
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

author:Jinyuan release

The cultural and educational branch of Yaocun Town was held

Celebration of "July 1st" commendation and recitation activities

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, enhance the centripetal force, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Party branch, and stimulate the enthusiasm and vitality of Party members and cadres to start a business, on the morning of June 27, the Cultural and Educational Branch of Yaocun Town held a commendation and recitation activity with the theme of "Pursuing Red Memories and Undertaking the Mission of Education" in the Yaocun Town Staff Cultural and Sports Activity Center.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

The meeting kicked off with the sonorous national anthem, all party members and party activists sang the national anthem, 103 years of eventful years, it seems to flash in front of the eyes again, people can't help but be excited.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

Subsequently, Wang Xiaoxia, member of the branch organization committee, read out the commendation decision of the Yaocun Town Cultural and Educational Branch in 2024, and commended the three comrades Yang Ruibin, Dong Ruiqiang, and Chang Xu who have performed well in the past year. Yang Ruibin spoke as an advanced representative, he said that he will not forget his original intention, keep in mind the mission, continue to maintain the advanced nature and purity of party members, actively participate in various tasks of education and teaching, and strive to play a vanguard and exemplary role, with more enthusiasm and higher standards for themselves.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

After that, the branch carried out the activity of "reciting red letters and telling red stories" for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. The party members of each group recited "Begonia Flower Festival", "Dai Anlan's Family Letter", "Wedding on the Execution Ground", "A Letter from General Zuo Quan to His Mother", "Chengcheng Beacon Fire" and "A Letter to Daughter Qiming". The party members and comrades who recited poured all their emotions into bringing everyone's thoughts back to that war-torn and high-spirited revolutionary era, and also made everyone truly feel the heroic and fearless spirit and unswerving faith of the revolutionary pioneers.

At the end of the event, Li Jinmei, secretary of the cultural and educational branch, summarized the three "realities" of the party building work of the cultural and educational branch in the past year, made practical moves, produced practical results, and created real achievements, and put forward three hopes to all party members on behalf of the cultural and educational branch: first, strengthen the original mission of the communists in inheriting and carrying forward; the second is to practice the responsibility of party members and cadres in the entrepreneurship of the officer; The third is to give play to the role of the party organization as a fortress in the process of gathering strength to tackle tough problems. At the same time, she encouraged everyone to be a conscious, capable and effective Communist Party member, never forget the original intention, keep in mind the oath of joining the party, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality development of education in Yaocun Town.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

The event came to an end in the party members singing "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the loud singing echoed at the event site, telling the party members' gratitude and love for the Communist Party of China.

Through this activity, the thoughts of all party members of the party branch have been further sublimated, the ideals and beliefs have been firmer, and the sense of responsibility, mission and belonging has been greatly enhanced. (Yaocun Town Cultural and Educational Branch)

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

The Party Branch of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology organized and carried out

"July 1st" theme party day activities

"July 1st" is approaching, in order to further strengthen the party spirit education, temper the party spirit cultivation, forge ideals and beliefs, and draw on the strength of endeavor, on June 27, the party branch of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology organized party members and cadres and party activists to go to the Qingtaixu Red Education Base in Duliping Village, Jinyuan District to carry out the "July 1st" theme party day activities of "chasing red footprints and absorbing the strength of endeavor".

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

During the War of Liberation, Duliping Village was the seat of the Qing Taixu Anti-Japanese Democratic County Government. Organizing the masses of the people in Qingxu, Taiyuan, and Xugou counties to fight against the Japanese puppet army made indelible contributions to the liberation of New China, and it is a glorious historical revolutionary base area. Under the guidance of the commentator, the party members of the branch visited the site of the Anti-Japanese War, a locust tree full of bullet holes, a wartime stone wall, and several simple earthen caves, all engraved with the arduous revolutionary years. Let everyone deeply feel the glorious deeds of the people's heroes and revolutionary martyrs who once fought on the red land of Duliping, as well as the heroic spirit of sacrificing their lives for righteousness and not being afraid of sacrifice.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

In the square of the former site of the anti-Japanese county government in Duliping, all party members solemnly swore in front of the party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, sang the red song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and once again accepted the ideological refining and spiritual baptism.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

In the Red Heart Lecture Hall, all party members and cadres listened to the development history of Du Liping and watched the first episode of the film and television educational film "Hero Taiyuan" "The Power of Faith". By revisiting the history of the heroic resistance of the military and civilians of Taiyuan to the Japanese invasion, we further deepened the experience of the spirit of the war and felt the power of faith together.

Through this theme party day activity, party members have expressed that in the future, they should strengthen their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the duties and obligations of party members, inspire themselves with the fine tradition of revolutionary martyrs who are not afraid of sacrifice and dedication, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, always demand themselves with the standards of communist party members, and devote themselves to future work with full enthusiasm.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

Jinsheng Town, Diannan Community

Welcome the "July 1st" red film screening activity

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents and guide the majority of party members and residents to cultivate patriotic feelings for the party, on the evening of June 27, Diannan Community carried out a red film screening activity to welcome the "July 1st" in the small square of the electric courtyard community.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

As night fell, the lights came on, and the screening point gradually became lively, and the community residents and surrounding people came to the scene early to wait for the start of the movie. A curtain and a movie projection machine will deliver the red film "The Decisive Battle of Taiyuan" to the residents, so that everyone can enjoy the spiritual and cultural feast while enjoying the shade at the door of their homes. The Battle of Taiyuan was the longest-lasting, fiercest, and most costly urban siege during the Liberation War. The film reproduces the whole process of 75 years ago, under the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China and the strong support of the people, countless revolutionary martyrs threw their heads and shed their blood, and finally Taiyuan broke through the darkness and ushered in the whole process of liberation.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

An inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood, a hot land and a soul. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Taiyuan. With great reverence, everyone relived the bloody wind and rain of the liberation of Taiyuan through the film, looked back at the 75 years of struggle and eventful years, received a vivid and vivid patriotic education on loving the party, and also deeply realized that we should remember history and remember the martyrs, cherish the happy life we have at the moment, and strengthen our confidence to always follow the party.

Through this activity, it not only enhanced the integration and communication between neighbors, promoted the prosperity of community culture, but also inspired the majority of party members and community cadres to transform their enthusiasm for the party and patriotism into the strength to forge ahead in the new era, based on the actual position and life, serve the residents wholeheartedly, and work together for the high-quality development of the community with a fuller mental state, so as to create a better, harmonious and happy Diannan community!

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

Sunshine Fenhewan Community

Celebrate the "July 1st" art show

In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, encourage the majority of party members and cadres not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, work hard, and do not slack off, write their missions with practical actions, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and show a united, harmonious, and energetic community, on the occasion of the birthday of the "July 1st" party, the general party branch of Sunshine Fenhewan Community jointly held the "Party and Masses Build a Heart of 'Honest' Heart and Celebrate July 1st with the Party with One Heart and One Heart to the Party on June 28" Art performances. More than 100 community party members, residents, and community workers gathered together to celebrate the party's 103rd birthday.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

Join the party and swear to strengthen the original intention, and review the oath to remember the mission. Before the art show, all party members present reviewed the oath of joining the party. In the face of the bright red party flag, all the party members raised their right hands and made a solemn oath, which was sonorous and powerful, and the promise was loud, solemnly expressing their faith and determination to fight for the communist ideal for life. Revisiting the oath of joining the party stimulated the sense of honor, responsibility and mission of all party members and comrades present, and encouraged everyone to further strict requirements for themselves, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and contribute to the development of the community.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

The art show kicked off in the chorus "Tianyao China" and "Heavenly Road", and then, more than ten programs such as cheongsam catwalk, gourd silk ensemble, Tai Chi, and chorus were staged one by one, which were wonderful, attracting a large number of people to stop and watch, and won bursts of applause. The poem recitation "Always Follow the Party" brought by the community staff aroused everyone's memories and strong resonance of the passionate years, fully demonstrated the infinite affection of the Sunshine Fenhewan community for the party, sincerely expressed the infinite love for the party, and looked forward to the brilliant tomorrow of the development of Sunshine Fenhewan! The performers sang the red classics, eulogized the happy life, danced the melody of the times, and sang the praises of the Communist Party of China and the new era with sonorous drums, beautiful singing, wonderful dances, beautiful steps and other literary and artistic forms.

The performance came to an end with the singing of the song "No Communist Party, No New China" by all the staff, celebrating the successful conclusion of the "July 1st" art show. The wonderful program expresses the love of the community literature and art lovers for the party and the motherland, and also reflects the rich and colorful spiritual and cultural life of the people in the jurisdiction and the spiritual outlook of the masses and the party and forge ahead.

All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".
All branches of Jinyuan District carried out the theme activity of "Concentric Party Celebration of July 1st".

Finally, all party members cut the cake together, celebrate and grow together with the great Communist Party of China, strengthen the sense of belonging of party members, improve the sense of honor of party members, enhance the cohesion of party members, and let the majority of party members be baptized and sublimated spiritually. "When we move forward, we must not forget the road we have traveled; No matter how far you go, no matter how glorious the future is, you can't forget the past and why you set out. Through the collective celebration of "political birthday", community party members think more deeply about "why they join the party, what they do in the party, and what they leave for the party", so that the original intention is more shining and the party spirit is tempered and sublimated.

The purpose of this event is to enrich the cultural life of the grassroots masses with various forms of activities, and at the same time celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day, carry forward the melody of the times, eulogize the great achievements of the party, show the cultural vitality of the community, and highlight the leading role of party building. Next, Sunshine Fenhewan Community will continue to move forward bravely, ride the wind and waves, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful Jinyuan with high morale and pragmatic style.

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