpless, Ren Zhengfei is helpless, Huawei's decision is very difficult, but it is also a last resort.

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

Perhaps some people can't understand that Tesla does exist and there have been many safety accidents, Su Zhen's statement may be too direct, but it is not unreasonable, why should Huawei give up talent? In fact, this is not the first time that Su Zhen has come out of his mouth, before that, Su Zhen has made controversial remarks many times, for example, Huawei's automatic driving is the world's first, and fully automatic driving cannot be achieved.

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

After Su Zhen "touched porcelain" Tesla, Ren Zhengfei personally signed the appointment and dismissal documents, and included Su Zhen in the reserve team, at that time many people felt that maybe this matter had a turnaround, Ren Zhengfei still wanted to keep Su Zhen, but did not expect that the end was like this. But if he is a senior pollen and knows something about Ren Zhengfei, he will know that Su Zhen, who can't control his mouth, is no longer suitable for Hua Wei.

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

Ren Zhengfei is very disgusted with the managers who "pull and step" on their peers, and Su Zhen just happens to like "pulling and stepping" his peers. Even in the critical moment when Huawei was suppressed by the United States, Huawei maintained a sense of reverence for international giants such as Apple, and regarded Apple as a "teacher" rather than an opponent. Ren Zhengfei has advocated the value of "learning from opponents" for many years, but Su Zhen has just sung the opposite tune, which has seriously affected Huawei's corporate image.

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

As we all know, Ren Zhengfei is a person who pays great attention to talents, even if he is a fresh graduate, Huawei will not hesitate to recruit with an annual salary of millions, but it does not mean that he can act arbitrarily. Since you work at Huawei, you must recognize Huawei's corporate culture, so Su Zhen's departure is also expected. But was Su Zhen's career ruined like this?

Ren Zhengfei is very helpless, Su Zhen disaster came out of his mouth, and was dismissed by Huawei for "offending" Tesla?

Not necessarily! Nowadays, self-driving talents are "scarce" in the market, not to mention the top talents trained under Huawei's wolf culture, Su Zhen still does not have to worry about "where to go" after leaving Huawei, but to worry about Huawei's situation, what do you think about this? Welcome to comment and leave a message!

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