
Henan Kaifeng Spring Festival online cultural tourism activities hit

CCTV news: The Spring Festival of 2022 is coming, and under the premise of complying with the requirements of epidemic prevention work, the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism of Kaifeng City, Henan Province, will carry out a series of online cultural tourism activities.

Henan Kaifeng Spring Festival online cultural tourism activities hit

Kaifeng Zhuxian Town woodblock new year painting has a long history and is a national intangible cultural heritage, Kaifeng Museum will hold the "National Woodblock New Year Painting Joint Exhibition" activities, while carrying out online research activities. Among the intangible cultural heritage, Kaifeng has many special foods, such as soup dumplings, peanut cakes, etc., which will be broadcast on the online platform in the form of a series of short videos. During the Spring Festival, various scenic spots will also carry out a wealth of online activities, such as the China Hanyuan Stele Forest will open a "Welcome Tuofu Character" rubbing online teaching class, the Great Song Dynasty Royal River Scenic Area will open a large class to learn the ancient and the present.

Henan Kaifeng Spring Festival online cultural tourism activities hit

The New Year painting group exhibition enjoys the New Year

Henan Kaifeng Spring Festival online cultural tourism activities hit

Intangible Cultural Heritage Taste New Year

Henan Kaifeng Spring Festival online cultural tourism activities hit

Jingyuan linkage to celebrate the New Year

The relevant person in charge of the Kaifeng Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism said that the Spring Festival series of online activities will be launched through the People's Culture Cloud and the bureau's official WeChat, Weibo, video number, Douyin number and other platforms. (Reporter Su Jin correspondent Bian Wen)

Source: CCTV

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