
Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?
Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

First, let's talk about the history of Henan Province. Henan Province belongs to China's large grain province and population province, and the whole province is mainly based on plains. Henan province produces dumplings, ham sausages, instant noodles, etc., accounting for more than half of the country. Henan Province has a total population of more than 98 million, second only to Guangdong Province and Shandong Province. Due to the relatively large number of plains, Henan Province has almost no danger to defend in ancient history. Once the northern nomadic cavalry broke through the Yellow River, on the Qianli Plain, the infantry of the Central Plains Dynasty had difficulty resisting the northern nomadic cavalry.

As for shangqiu city in ancient times, it was known as Song Prefecture, and Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, once served as the envoy of Song Prefecture. Therefore, during the reign of the Song Dynasty, Shangqiu became the Nanjing Yingtianfu of the Song Dynasty (Kaifeng in Tokyo, Luoyang in the West, Yingtian in Nanjing, Daimyo in Beijing). In the 13th century, after the rise of the Yuan Dynasty in the north, in a few decades, it successively eliminated the regimes of the Great Jin Dynasty, the Dali State, the Western Xia State, and the Southern Song Dynasty, and established a huge dynasty with a vast territory.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

However, with the expansion of the territory, the Yuan Dynasty also had times of worry. Because the Yuan Dynasty lacked local management experience, in the face of thousands of counties and hundreds of state capitals that were densely packed throughout the country, the Yuan Dynasty could not be busy at all. The complex population and arable land data in various places made the Yuan Dynasty have no clue. The two-level division of prefectures and counties implemented during the Tang and Song dynasties was not suitable for the Yuan Dynasty. The 15 roads of the Tang Dynasty and the 23 roads of the Song Dynasty also have their own problems. In the end, on the basis of the 23rd Road of the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty summed up the experience of the Jin Dynasty Xing Shang Shutai.

Coupled with their own actual needs, they introduced a provincial system and divided the country into 10 provinces. For example, Lingbei Province, Gansu Province, etc., of which Henan belongs to Henan Jiangbei Province, and the provincial capital is Kaifeng Province. Although the Yuan Dynasty established a provincial system, there were also many problems in all aspects. First of all, the division of provinces is unreasonable, and management is very difficult. Second, the institutions in the various regions are very rough and inefficient. In 1368, after Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he further adjusted the division according to the actual needs of the Ming Dynasty.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

After the Ming Dynasty's ancestor Zhu Di moved the capital, the Ming Dynasty formed a division of 13 provinces directly under the north and south. The general divisions of many provinces in China originated in the Ming Dynasty, such as Henan Province, Guangdong Province, and Jiangxi Province. Compared with the current division, all aspects are very close. In Henan Province, a series of prefectures and prefectures directly under the administration were established, such as Kaifeng Province, Guide Province, Runing Province, Nanyang Province, Xuzhou Prefecture, Chen Prefecture and so on. GuideFu is the predecessor of Shangqiu City, as of now, Shangqiu City still has Guide Avenue and its own Song City.

At that time, Guide Prefecture administered Suizhou, Shangqiu County, Ningling County, Luyi County, Yongcheng County, Yucheng County, Kaocheng County, Zhaocheng County, and Xiayi County. At that time, parts of Zhoukou City and parts of Kaifeng City were under the administration of Guide Province. For example, Kaocheng County and Luyi County, Luyi County is now part of Zhoukou City, and Kaocheng County has become part of Lankao County, Kaifeng City. In the 17th century, after the Qing Dynasty established its own rule, it readjusted the divisions of each region according to its own needs.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

In the end, a pattern of 18 inland provinces was formed. Among them, the division of Henan Province has basically not changed, and it is still the model of several provinces and several directly subordinate prefectures. In 1912, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, China entered the stage of warlord melee. Henan Province belongs to the land of four wars, and has suffered drought, locust plague and military disaster, and all localities have been seriously damaged. In the blink of an eye, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a series of work such as post-war reconstruction, restoration of production, and economic construction were carried out one after another.

In Henan Province, a series of special zones have been set up, such as Kaifeng Special District, Luoyang Special District, Shangqiu Special District and so on. Due to various reasons, Yongcheng County was temporarily assigned to the management of the Anhui Northern Branch Office District, and was only returned to the Shangqiu Special District in 1952. In the same year, Kaocheng County merged with Lanfeng County to form Lankao County, which was under the administration of Kaifeng Special District. In fact, in the long river of history, the origins of the three regions of Kaifeng, Shangqiu and Zhoukou are very deep.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

At that time, Shangqiu Special District had jurisdiction over Shangqiu County, Yucheng County, Minquan County, Sui County, Ningling County, Xiayi County, Zhecheng County, and Yongcheng County, a total of 8 counties. In 1953, after the Huaiyang Special District was abolished, six counties, including Huaiyang County, Taikang County, Luyi County, Yancheng County, Shenqiu County, and Xiangcheng County, were assigned to the administration of the Shangqiu Special District. During this period, there were 14 counties under the jurisdiction of Shangqiu Special District. In 1958, the Shangqiu Special District was abolished and transferred to the kaifeng Special District. Suddenly, there were 19 counties under the jurisdiction of Kaifeng Prefecture.

In fact, the jurisdiction is too large and has its own problems. Under the traffic and communication conditions at that time, the county that was managed was too large and there was great difficulty. Therefore, in 1961, the Shangqiu Special District was re-established and continued to administer the original 14 counties. In 1965, after the establishment of the Zhoukou Special District, it was divided into 6 counties of the Shangqiu Special District and returned to the Zhoukou Special District. As a result, the number of counties under the jurisdiction of the Shangqiu Prefecture dropped to 8 and basically stabilized. At the end of the 1960s, after all the special districts in the country were adjusted to regions, the Shangqiu Special District was renamed Shangqiu District.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

In the same year, Shangqiu County was abolished and Liangyuan District and Suiyang District were established. As early as 1996, Yongcheng County had been changed to Yongcheng County-level City. Therefore, as of 1997, when Shangqiu City was established, it had 2 districts, 6 counties and 1 county-level city under its jurisdiction. In recent years, with the tremendous development of Shangqiu City, Shangqiu New District and Economic Development Zone have been set up successively, and the number of districts and counties under its jurisdiction has reached 11.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

In the planning of Henan Province, the provincial capital Zhengzhou belongs to the central city of the province. Luoyang, Shangqiu, Anyang and Nanyang are positioned as regional central cities, and Shangqiu belongs to the regional central cities of eastern Henan. It has to be said that with the continuous improvement of the railway network, the role of Shangqiu as a railway hub has been significantly improved.

Henan Province's zoning adjustment, one of the 17 prefecture-level cities, why is there 11 districts and counties in Shangqiu City?

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