
He used the charm of music to win the right to return to Earth! 丨《Our Galaxy》

This issue of science fiction is coming~

What I push for you today is

Tadpole Staves No. 29 Science Fiction "Dragon Gate" Ring Tournament Outstanding Works

Our Galaxy

Author: Guo Xiaofan

upper portion

Flashing cantilever


I long for the sea, for the mountains, for the rivers, and even more for the islands.

I was one of the musical prodigies they had chosen and had never seen the beauty they described. Shortly after I was born, I was sent by them to this barren red asteroid. Here the land is thousands of miles, strange rocks are everywhere, and there are often super storms in the sky. By human standards, the environment is desperately harsh.

"The Earth is on the first cantilever of the Milky Way, where you want to see the sea, the mountains, the rivers and the islands. As long as you play hard, we will send you back to Earth to live. ”

These are the words that these children have been constantly indoctrinated from an early age. For them, the whole meaning of my life is to delight their auditory receptors with music.

Of course, this planet is not useless, because gravity is small, the atmosphere is thin, and the starry sky at night is particularly brilliant. Whenever I look up at the stars, I can see the Milky Way shining at the end of the sky.

Our Milky Way is a sparkling cantilever like a perfectly symmetrical spiral flower in the universe. The earth was in the corner of the Milky Way, the position of the shining first cantilever, hidden in a brilliant brilliance.

Play hard and maybe you can go there, it's a paradise for us to promise.

By the way, they are batmen, the masters of this universe.


When I met Haruko, I was very young and had just begun to touch musical instruments.

I was walking alone on the way home, with my head bowed and a slightly curved bamboo pipe in my hand. The brown-red bamboo pipe was one foot and eight inches long, with five holes dug in, and a thick bamboo root at the end. This strange bamboo pipe is called shakuhachi and is said to be one of the oldest musical instruments on earth.

"Heiwa, you are in vain, the winner of the music competition can only be the piano and violin, what can you do with that broken bamboo pipe?"

I turned back and walked up to two upper-grade girls, one with a violin in his hand.

"Yes, even if you can attend a music conference, how can the Batstar People appreciate the tune of your broken bamboo pipe?" You don't expect to go back to Earth in this life, hahaha. One of the girls giggled.

The two girls put the violin on the ground and began to come over and pinch my face hard.

I was pinched a little by them, tears swirling in my eyes, and my snot running down my lips.

"Hey, you've had enough." A girl with a ponytail walked over, "This child is the only shakuhachi in the school, a rare animal, and it has been spoiled by you, but you can bear it." Even if the music conference is lost, it is not a mistake to make a fuss about children! ”

"Oh, it's you." One of the girls said coldly.

"It's dirty, this kid's face is full of mud." The other girl jerked her hand back like an electric shock, rubbing her hands desperately.

"Haruko! I think it is the boyfriend of a scientist who is focused on scientific research and snubbed you! You'll have to wait a few years if you want to get tired of this little dirty chick! Hahaha! In the laughter of the silver bell, the two girls walked away without turning their heads.

Haruko was first angry and white, then her face was red, and after a while, she turned to me and said, "My little poor boy, I will call Haruko, and you will call me Haruko's sister." ”

Haruko was a head taller than me, and she leaned down with one hand on my shoulder so that she could be as tall as I was.

Seeing that my face was covered with mud and red handprints, she looked anxious. In a hurry, she sighed at my face, then took out a handkerchief and gently wiped it for me. I felt a sweet and soft breath blowing on my face, and Haruko's delicate and soft face appeared hazy behind the silk handkerchief with a faint fragrance.

When Haruko took the handkerchief away and her beautiful face reappeared clearly in front of me, I seemed to realize something instantly. So I picked up the shakuhachi and blew it, and my breath began to soften, and the sound I made was no longer harsh.

"This is very good, but the voice emitted by the song mouth is thin after all, and it is difficult to impress people's hearts." Be sure to learn the resonance of the song mouth and the bamboo pipe, this is the soul of shakuhachi. Haruko gave me an encouraging smile.

"Resonance, resonance, resonance..." I kept chanting in my heart.


Haruko's lover is called Joe. Like us, he was an extraordinary child who was selected. But his talent lies in science, and the Batman sent him here to let him study musical instruments.

Speaking of which, humans have been conquered by batmen for too long and have long learned to obey. Those who once fiercely resisted have been crushed into the dust of history by the huge civilization gap. Those who survive have understood that they can only live better if they are more submissive and obedient. They love music, so as long as they can continue to create better music and please the monsters, humans can continue to live in the universe they shroud.

But there are always people who are unwilling and have unrealistic fantasies, which is even a little crazy in the eyes of others.

Joe plans to ignite the entire galaxy.

"Come and see this." Joe said as he pulled out a huge map of the universe, densely marked with the location of each galaxy. "The earth is here, the home of mankind." Joe pointed to a corner to the northeast of the map and said, "The Batman's technology is so powerful that they've connected the universe with ether." ”

"What is ether?" Haruko asked curiously.

"You can think of it as a medium for delivering messages through resonance. Scientists once thought that the aether did not exist, but the Bat star people relied on technology to build a thick ether throughout the universe. Joe said as he connected each star and galaxy with a yellow perpetual pen.

"Too much, too much. I can't finish it at all. Joe tossed the pen aside.

"But what does this have to do with your plan?" Haruko asked.

"Do you know how resonance works?" The frequency is comparable or multiplied, and the resonance can be excited. ”

"If you activate it, you will cause an explosion?"

"Yes, the vibration frequency of matter has a basic value, and as long as a sufficiently powerful force is added to it to accumulate to the critical value and lasts for enough time, the stored energy will explode in an instant."

"So how do you activate an explosion?"

"We need an introduction." Joe smiled mysteriously.

"The essence of music is a kind of resonance, and the resonance emitted by human music can just have a synergistic effect with their auditory receptors." Joe became more and more excited as he spoke, and his eyes began to glow, "Batstar people are becoming more and more addicted to human music, and they will even use space ladders to transmit the vibrations of music to the whole universe." ”

"Are the space ladders the same ladders that appear at every concert?"

"Yes, you can think of it as a vibration amplifier that is directly connected to the ether in space and can transmit a million times the vibration amplification to the entire universe."

"They're going to really enjoy it." I said.

"I calculated that by creating a special high-frequency vibration that lasts 24 hours, and then using the amplification of the space ladder, it would ignite the entire galaxy through the ether. Of course, in order not to arouse their alarm, we must also hide this vibration in a beautiful piece of music. ”

Joe pulled out an unfinished sheet of music with the title "Yu" written on it.

"Keyboard music is not good because the sound is not continuous. Only the wind music's cyclic ventilation technique allows the vibrations to occur continuously. Joe looked at me and said.

"Heiwa, your shakuhachi can do it."

I looked at the sheet music and kept shaking my head.

"It's so hard that no one can practice it unless you're 200 years old."


Joe's plan was quickly forgotten by me.

Why do you have to die with the Batstars? They allow us to live, even allow us to fall in love, and they have no intention of exterminating human beings.

But aside from this crazy idea, Joe is more like a gentle and sunny ordinary person. A large part of my teenage years were spent in the company of Joe and Haruko. That lonely time, because of their love, added a lot of brilliance.

When I met Haruko in the piano room that time, I was already as tall as she was.

Haruko sat on the piano stool, her hairstyle no longer the ponytail of a few years ago, but was spread out and solemnly hung on her shoulders. She was practicing Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3, and she played the piano piece, which was recognized as the most difficult, very clearly and smoothly, and every difficulty in the piece was handled well, without any technical burden.

I waited silently for Haruko to finish playing three movements. The sweat was already soaking through Haruko's clothes, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat, which made her more confused and hazy beauty.

"My little poor one, are you ready?" Haruko was the first to break the silence.

Haruko's words made me feel a little displeased. I have grown into a flesh-and-blood teenager, and in front of a beautiful woman like Haruko, of course, I want to show masculine charm.

So I approached Haruko and tried to make myself look tall. Haruko stood up and looked at me, and from her expression I sensed a hint of surprise.

"Tomorrow is the music conference, go back and rest early." Joe walked in and said, "By the way, my score is finished, I can show it to you first." ”

A few years later, the lengthy score was once again presented to me, a 24-hour uninterrupted ultra-high pitch, with a variety of complicated techniques, which was almost an impossible task for the player. But if it can really be played, it should be an unprecedented artistic masterpiece.

Joe kissed Haruko, and Haruko put her arm around Joe's.

Haruko has been recognized as a rising piano star over the years and is the most promising winner. But once Haruko returns to Earth, what happens to her relationship with Joe? What puzzles me is that in these years of interaction, their relationship is very good, and this matter has never seemed to be a problem for them.

Joe's plan is nothing more than a fantasy, more like the myth of creating a hell in another world.

And we are all still worried about the heaven they promised.


The music conference was held in the central square. I huddled with a group of teenagers attending the music conference, waiting to take the stage.

For the first time, I saw the space ladder descending from the deep sky, and the end of the ladder connected to the vast and boundless universe.

At this time, a line of blue words appeared in mid-air, playing in a loop over and over again:

"Hello summer bugs, please enter the stage in order." Those who are appreciated can return to Earth, and we will keep our promises. ”

At this time, the lights dimmed, and the orchestra that came first on stage disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a silver light shining on the piano player. That was Haruko, the first appearance today. Haruko wears a dark blue evening gown, which looks noble and elegant.

The tall stands at the back are filled with bat beasts. The behemoths were 30 meters tall, drooling and shaking the antennae on their bodies, which were covered with round-hole receptors that were excitedly closing one by one.

After Haruko got up to greet her, she began the real performance of the evening. From the first touch of a key by Haruko's slender fingers, the whole piece is full of gorgeous and complicated techniques, but this does not bring people the abruptness of showmanship, but it is very harmoniously integrated into the music.

Haruko's fingers danced on the keys.

The whole music is quiet and long, and the trickle flows slowly in the narrow and deep canyon, gradually expanding, and finally converging into a rushing river, running to the sea without hesitation, full of pure to simple style. It is a river of human civilization, long and long.

Haruko's fingers beat slowly.

The whole music became quiet and peaceful, the Milky Way slowly appeared at night, sprinkling the starlight all over the earth without hesitation, gradually the sound of the piano faded away, the dancing maiden slowly dissipated in the hazy tulle, and the band behind it began to speak slowly, pouring out the oppression and loneliness of enslavement.

Haruko's fingers danced fast again.

The orchestra and piano are intertwined, and the whole music reaches its climax. It is the fullest of music, that is the highest enthusiasm, that is the ultimate satisfaction, that is the ultimate that the human concerto can create and the supreme brilliance that can burst out.

When Haruko finished the last note, the whole venue was silent. A minute later, the venue erupted in thunderous applause, and the bat beasts let out a contented hiss from the receptors.

It's my turn. Through these years of diligent practice, my skills have become more and more perfect, and the song mouth and bamboo pipe in my hands can work together and produce the most beautiful resonance.

I blew up the shakuhachi three songs "Virtual Bell", "Void", and "Fog Sea". Without any band accompaniment, I am a lone singer from ancient times, facing a giant beast with teeth and claws, playing the most rustic notes of mankind with a beautiful resonance.


I sat alone in a cramped space capsule, the red planet outside the window was fading away.

We were going to Earth, and they only chose the two of us.

Haruko on the other side looked a little tired and sad, and she looked out the window and said:

"Those stars are shining in the endless darkness."

"They're lonely aren't they?"

"I used to think they were a galaxy that came together. But here, they are far away. ”

"No matter how bright the light is, in the vast universe, it will turn into a lone ghost."

"That's our galaxy, in the darkness of the world, she's burning herself alone."

"The universe is too big, and no matter how fiery the feeling of enthusiasm, it will burn out in the cold space." I replied.

At this point the red liquid began to gush out from under my feet, gradually flooding my knees.

A gentle voice came:

"Notice that the spacecraft is 100,000 light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy and is currently at 0.8 times the speed of light. We will reach the Milky Way in 120,000 Earth years. About to enter a state of hydraulic dormancy, 120,000 years later, we will see on Earth. ”

In the dark universe, a lonely spaceship, against the backdrop of lonely starlight, sped towards the lonely Milky Way.


Boiling rivers of heaven


I woke up after being hit in the face by the sea. After 120,000 years of sleeping in the spacecraft's sealed compartment, I was lying on the beach by the sea.

I opened my eyes and stood up slowly. Haruko was strolling by the sea in the waves, and the elegant evening dress of 120,000 years ago was gone, replaced by a simple dress made of straw. Haruko saw me wake up and jumped over. Her smooth body glowed enchantingly in the sun.

120,000 years of sleep has made Haruko more mature and beautiful, and has more sexy beauty. By the time she came up to me, I realized that I was already a head taller than her. I was a little shy and didn't dare look up at her.

"This... Where is it? I bowed my head and muttered quietly.

"The island in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean of the earth, our home, the promised paradise." Haruko replied.

I was still a little puzzled, and just when I wanted to ask, Haruko took my hand.

"Go, I'll show you our house."

Haruko and I walked deep into the island, our house was a small two-story building with a balcony made of red wood, a total of four houses, and a simple shed used as a kitchen outside. There was no furniture in the room, and the floor was covered with mats made of banana leaves for beds. On the most prominent spot on the first floor was a Schellmann piano, and my brown-red shakuhachi was on the piano, with a large pile of sheet music next to it.

Haruko brought out freshly cooked crab, stewed chicken and coconut juice and placed them on the table

"I woke up a week earlier than you, I've eaten these, I haven't eaten in 120,000 years, so let's eat it." Haruko pushed the food in front of me.

I stared at these foods that I had never seen before, and carefully picked up a small piece of crab meat and put it in my mouth, the crab meat was delicious and smooth, instantly melted in my mouth, the wonderful feeling gradually spread in my mouth, and the sense of happiness spread throughout my brain. I took a big bite, chewing each bite fiercely, for fear of missing the slightest stimulation of the taste buds. For fun, I even chewed the crab legs to pieces.

Haruko was startled by my eating appearance, and quickly patted my back with her hand and said, "Little pity, you can eat slowly, this will be your daily diet in the future." ”

We walked around the house, and around the house were large patches of plantain trees, huge leaves that grew all the way to the second-floor windows, and the leaves were neatly arranged without a single crack, like a noble queen wearing an elegant evening dress. There are two peach trees at the back of the house and two mango trees in front. Further away, there are tall coconut trees everywhere, and when the huge coconuts are ripe, they can be cut down and used as water to drink.

The outside of the house was planted with hibiscus flowers, all of which were seductive and bright red, like a wall of fire surrounding the house. Another circle of golden phoenix flowers was planted, the flowers were red and yellow, densely packed, and bloomed brilliantly around the house, like beautiful girls dancing around the red fire.

There is a small river not far from where we live, and Haruko often goes there to bathe later, and I will also go there to fork fish. Sometimes I saw Haruko appear in the crystal clear river with the fish, so I simply threw the harpoon on the shore and jumped down the river to hug Haruko tightly, and we spat bubbles in the river like two small fish.

We later learned to squeeze oil with coconuts and make wine with flowers. Haruko fried the fish I had caught, paired it with fat crabs, and ate and drank heavily. When we vomited and got drunk, we lay drunk in the flowers.

When the coconuts are ripe, I will climb up the coconut tree like an agile monkey and throw down the big ripe coconuts, there are so many coconuts that I can't count them in the ground. When we were thirsty, we picked up a split from the ground and drank the sweet coconut water inside.

The sky is full of stars every night. Looking up at the night sky, the Milky Way spans the entire night sky, like a blue-gray ocean, hazy and magnificent.

"We're lying on the first cantilever of the Milky Way." Haruko said as she tied a garland and put it on her head.

Haruko at night is incredibly feminine. We often hug each other in the glow of the Milky Way. I enjoy this moment of my childhood fantasy every day.

"My little pity, it's so nice here."

"Well, it's so nice here"

"It's so nice."

"Well, that's great."


Later, Haruko bore me a child. The child, who had inherited our musical talent perfectly, cried very rhythmically from birth, and his skin was as black and shiny as mine.


Of course, we're going to continue to play for batmen. They drove huge yachts around the island, their tentacles soaring into the sky, their round receptors aimed at the center of the island trying to receive the vibrations of music.

Haruko and I played Princess Mononoke in the red house surrounded by flowers. The combination of beads and shakuhachi and piano echoed each other, which made the Batstar people very satisfied. After each performance, we got a lot of delicious food as a reward.

Our island became the most popular of thousands of islands in the South Pacific. Since Haruko's and I's music was so popular, Batman simply set up several huge cosmic ladders above our island and broadcast our music to the entire galaxy for a long time.

In order not to distract us, they even thoughtfully sent us an old woman to take care of our children. The old woman's name was Santana, and she had dark copper skin and a high forehead, and was a typical Polynesian. She is a musician who plays The Hawaiian guitar and has been living on Earth for 100 years.

Haruko and I were playing Castle in the Sky together, and the bat trolls around us were opening up the receptors on their tentacles, enjoying the vibrations of the music like a drunkard.

Before the song was finished, Haruko suddenly screamed, and our child rose from the red house behind him, levitating in the air, and he flew higher and higher, farther and farther, and finally was sucked into the Yacht of Batman.

Haruko chased after her like crazy, until the vast Pacific Ocean blocked her way. It all came too suddenly, and before I could react, the Batman's huge yacht slowly disappeared at the end of the sea and sky.

I followed Haruko to the beach, staring blankly at the vast Pacific Ocean.

Haruko lay on the beach and cried anxiously. The old woman also came over, smoking a cigarette, while quietly looking at Haruko, with a cunning and mysterious smile hanging from the corner of her mouth.

"Don't cry, the child should have been sent back to the red asteroid, you know where it is, he'll be fine." The old woman said.

"Give it back to our kids! Otherwise we wouldn't be performing! I yelled angrily into the sky.

The old woman walked up to Haruko, patted Haruko on the shoulder, and said, "Your performance is so popular with the Batstars, of course your children have become the target of their pursuit." Just get used to it, I gave Batstar 6 children when I was young. ”

Haruko and I looked at her in amazement.

"My husband and I are both Hawaiian guitar players, and we were selected by the Batstars that year and returned to Earth. When we first came to this small island, we were so happy that it seemed that the whole world was ours. But when the Batman took my child for the first time, I cried, and I felt that I would never recover from this blow again in my life. But what about later, life has to go on. After our 6th child was taken away, my husband refused to play them again. So the next day he disappeared from this world. We are just the summer worms of the universe, they just want to hear a few summer worms chirping, a disobedient summer worm, only to be twisted to death without concern. ”

The old woman took another deep breath of her cigarette and continued, "I was frightened, and in order to survive, I could only keep playing the piano for them. In order for me to play for a few more years, Batman modified my genetic sequence so that I could live to be 200 years old. It wasn't until you came to the island that I was finally able to retire. ”

It dawned on me that the poor child, now asleep in the red liquid, flew to the desolate planet. When he grows up, he will definitely participate in music conferences and look forward to returning to the paradise of the earth.

But it doesn't seem like heaven either.

The old woman died peacefully a year later, and I buried her with Haruko.


That day, when I came back from fishing in the river, I found Haruko lying on the ground, sobbing quietly. I looked around and realized that our second child had been taken by the Batsman again. The cute baby was a daughter with skin as white as Haruko's, and she looked like a cute angel. Last night she was still whispering to her parents in bed, and the next day she disappeared without a trace.

We are extremely sad and to no avail.

Music became the only solace, and we reveled in those sheet music every day, playing it like a mesmerizing. The music we played was highly praised by the Batstars, and their lifespan was extended to 200 years.

"All the sheet music is played, and I can't find any new scores." I said.

"No, there's one we haven't played." Haruko said.

Haruko took out a lengthy sheet music score with the title impressively written "Yu". After 120,000 years, I finally saw this score again, and the sunny and gentle Joe and his crazy plan came to my mind again.

"We have a lifespan of 200 years, enough to complete this song!" I almost blurted out.

"Practice that 24-hour long, high-frequency tone, and I'll leave the complicated tricks to you." Haruko said.

So we were practicing this piece of music every day, and Haruko sat next to me, sometimes accompaniment, sometimes quietly listening. When I was tired, Haruko brought me the prepared meal.

50 years passed.

The glow of the fireflies has become brighter. The whole island of fireflies surrounded us, and the brilliant fluorescent light enveloped my entire body. I didn't dare to open my eyes, for fear that my eyes would be stabbed by fireworks. This dazzling light blurs everything around us, and we are like a pair of gods of light singing in the glittering fluorescent light.

It's been 100 years.

The waves of the sea become more agitated, the waves sing songs, lapping at the reef, and the dancing fish rushing onto the beach. This also saved me from going fishing again, so I simply ran to the beach to pick up some fresh fish and returned to Haruko.

"The moon has become cleaner, the sun has become warmer, and the Milky Way has become more brilliant, hasn't it?" I said.

"I can feel that the resonance of everything is growing." Haruko said.

It's been 150 years.

That's the last note left, but that's the hardest part. According to Joe's theory, only by completing the last note, which is full of extremely difficult resonance techniques, can the vibrational frequency of matter exceed the critical value.

The Milky Way is brighter than it used to be, and I can see Haruko at night through the starlight. Looking up at the starry sky, the two stars of the South Gate, which are closer to the Earth, have surpassed the old star and become the brightest star in the southern hemisphere. The old man star is still quietly waiting for the arrival of music more than 150 years later. Sirius in the Northern Hemisphere has also become brighter and more dazzling.

By the time I practiced that last note, I was approaching 200 years old. My hair is as white as snow, and 200 years have honed me into an old man who has gone through vicissitudes. In 200 years, no other performer has had such a long time to hone his skills, and I feel very happy.

Haruko has also been white-haired, and the vicissitudes of 200 years have taken away her beauty, but there is still tenderness and kindness flowing through her. For the past 200 years, Haruko has been quietly accompanying me. Days like this have been very satisfying for me.

My skills were in full swing, and we were finally able to play Yu in its entirety, and the last note took me 50 years to practice.

Although not sure what would happen at the end of the whole piece, we decided to finish the piece before the end of our lives. This will be the final movement of our lives.

So for the next week, Haruko and I got busy. We intend to decorate the place where we have lived for nearly 200 years and celebrate the performance of the final movement in the most beautiful gesture. I had a hunch that life was coming to an end, that this life was worth it anyway, and that once everything that should have been done was done, life would have no meaning. I am about to melt with Haruko in happiness in the brilliant fireworks that burst out of the final movement.

My body was old, but I still struggled to climb up the coconut tree and plucked all the coconuts that I could pick, and the huge coconuts and the big beads of sweat were scattered on the island like dots of stars.

Haruko had moved out all the flowers she had planted over the years, and the red hibiscus flowers were particularly brilliant, and from a distance, the island looked like it was burning in a sea of fire.

Of course, we also miss our mutual friend from time to time, Joe.


Our performance was held on one of the clearest nights, when the Milky Way was star-studded, and there were many, many powder-like stars shining with sad and lonely lights in the long Milky Way.

The island is crowded with Batman yachts, and bat trolls extend their tentacles to point to the sky. They lowered 10 cosmic ladders so that bat people all over the galaxy could enjoy our music.

We stacked all the sheet music on the piano rack and prepared to play one by one.

"When we first met, what tune did you play?" Haruko asked.

"Shakuhachi 'Sunset Glow'."

"Let's start with this one. At that time, you were still a lonely little dirty child. ”

I first blew Akira Kominato's "Sunset", the whole style is very warm, and Haruko's piano accompaniment is beautiful and peaceful.

"Let's play a song and put a bouquet of flowers on the piano, shall we?" Haruko said.


"How many songs?"

"Fifteenth." I say.

"The next song is for the stars, they burn alone in the night, it's so lonely." Haruko said.

Qing played a song of "Starry Sky".

"How many songs are there now?"

"Twenty-first." I put a bouquet of flowers on the piano.

"Blow a song that Joe likes, he's too lonely when we're gone." Haruko said.

I picked up the shakuhachi and blew "Loneliness in the Wind."

"Let's do a song for our children, they're going to sleep in the spaceship for 120,000 years, it's so lonely." Haruko said.

Together we played a Song of the Wanderers.


The piano was already full of flowers, beautiful and rich, full of flowers. Only the most lengthy sheet music remains on the score rack.

"Play for 24 hours, take a break and start."

With Haruko, I stared at the island for a long time, where we have lived for 200 years.

I trembled with excitement, and all of this combined so perfectly: the coconuts were all ripe, the flowers were all open, the music skills were at their extreme, and Haruko and I were both white-haired. Such a view, such an arrangement, makes the arrival of the final movement concrete. It makes me feel very happy, it's a work we've spent a long life creating.

"Let's get started."

Finally the performance of the movement began. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the shakuhachi song. We are intoxicated with the whole world of music:

The shakuhachi song mouth blows, the wind blows through the song mouth, the wind is singing,

The bamboo pipe of shakuhachi heard the singing of the song mouth and began to resonate, the fibers of the bamboo were chirping, and the bamboo pipe was singing.

The whole bamboo forest heard the singing of the bamboo pipes and began to resonate, the bamboo rustled, the bamboo forest sang,

The whole island heard the singing of the bamboo forest and began to resonate, the waves washed across the coast, and the island sang.

The whole Pacific Ocean heard the singing of the islands and began to resonate, the sea was beating, the sea was singing,

The whole earth heard the song of the Pacific Ocean, the blue jewel dancing, the once human homeland singing.


I sounded the last note perfectly, I used the circular ventilation method in the blow pipe music, exhausted the strength of my life, exhausted the resonance skills honed for 200 years, and the sound was long-lasting, stable, perfect, and reverberated in the sky for a long time.

Above the dome, the universe is lonely, the nebula is hazy, the sky is full of stars, the water of the Milky Way flows slowly, and the moon hangs high in the sky.

After 500 seconds, the music of "Yu" was transmitted to the sun through the ether, and the sun first began to resonate. Skipping the red giant stage, he jumped directly into a supernova, blooming with a dazzling and unstoppable light.

"Come back, I've cooked you your favorite crab." Haruko said softly as usual at the end of the concert.

Instead of answering Haruko's words, I stared at the sky for a long time, and I felt my gaze as peaceful as a lake, as if waiting for everything that should have happened long ago.

"Oh my God." Haruko's gaze looked into the night sky, and she had never had such a look of surprise on her face.

The tentacles of the surrounding bat trolls also reached out into the night sky, emitting a terrifying hiss. For the first time I saw them start running away in panic.

The Big Bang of the universe began. The stars of the Milky Way begin to resonate violently through the aether.

Above the dome, there was a clamor, the nebula slowly receded into obscurity, the stars slowly opened their eyes, the water of the Milky Way boiled, and the moon turned into the sun.

I hugged Haruko in my arms and hugged her tightly.

"The stars are finally not alone anymore." I said.


Tadpole stave original article, reprinted indicating the source

Editor-in-charge/Heart & Paper

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