
CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

author:Sej dribbles

With the Paris Olympics approaching, the Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of highly anticipated teams, with 12 main players plus 1 substitute. This time, the Chinese women's volleyball team not only showed its deep talent reserve, but also announced its determination to return to the top arena to the world. The regrettable early exit from the last Olympics made this trip to Paris full of flames of revenge.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The five rising stars set foot on the Olympic stage for the first time, indicating the future of the Chinese women's volleyball team. The addition of these new blood not only injected new vitality into the team, but also showed the results of the Chinese women's volleyball team's continuous cultivation in the youth training system. On the other hand, the presence of experienced veterans, including three members of the team who are now competing in the Olympic Games for the third time, is a guarantee of team stability and competition experience.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The combination of old and new Chinese women's volleyball team not only reflects the tactical diversity in the preparation for the Paris Olympics, but also reflects the team's strategic adjustment in the face of high-intensity international competitions. The debut of the five new players is not only a personal dream come true, but also an important investment in the future competitiveness of the Chinese women's volleyball team. These rising stars will learn how to stay calm and cope with pressure on the world stage under the guidance of veterans. This kind of cross-generational learning and exchange may be the key to the Chinese team's continued leadership in the next few Olympic Games.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The new players brought a new twist to modern volleyball techniques, such as faster attack speed and more flexible tactical changes. This not only improves the overall level of competition of the team, but also brings new inspiration to the style of play of the veterans. However, volleyball is not only a competition of technical and physical strength, but also mental quality. How to control emotions during the game, especially how to adjust the mentality when falling behind, will be an important topic for these new players to learn.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The importance of teamwork and communication is particularly prominent in international competitions. New players need to integrate quickly into the team and master the silent understanding with other team members. For example, the coordination between the receiver and the setter, the coordinated defense of the main attack and the secondary attack, etc., all need to be run in through a lot of training and games in a short period of time. The experience of the veteran players acts as a bridge here, helping the new players to understand and execute the tactical requirements faster.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In the face of the upcoming Olympic Games, the new team members not only have to adapt to the technical requirements of the competition, but also have to withstand huge pressure from home and abroad. How to maintain a consistent performance in the eyes of the world, especially against strong teams, mental adjustment will be a skill that they must quickly master. This kind of mental strength exercise is also an important experience that veterans can impart.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The coaching team of the Chinese women's volleyball team is also making forward-looking deployments. They are not only focusing on the performance of this Olympic Games, but also cultivating potential stocks for future international competitions to ensure that the Chinese women's volleyball team continues to be competitive on the world volleyball stage. This long-term perspective is the key to the continued success of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The highlight of the Chinese women's volleyball team's strategy in this Olympics is the configuration of its main offensive line. Yang Ling's analysis mentions that Li Yingying will be the key to the strategy. Different partner choices indicate different tactical styles: Wu Mengjie's addition means a fierce attack, Zhang Changning brings a steady guarantee, and Zhu Ting's participation is undoubtedly a great psychological pressure on the opponent. Such a varied combination of main attacks will undoubtedly give opponents a headache when preparing a defensive strategy.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In such a highly competitive international arena, the main offensive strategy of the Chinese women's volleyball team is not only reflected in which player to choose, but also how to flexibly adjust tactics according to the opponent's weaknesses and the real-time situation of the game. Every lineup change and tactical adjustment of the opponent requires the Chinese team to react quickly. The flexibility of this strategy is supported by in-depth opponent analysis and extensive match experience, and the variety of configurations of Li Yingying and her partners allows the coaching team to design a specific offensive strategy for different opponents.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The main attackers of the Chinese women's volleyball team are not only masters of performing standard technical moves, they must also have the ability to quickly adapt to the rhythm of the game and changes in the opponent. This includes decisions in the moment of receiving and serving, and how to find the best point of attack in the fast-paced game. For example, when playing against a well-defended opponent, quick jumps and secondary attacks are particularly important. The advanced use of this technique not only increases the spectacle of the game, but also greatly improves the odds of winning.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In addition to technical and tactical preparation, the Chinese women's volleyball team also showed its uniqueness in the use of psychological tactics. For example, at the critical scoring moment, choosing an experienced player like Zhu Ting on the court can bring huge psychological pressure to the opponent and improve the morale of the team. The proper use of psychology and tactics can unconsciously affect the performance of the opponent and make the opponent lose his self-confidence and combat effectiveness invisibly.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In a successful team, the chemistry between each player is also crucial. Through continuous training and competitions, the Chinese women's volleyball team has formed a unique team chemistry, which allows the players to communicate silently on the court and predict each other's actions almost without words. The existence of this tacit understanding makes the Chinese women's volleyball team able to show a smooth and coordinated style of play even in the high-pressure Olympic arena.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In modern sports competitions, the assistance of technology is indispensable. The Chinese women's volleyball team also uses the most advanced technology, such as video analysis software and statistics, to analyze the habits and weaknesses of opponents, as well as their own performance. The use of this technology not only improves the efficiency of training, but also makes the tactical arrangement more precise, and the positioning and technical movements of each player are carefully calculated and scientifically verified.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics will be a comprehensive test of technical and psychological quality. The performance of each team member is not only a reflection of the individual's skill level, but also a reflection of the team's level of preparation. As the game approaches, all the preparation will translate into a performance on the field. How to stand out from the top teams requires not only impeccable technical training, but also a double test of wisdom and courage.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In the secondary attack position, the combination of Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan has been described as "rock solid". Not only can they effectively block the opponent's attack, but they can also quickly switch to attack mode to win key scoring opportunities for the Chinese team. This tactical configuration demonstrates the comprehensive and well-thought-out tactical deployment of the Chinese women's volleyball team to ensure maximum competitiveness in changing game situations.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Despite the excellent configuration, the performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in Paris is still full of uncertainties. The team will need to maintain their advantage while addressing the problems exposed in the last Olympics, such as inconsistent performances and psychological pressure at key moments. In addition, international competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and every game can be fraught with uncertainty.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

In the face of increasing international competition and internal challenges, the strategy of the Chinese women's volleyball team does not only stop at the level of improving skills. Teams must also optimize counselling and stress management procedures to ensure athletes perform at their best when it matters most. The development of mental stability, especially on a big stage like the Olympics, requires systematic mental training and actual combat simulations to help athletes learn how to manage the stress and unforeseen setbacks of competition.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Fitness management is also key to improving performance. The long-term high-intensity competition is a great test of the athlete's physical strength and energy. Therefore, the physical training plan of the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to be designed in a targeted manner, not only to enhance endurance and strength, but also to pay attention to the arrangement of the recovery period and nutritional support. Proper recovery strategies can effectively reduce the risk of injury and illness and keep athletes in top shape.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute
Technological innovation plays a vital role in modern sports competitions. The Chinese women's volleyball team can use high-tech data analysis tools to conduct in-depth research on the opponent's playing style and habits. By collecting and analysing large amounts of data, coaching teams are able to adjust tactics more precisely and even provide strategic recommendations in real-time during matches. This data-based decision-making process will improve the adaptability and precision of tactics.
CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list, the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable, Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Although the Chinese women's volleyball team has shown a hopeful new look, it remains to be seen whether they can really surpass the poor performance of the previous session. Although the expectations of the public and experts are high, it is inevitable that there will be voices questioning whether revenge can be succeeded in such a high-pressure environment. Paris will be a real test, not only a test of the strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also a test of their spirit and will. In this back-to-back situation, every serve and every smash may rewrite the fate of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

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