
Jiangsu fans are happy early? If Cai Bin is the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he is more likely to reuse tianjin national players

Recently, it has been rumored on the Internet that Cai Bin's appointment as the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been approved by the General Administration of Sports, and has now entered the stage of coaching team formation and player selection. Although this news has not yet been confirmed by the official and Cai Bin himself, some Jiangsu fans have cheered and have begun to select members for Cai Bin's team and select players for the Chinese women's volleyball team, and both the coaching team and the players are based on the Jiangsu women's volleyball team. Regardless of whether the news of Cai Bin's election is true or not, assuming that Cai Bin is really elected, according to Cai Bin's personality and style, the coaching team may be able to reuse their original partners, but the players are more likely to reuse Tianjin women's volleyball players, rather than Jiangsu players as the team, Jiangsu fans seem to be happy early.

Jiangsu fans are happy early? If Cai Bin is the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he is more likely to reuse tianjin national players

Judging from the players of the two teams with national qualifications, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team has Zhang Changning, Gong Xiangyu, Diao Linyu and Ni Feifan. The Tianjin women's volleyball team is Li Yingying, Wang Yuanyuan and Yao Di. In terms of position, Li Yingying and Zhang Changning overlap, and Yao Di and Diao Linyu overlap, so Cai Bin needs to make a choice from it, but under the premise that Zhu Ting cannot return to the team temporarily due to injury, Li Yingying and Zhang Changning have changed from a competitive relationship to an inseparable coexistence relationship, and no longer need to choose. And Yao Di and Diao Linyu are required because of their complementary styles. Who will serve as the main force needs to look at the tactical needs. There is no doubt that Gong Xiangyu is a must-have player, and Ni Feifan is still in a bad mood and cannot be qualified for the main position in a short period of time.

Jiangsu fans are happy early? If Cai Bin is the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he is more likely to reuse tianjin national players

Specific to the individual players, Li Yingying's current strength is obvious to all, no matter who serves as the manager of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Li Yingying is an indispensable main player candidate. If Cai Bin is elected, the probability of reusing Li Yingying may not only be higher than Zhang Changning, but also very likely to become the core of tactics. This is not only because Cai Bin was the first to praise Li Yingying as the head coach of a talented player, but also because Cai Bin has not been able to develop a way to suppress Li Yingying's attack for so many years, and Cai Bin also has to be convinced. Therefore, as long as Cai Bin really wants to revitalize the Chinese women's volleyball team, he will definitely reuse Li Yingying.

Jiangsu fans are happy early? If Cai Bin is the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he is more likely to reuse tianjin national players

Perhaps in the eyes of many fans, Diao Linyu's ability is between Yao Di and Yao Di's Bo Zhong, and even some fans think that Diao Linyu's ability is above Yao Di. However, in the eyes of professionals, Diao Linyu's strength is not yet comparable to Yao Di's. This can not only be seen from Lang Ping's choice of Yao Di to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games, but also Yao Di's passing out Zhang Changning and Gong Xiangyu to the peak state of their careers is also confirmed by actual combat. Therefore, even if Diao Linyu was cultivated by Cai Bin, Cai Bin would still choose Yao Di as the main second pass for tactical needs.

Jiangsu fans are happy early? If Cai Bin is the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he is more likely to reuse tianjin national players

Wang Yuanyuan has now grown into the only trustworthy secondary attack player besides Yuan Xinyue, although she has not won the best secondary attack in the league, but everyone knows that it is not that Wang Yuanyuan does not have the best secondary attack qualification. Judging from the fact that Cai Bin chose Wang Yuanyuan in the All-Star Game, he definitely favored Wang Yuanyuan. Because Cai Bin pulled away on both sides, the tactic of exerting pressure in the middle, and the secondary attack was a very important link, so Cai Bin would definitely reuse Wang Yuanyuan. In addition, the two sides of Cai Bin's tactics are pulled apart, and it is also very dependent on the offensive ability of the receiving players. And Yao Di is currently the best player in the No. 2 position back passing technology, so the above said that because of tactical needs, Cai Bin will choose Yao Di as the main second pass.

Jiangsu fans are happy early? If Cai Bin is the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he is more likely to reuse tianjin national players

From the personality of Cai Bin, he will definitely not change his original intention because of human feelings, otherwise Cai Bin will not go from the Shanghai women's volleyball team to the Beijing women's volleyball team to Jiangsu Jiangsu, so if Cai Bin is elected, he will still adhere to the idea of meritocratic selection, and reuse the national players of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, rather than some people imagine, with the Jiangsu women's volleyball players as the team. I don't know what you think about it.

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