
Xunzi Gakuen | discussed the "Xunzi "And" on the Great Righteousness"

[Yao Haitao] Did not really have a title, but used the title of editor-in-chief of the Confucian Xunzi Academy public account in a grand manner in the introduction.

The above is an abridged version of the humble text. We are self-cherishing, not core.

Every article is to expose their shallow academic insights, poor analytical skills, and weak academic discourse. Thank you to the Journal of Jiangnan University for hosting many of its articles and providing polishing pens. Its column "Confucianism, Buddhism and Regional Culture" has become a blessed place on my academic road and a party position for Xunzi to go to Jiangnan.

Although this journal is not the core of Peking University and Nanda University, when it is "the next core first class", there are sometimes big coffee articles, often hosted by big coffee. Teacher Dongfang Shuo in the group had presided over it, but unfortunately he was not in the same frame, and every time he was in the same frame as Teacher Li Chenggui. Although Xie Guangqian's editor-in-chief and his colleagues have never met, they are actually admired for promoting future generations and regarded them as experts. None of the above academic nobles have ever met, and they are even more selfless.

There are sighs:

Between the world of life, it is like a long-distance traveler.

If there is a reward for the sound of knowledge, how can it be despised by oneself?

——Yao Haitao's diary on January 28, 2022

[Lin Guihao] Deputy Department Level.

[Lin Guihao] [Abstract] After combing, summarizing, and judging, it can be seen that Xunzi's "concurrent" theory covers the three major ideological dimensions of etiquette, law, and technique. First, the "concurrent" angle of governance can be called the "concurrent" and benevolent government; second, the "concurrent" angle of weighing can be called the law of both distinction and trade-off; third, the "concurrent" angle of tolerance can be said to be the art of both people and tolerance. Xunzi sublimated the possible dimension of "concurrent" to a new theoretical height, combined political science, philosophy, and ethics, and used them in a unified manner, reflecting the characteristics of the era of the Warring States academic confluence from one side, and also to a certain extent, the theoretical characteristics of Xunzi's thought of critical casting, construction and creation.

[Lin Guihao] Dream of the Red Chamber Qin Keqing is from Xun Xue, and is also beautiful.

[Lin Hongxing] Gui Zhen picked very well.

[Lin Guihao] Qin Keqing may imply that Great Qin Xunqing, Xun Qing attaches importance to the issue of lust, and the dream of the Red Chamber is all food pornography, enjoy it.

[Wang Guoming] The title is quaint, reminding me of Mr. Yang Shuda's "Spring and Autumn Great Righteousness".

[Yao Haitao] Just wrote with a very long title, Xunzi and on the horizon under the horizon. Later on, crisply and neatly, with a short title.

[Wang Guoming] is concise and powerful.

【Zhou Qirong】Yao Haihao Teacher Yao's thesis proposes that Xunzi's "simultaneous overthrow" of the government is the most convincing! It has made a very important contribution to the study of Xunzi! Secondly, it is also reasonable to "combine people" than Mozi and love. However, Xun Zi used "kanren" 14 times, except once in "Rich Country", the rest appeared in "Parliamentarian", which is a bit strange! What is not convincing is the "concurrent power" argument! "Right" refers to the weighing, intended to choose between the heavy and the heavy, not the intention is also! Considering two issues at the same time can certainly be said to be concurrent, but in the end it is a trade-off rather than a combination! Mozi and love, Xunzi and people are both both taking, not taking one or the other! In Xunzizi" "concurrent power" is only used once! And the context of that time was to weigh the pros and cons of the trade-off between desire and evil. But this problem of the choice between evil and evil, I think Xunzi is dealing with liturgy. The trade-off between desire and evil is that the line between desire and evil is clearly drawn because of courtesy, so there are not many opportunities for power. If Xunzi attaches importance to the trade-off between desire and evil with the environment, it is impossible to use it only once! In Xunzi's thought, the problem of choosing between evil and evil is mainly handled by Lilly rather than "power", and "concurrent power" should not be an important concept of Xunzi thought. But the "simultaneous" government is that it can be compared with Mencius's "benevolent government"!

[Yao Haitao] Thank you Teacher Zhou for affirming the political argument of concurrent overthrow. The simultaneous government is Xunzi's emphasis on humanity and is a manifestation of his political philosophy. Mencius Renzheng was very broad-minded, while Xunzi's government was detailed. The difference between the two sons is precisely the difference between moral governance and institutional governance. (Hope Xi Meng, Hai Han is one)

To be a person at the same time is actually to have the connotation of a person who annexes another country. Therefore, most of them are from the "Soldiers". However, Xunzi still regarded virtue as the supreme, which was a Confucian style of military aration. In addition, in the "Discussion of soldiers", there are many theories of benevolent soldiers, which can be recruited.

With regard to the term concurrently, it did appear once. When I deal with it, I regard the concurrent right as a concept of the same level as the right, which is intended to be the right, and the concurrent right is the modifier. The right to combine power and the right to weigh are actually one. If there is a difference, there is more than one word ear. What Teacher Zhou said, concurrently power is a courtesy, exactly. Xun Zi said, "Etiquette is also for the right country, as is the trade-off for the weight of the weight." As for what Teacher Zhou said, "'concurrent power' should not be an important concept of Xunzi Thought", yes. I have incorporated it into the general meaning of the treatise.

The key is the core of ideological theory, Kong Meng did not write a paper, famous all over the world, dozens of luxury cars.

[Lin Hongxing] The concept of "concurrent power" is not unimportant in Xunzi Thought, right? I think it's important.

[Lin Hongxing] The sage is also "hanging in the balance of all things", which is related to the combination of power. The importance should be visible.

[Yao Haitao] gives a thumbs up to Teacher Dongfang. It is important in the sense that a conjugate right includes a right. Migrating with the times, admiring the world, and responding with righteousness are not rights. Of course, it's important. In the sense of frequency of occurrence, it seems to be unimportant, and it is also reasonable.

Thought is important, expression is multi-faceted, and it is not a right.

In front of the two big coffee, I also have the right to do it.

[Lin Hongxing] Yes. Sometimes the importance of a word is not in the frequency of its appearance. I criticize Sato's research methods. Of course, there are merits to this approach.

[Yang Wanjiang] "Concurrent power" is a concept in Xunzi's core thinking. Morally, in order to achieve the goodness of justice and peace rather than the evil of partiality and chaos, it is necessary to "concurrently power." You can't just take care of your own interests and infringe on others without regard to the interests of others. In law, "concurrent power" is the legal right of the duty theory, which is the act of the duty of the duty, and the priority respect is obtained in the weighing of the other relative to other interests.

[Zhou Qirong] @ Lin Hongxing "The saint is also "both Chen and all things and the balance in the balance", this statement is related to the combination of power. The importance should be visible. ”

I read it differently! Xun Zi's original text: "Combining all things with the county balance." It is the reason why the differences of the people must not be confused with each other. Therefore, "combining all things" and "weighing in the middle" are two separate things: combining all things and showing the people the criteria of weighing, in order to prevent "the differences of the multitude must not be confused with incest"! "Weighing" refers to the criterion of weighing expressed by the ceremony, not "combining all things"! Therefore, it is unreasonable to use this sentence as a support for the concept that Xunzi has "concurrent power" and this concept has importance in Xunzi's thought! If Xunzi emphasizes the demand for the people to choose, then what does the etiquette of chen show human ethics and norms?

[Zhou Qirong] @ Lin Hongxing "Sometimes the importance of a word is not in the frequency of its appearance."

I agree. But I think the main reason why Teacher Yao's interpretation of "concurrent power" is not convincing enough is not just the number of times "concurrent power" appears, but 1. The use of concurrent words emphasizes trade-offs rather than the meaning of merging, sharing, and the same, with 2. The problem of choosing between evil and evil is handled by Lilly in Xunzi's thoughts, so it will not be expressed as "concurrent power"!

[Lu Jianhua] Sometimes the importance of a word is not in the frequency of its appearance. This sentence is pithy.

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