
A group of Jews thousands of years ago, who moved into our country from thousands of miles ago, are still reluctant to leave


Wang Wei poet once wrote in the poem "Lady Xi" that "do not take the present time to favor, unforgettable old days" to express the character and characteristics of the Chinese nation's Zhi'en Tu Bao. In the long history of the integration and development of the Chinese nation, it has helped many foreign nationalities tide over difficulties and won numerous praises. The peoples who have been rescued by us today have also made great returns for us, and when our country needs them, they also miss the help that the Chinese nation has done to them, so they have also turned around to help us.

A group of Jews thousands of years ago, who moved into our country from thousands of miles ago, are still reluctant to leave

Many years ago there was a group of Jews who came to our country from the West, when they were doing business, but thousands of years later, they have taken root in the soil of China, and to this day, they still live in our country and have become part of the big family of the Chinese nation. We all know that Jews established Israel after World War II, and Jews around the world returned to Israel after World War II.

But only the part of the Jews that took root in China has not returned to our country. After thousands of years of evolution and development, their lifestyles and living habits are no different from the traditional Chinese. Although some Jewish customs have been retained, they have long been part of our Chinese nation, and in their own conception, they also recognize that their motherland is China.

A group of Jews thousands of years ago, who moved into our country from thousands of miles ago, are still reluctant to leave

Many people may not believe that after thousands of years, how can today's Jews know that a group of Jews came to our country and took root in our country? This matter is also very strange to say. Many people in China know that during the Republic of China, many Jews came to china from the distant West in order to escape the chaos of war, but they did not inadvertently pass through our country and settle in our country, but made contact with our Jewish Aid Association, and only then did they resolutely settle in our country. They just let the outside world know that they were once Jewish and now a Chinese, and fully recognized That China was their country and their motherland.

The Jews who came to our country a thousand years ago settled in the present-day city of Kaifeng, but due to the lack of historical records, we can only understand what happened from the oral accounts of Jews today. From their oral accounts, we can know that the first group of Jews to come to China was in the ninth century AD, when there were only a few hundred people.

A group of Jews thousands of years ago, who moved into our country from thousands of miles ago, are still reluctant to leave

Later, until the Song Dynasty, the rapid economic development of our country, especially the progress of shipbuilding technology, made our exchanges with Western countries more and more frequent. It was only then that the Jews began to migrate to our country on a large scale. The ancestors of the Jews originally settled in the present-day Central and Western Asia region, and as our country continued to open up the Silk Road, this group of Jews who were good at business followed the Silk Road all the way to the east and eventually came to China.

Coupled with the fact that Kaifeng was the capital of the Song Dynasty, it was the most prosperous region in the country and even the world, so the Jews settled in Kaifeng, and this settlement lasted for thousands of years. In the beginning, due to their different national cultures, they retained some boundaries with Chinese, and many Chinese also thought that they were a special group of beings. However, with the evolution of the past thousand years, they slowly intermarried with local Chinese and slowly integrated into the big family of the Chinese nation. Their signs as Jews are no longer so obvious, and many people don't remember where they came from, but just treat themselves as ordinary Chinese.

A group of Jews thousands of years ago, who moved into our country from thousands of miles ago, are still reluctant to leave

It was not until the 1980s, when China's medical department was doing genetic sequencing, that it discovered that this particular group was slightly different from the genes of Chinese, so it was learned that they were Jews who had migrated to our country thousands of years ago. But even if there are some slight differences, but in general, they have been completely Sinicized, and it is no longer possible to see what the original genetic components are, they look like our ordinary Chinese.

With the continuous development of science and technology, people's communication technology has become more and more developed, and Jews all over the world have heard of this Jewish who once fled to China. They have also invited some people to live in Israel, but for these Jews who are accustomed to Chinese life, they have already fully integrated into China. So they didn't choose to go to Israel, but stayed in China.

A group of Jews thousands of years ago, who moved into our country from thousands of miles ago, are still reluctant to leave

Today, Jews around the world are still very grateful to China for taking them in, so they have made great contributions and rewards to us. More than a decade ago, Western countries controlled the world's most advanced sand mining technology, and blocked the technology, unwilling to let us learn. However, Israel has ignored the opposition and blockade of Western countries and quietly introduced this technology to our country, so that China rose in the field of sand mining and became a leading country in the world.


"But do good deeds, don't ask about the future." It is precisely because of the inclusiveness and friendliness of the Chinese nation that we can make friends widely in the world and establish close cooperative partnerships with many peace-loving countries around the world. At the same time, we also have to lament the inclusiveness and openness of the Chinese nation and Chinese culture, and even Jews with such a strong national consciousness can achieve complete sinicization.


Wang Wei "Lady Shi"

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