
Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

author:Senior Dreams

This is not only the transfer of a player, but also an important step in the internationalization strategy of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

On June 27, the Italian Women's Volleyball League Conegliano Club officially announced that Zhu Ting, the main attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, had joined. This will be Zhu Ting's third consecutive season in Serie A. Conegliano is a Serie A powerhouse, having won all of their titles in the 2023-2024 Italian Super Cup, Coppa Italia, Serie A and Champions League.

After joining the Chinese women's volleyball team in the World Women's Volleyball League in Macao and Hong Kong, Zhu Ting, the Chinese women's volleyball team, is currently returning to the Zhangzhou base in Fujian Province with the team to rest and prepare for the Paris Olympics.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

On the 27th, Serie A Conegliano Club officially announced that Zhu Ting will join the team next season. In the 2024-2025 season, Zhu Ting will start the sixth season of her career, and she will compete in the Serie A Women's Volleyball League for the third consecutive season.

As the dust settles on the 2022-2023 season, Zhu Ting, the shining star of volleyball, completed her gorgeous performance at the Scandic club.

In Scandicci's days, Zhu Ting was not only the team's scoring weapon, but also the spiritual leader, and her every jump and every heavy dunk was deeply imprinted in the hearts of fans.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

And the Scandicci Club, with an affectionate farewell statement, drew a perfect end to this journey, revealing between the lines is a deep respect and reluctance for Zhu Ting, as well as good wishes for her infinite possibilities in the future.

The wheels of time are rolling forward, and in the blink of an eye, the horn of the 2024-2025 season has sounded. Zhu Ting, a traveler from the volleyball world, is about to embark on a new journey, this time, she will don the No. 4 jersey of the Conegliano women's volleyball team, and join hands with a group of star-studded teammates.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

Conegliano, who just shone on the Italian and European stage this season, swept the quadripart, is looking forward to Zhu Ting's arrival to add the most crucial piece to their championship puzzle.

Conegliano's lineup is not an exaggeration to describe it as "luxury", Sweden's Haque, Poland's Vołosz, America's Raniere, and the homegrown libero De Genaro, each of whom is a leader in their respective positions.

And Zhu Ting's joining is undoubtedly the icing on the cake, and it makes this team like a tiger. What's even more exciting is that the combination of Zhu Ting and Brazilian star Gabi seems to be a match made in heaven, and the powerful combination of the two world-class main attackers is enough to make opponents fearful and make fans full of reverie for the upcoming game.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

In particular, the 2024 Club World Cup will be held in beautiful Hangzhou, and Conegliano, as the European champion, is bound to go all out to challenge for a fifth title of the season.

For Zhu Ting, this is not only a glorious battle to return to the motherland, but also a great opportunity to prove herself on the global stage.

Every transfer of Zhu Ting is a new adventure, and every time she changes into a new jersey, it means new challenges and opportunities.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

In the new chapter of Conegliano, Zhu Ting will continue to write her volleyball legend, and let the world witness the shine of the power of the East with sweat and hard work.

And we, just need to wait for the good news, looking forward to this volleyball female player in the new season, blooming more dazzling light.

When she was a child, Zhu Ting was the "volleyball star" in the village, and her height advantage was simply a natural volleyball seedling. In the domestic league, she was like a new star, swishing upwards, and soon became a frequent visitor to the national team.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

For her, the stage of the national team is like a special construction for her, there are countless medals on the wall of honor, and in the international arena, her smash is like a rocket launched, and the opponent can only look at the ball and sigh.

Why did you choose to travel to Italy? Zhu Ting has a spectrum in her heart, and she wants to add a few more bricks to the "Roman Road" of volleyball. Challenging the new league is not only to improve yourself, but also to add fire to the internationalization strategy of Chinese volleyball.

Serie A, that is the "martial arts conference" in the volleyball world, when you go there, you will directly fight with the top masters, this courage, we have to give a thumbs up!

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

As soon as this incident came out, the Internet blew up. Supporting netizens praised it, saying that Zhu Ting was "going out and bringing in" to bring back international experience for Chinese volleyball.

Of course, there are also friends who are worried about whether the moon abroad is really round, and whether Zhu Ting will not adapt to the water and soil. But no matter what, everyone agrees that this step is a great thing for improving the level of the domestic league and inspiring more young players to pursue their dreams overseas.

For Zhu Ting herself, this is definitely a gilded journey of her career, and it is inevitable to improve her skills, and she can also learn a "foreign language version" tactical board to come back.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

For the Chinese women's volleyball team, this is an accelerator for the internationalization process, and there may be a few more Italian tactical terms on the tactical board in the future. As for the Italian league, oops, it's lively now, the ratings and advertisers have to revolve around Zhu Ting, this is a win-win deal!

Having said that, Zhu Ting's days in Italy are not all flowers and applause, high-intensity training, cultural differences, and whether the pasta can be eaten are all "blocking nets" in front of her.

However, our Ting team has never seen any strong winds and waves, I believe she can deduct them one by one like on the court!

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

In the future, every step of Zhu Ting in Serie A may be a new record, and the Chinese women's volleyball team, with the growth of Zhu Ting's experience and insight, may be able to unlock a new tactical system and let the world see more "Chinese-style" stunts. In short, this jump has jumped out of the national border and the infinite possibilities.

Zhu Ting's stay abroad this time is like a wonderful volleyball game, with both wonderful smashes and delicate handling. She is not only writing a new chapter in her volleyball life, but also contributing to the exchange and development of Chinese volleyball and even world volleyball.

Zhu Ting joined the Serie A giants for 12 hours, and the team made a major decision! The row is full, and Li Yingying is envious

This is not only a personal adventure, but also an important chapter in the internationalization of Chinese volleyball. Zhu Ting, come on! We applaud you in front of the screen, waiting to see you conquer the Apennine Peninsula with your strength and let the world cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team again!

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