
The whole drama of the Central Ballet "Red Detachment of Women" premiered in Sanya

The whole drama of the Central Ballet "Red Detachment of Women" premiered in Sanya

The scene of the performance. Luo Yunfei photo

Sanya, China, January 29 (Wang Xiaobin, Jin Ningle) On the 29th, the National Ballet of China with the classic ballet "Red Detachment of Women" was staged in the Sanya Ancient Scene Area. This is the first time that the National Ballet of China has performed the whole drama of "Red Detachment of Women" in Sanya.

Since its premiere in 1964, the play has performed more than 4,000 times. Hainan is the place where the plot story takes place, through the interpretation of the dancers, the citizens and tourists of Sanya relive the glorious history of the Red Women's Army, and inherit the "Red Women's Scout Spirit" of daring to be the first, fighting heroically, not afraid of sacrifice, and firm faith.

The whole drama of the Central Ballet "Red Detachment of Women" premiered in Sanya

Sheng Yiguan, a teacher at the Tourism College of Hainan Tropical Ocean College, said after the speech that the dance drama was well-produced and the Central Ballet performed exquisitely, "The viewing experience is very good, and I hope to see such high-quality performances in Sanya often in the future." Ms. Li Xiuqin from Beijing is a ballet lover, and when she heard that the Central Ballet came to Sanya to perform, she bought a ticket at the first time, "hoping that sanya will not only enjoy a good climate and scenery, but also a richer cultural product in the future."

The ballet "Red Detachment of Women" is known as a landmark work in the history of Chinese ballet. The combination of Western art forms and Chinese red stories has given "Red Detachment of Women" extraordinary significance, and for many audiences, "Red Detachment of Women" has become a cultural symbol and a classic stage art masterpiece. (End)

Source: China News Network

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