
CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

author:Sports have something to say

Boxing is a bit of a hanging.

You know, it's been rumored recently that boxing, an old sport we all love, might be kicked out of the Olympic camp, which sounds heart-wrenching.

Golovkin, the legendary boxing champion, stood up directly to support everyone.

He said that we can't let boxing say goodbye at the Olympics, and he will do everything to keep his boxing position.

Here's the thing, boxing has been a part of the Olympics for a long time, but recently, because of some black whistles, corruption, financial irregularities and other issues, the IOC directly gave the International Amateur Boxing Federation a big sweep and kicked it out.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

The International Olympic Committee has set up a task force to let boxing continue to play at the 2024 Paris Olympics, but it is difficult to say what will happen after that, if the problem is not solved, there may be no boxing at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.

It's a big deal, and the fans aren't happy about it.

If we want to talk about boxing, we have to talk about the history of the sport.

Boxing was introduced at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics as an exhibition event, and then at the 1908 London Olympics, it became an official sport.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Imagine if boxing didn't exist at the Olympics, it would be a huge loss.

Ali, Foreman, Leonard, De La Hoya, these famous boxing champions, all went through the Olympics to become world champions and global stars.

If it weren't for boxing, they probably wouldn't be where they are today, and this sport is truly a cradle for producing stars.

Therefore, it is really very important for Golovkin to speak out this time.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

He is a silver medallist at Athens 2024, there is a sense of trust in him, and he has just been appointed president of the Kazakhstan Olympic Committee.

This identity, combined with his own boxing background, is really beneficial to the sport as a whole.

In an interview, Golovkin spoke really loudly.

He said that the current situation is really bad, not only for the fighters, but also for the Olympic committees of various countries.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

As a boxer athlete, he will use his duty and influence to do everything possible to help boxing stay in the Olympic program.

The vow really gave hope to all the fans, and they all backed Golovkin because he thought he could turn the tide of things.

Our fans are very powerful, and they think that with Golovkin in the background, this matter will be settled.

Indeed, everyone is hoping that he will succeed this time and bring boxing back from the brink of being kicked out of the Olympic program.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Boxing News 24 also commented that we need more fighters like Golovkin to ensure boxing survives at the Olympics.

Speaking of which, there is also good news, Golovkin especially praised the application of new technologies in amateur boxing.

He believes that these new technologies are effective in eliminating black whistles as well as human error.

He said that the artificial intelligence, computer scoring and other technologies used in amateur boxing tournaments have really greatly reduced the interference of human factors and made the game more clean and transparent.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

If this trick is promoted, the future of our boxing is quite bright.

Golovkin's words are full of confidence, saying that if boxing is given a chance, the sport will have a bright future under the Olympic flag.

Of course, this also requires the formation of a new boxing organization, which is quite a challenge, but it is better to have hope than nothing.

It's simply unacceptable to imagine what the Olympics would be like without the legendary fighters of Ali, Foreman, Leonard, De La Hoya.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

But the reality is that if these issues are not addressed, boxing may not be visible in the Olympics of the future.

From this incident, we can see that the sport of boxing really needs all of us to work together, and not only Golovkin alone.

As fans, we also need to support the sport in various ways, whether it is through online and offline activities, or through media voices, so that more people pay attention to the future of boxing.

So finally, let's talk about Golovkin again.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Not only is he a boxing leader, but as president of the Kazakh Olympic Committee, his responsibilities are even greater.

He has the experience and quality to push the future of boxing.

Fans have high hopes that he will succeed in keeping boxing in the Olympic program and give more fighters a chance to showcase their mettle on the international stage.

Whether or not this boxing will stay is not only a fight for Golovkin alone, but also the common wish of all fans.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

We look forward to boxing's continued presence at the Olympics and hope that Golovkin will bring us more good news.

After all, the Olympics with boxing are more exciting and passionate, aren't they?

So, let's cheer for boxing, cheer for Golovkin, and hopefully he can lead the sport to a brighter future.

Like he said, give boxing a chance and the sport will have a bright future under the five-ring flag.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Come on boxing, come on Olympics.

Let's talk about why boxing is so important.

You know, a lot of people probably think that boxing is just two people standing there, fighting you to the death, like a barbarian.

But what a mistake! Boxing is more than just throwing a fist, it's an art, a sport that relies on a perfect combination of mental and physical strength.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

Many fans say that watching a boxing match is like watching a good stage show, where every punch and every step is full of strategy and wisdom.

Just like Muhammad Ali, he didn't rely on brute force alone in the ring, but on his "butterfly step" and precise punches to make his opponent unable to find North.

Think about it, if there was no boxing, would we still have such heroes? Therefore, Golovkin wants to protect not only a sport, but also a culture, a spirit.

Then again, in addition to Golovkin, every fan should also stand up and speak up for boxing.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

You can like boxing on social media, go to boxing matches, cheer on the fighters, and let more people see the charm of the sport.

After all, competitive sports are a shared joy, and each of us is a source of motivation for the development of sports.

When you talk about artificial intelligence and new technologies, doesn't it sound like science fiction? But these new technologies can really bring new life to boxing.

In the past, the black whistle was really hateful, and it was clear that the boxer performed very well, but he was pitted by the dark box.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

This time, the introduction of artificial intelligence and computer scoring, this matter has changed dramatically.

In this way, the game is more fair and transparent, and we can watch the game more steadily, without worrying about being hacked.

Golovkin is really good, not only is he a great boxer, he is the president of the Kazakh Olympic Committee, but he can also stand up for boxing at such a critical time, which really sets a good example for us.

He is right that if boxing is given a chance, the sport will have a bright future under the Olympic flag.

CCTV commented on the women's volleyball Olympic list: the combination of the old, the new and the most reasonable Li Yingying's opposite corner is undecided, Zhu Ting or substitute

This is not empty words, with action and planning, we have hope.

In fact, every fighter who enters the Olympic Games has dreams and passions, and the Olympic Games have also given them a stage to show themselves and prove themselves.

The glorious years of boxing in the Olympic Games were written by countless great fighters.

Without these people, history would have pale in a lot lighter.

Going forward, the future of boxing lies in whether we can really solve the current problems and give the sport a clean and fair environment.

Under Golovkin's leadership, we need to believe that boxing can overcome the current difficulties and usher in a stronger development.

After all, the movement has such a deep historical base and a broad mass base, and there is hope.

Let's talk about another interesting point in boxing, many fighters are not only in the ring, but also in daily life.

For example, after retiring from the sport, Golovkin used his influence to promote the development of boxing and inspired countless young people to embark on the road of boxing.

His indomitable spirit is evident not only in the ring, but also in the efforts he has made for the sport.

Fans have high hopes for him because he represents a kind of tenacity, a kind of hope.

Therefore, let's not only watch the game, but also look at the story behind it, and look at the efforts and struggles of those fighters.

Every punch, every dodge, is the result of their countless sweat and hard work.

Isn't this the essence of sports?

We must always remember that boxing is not only a confrontation between two people, but also a spiritual transmission and cultural continuation.

Let's continue to support Golovkin, support the sport of boxing, and let this great sport continue to shine on the Olympic stage.

I believe that in the future, boxing will have a brighter future, and more heroes will appear in our field of vision and continue to write the legend of this sport.

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