
Unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and comprehensively strengthen the party's discipline building

author:Jinyuan release

Discipline is the "precept ruler" for managing the party and governing the party, and it is necessary to establish strict standards and enforce strict discipline, so as to promote the vast number of party members and cadres to earnestly cultivate discipline consciousness. In 2023, according to the research arrangements for key topics of the CPC organs, the research team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission of the People's Republic of China will go to 16 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and 4 central state organs to carry out research, and visit 31 cities and prefectures, 18 counties (cities and districts) and 68 towns (streets), villages (communities), departments, enterprises and institutions; A total of 15 provincial-level symposiums and 29 municipal-prefecture-level symposiums were held, with 423 participants in the symposiums; 124 people, including the main responsible comrades of the party organization, the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the head of the organization department, were interviewed individually, and the research report was drafted and formed.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it has been an important experience in strengthening the party's

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has incorporated the party's discipline construction into the overall layout of party building, as a policy to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, starting from abiding by and maintaining the party constitution, strictly enforcing the party's political discipline and political rules, and driving the organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline to be comprehensively strict, creating a new situation in party building in the new era, stopping the unhealthy trend that has not been stopped for a long time, correcting the stubborn disease that has not been eliminated for many years, and fundamentally reversing the loose and soft situation of governing the party and the party. It has built a system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and opened up a new realm of self-revolution for the century-old party.

Persist in taking the party's political discipline as the most fundamental discipline, and promote the whole party to firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards". In the face of the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, the Party Central Committee has elevated the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to a strategic layout, constantly improved the various systems for safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, took a clear-cut stand on politics, strictly grasped discipline, insisted on ensuring the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee as the top priority of political supervision, and maintained the unity and unity of the Party with strict and effective discipline. Guangdong Province has carried out discipline education month activities for many years, focusing on strict political discipline and other key points to carry out learning and education. The interviewees unanimously said that firmly supporting the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two safeguards" have become the most important, fundamental and critical political discipline in the new era, and have laid a solid foundation for the discipline of the whole party to maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee in terms of ideology, politics and action.

Adhere to the party spirit, party style, and party discipline at the same time, and enrich the party's effective ways of self-revolution. Build the party with ideology and purify the party spirit. The Party Central Committee has insisted on taking ideological construction as the basic construction of the Party, carried out a series of concentrated study and education within the Party, forged ideals and beliefs, and consolidated the ideological foundation for strict Party discipline. Governing the party by system draws a red line. Adhere to the construction of self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, self-improvement of the system and norms. Strengthen the party with discipline to provide guarantees. Start with the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, break the problem and correct the atmosphere, and enforce discipline with strict standards and strict measures. The Guizhou Provincial Party Committee has made it clear that party schools at all levels must set up discipline education courses for classes of more than five days, and urge cadres at all levels to internalize compliance with rules and discipline into a code of words and deeds that "is used every day without realizing it." By adhering to the ideological building of the party, the system of governing the party, and the discipline of strengthening the party in the same direction, the sense of discipline and rules of party members and cadres has been significantly enhanced, the foundation of ideological party building has been consolidated, the effectiveness of system governance has been guaranteed, and the political consciousness of abiding by rules and disciplines has been promoted, and a new atmosphere of honesty and honesty has been cultivated.

Persist in tightening and consolidating the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and the responsibility system for maintaining party discipline has been continuously improved. The Party Central Committee has reshaped the leadership system, responsibility system, and work system for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and clarified that Party committees (Party groups) at all levels are the leaders and executors of discipline construction to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party; It is stipulated that discipline inspection commissions at all levels perform special duties of supervision, make the investigation and handling of violations of discipline and rules the focus of their duties, and give play to the role of discipline in education, guidance, and punishment and warning; Clarify the responsibilities of the main responsible person of the party committee (party group) as the first responsible person, and the "one post and two responsibilities" of other team members, and put the comprehensive and strict requirements throughout all aspects of party building. The Puyang Municipal Party Committee of Henan Province has included discipline education in the "secretary project" and carried out "secretaries stressing discipline and law", and has made the building of discipline an important part of the performance of duties and work evaluations of leading groups and leading cadres, so that they must be questioned and held accountable for their failures.

Adhere to the comprehensive construction of the "six disciplines" normative system, and promote the party's discipline rules to be established and strict. To meet the needs of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in the new era, the Party Central Committee revised the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China three times in 2015, 2018 and 2023, closely combining the missions and tasks of the new era to continuously enrich the connotation of discipline construction. We should put the party's political construction in the first place, regard political discipline as the primary discipline, and strive to solve the problem of "seven haves." Persist in being strict with the law, clarify the boundaries between discipline and the law, and not only put discipline before the law, but also achieve the thorough implementation of discipline and law enforcement. It is generally believed that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the results of the construction of laws and regulations within the Party have been groundbreaking and overall, and the role played in the modernization of the Party and the country's governance system and governance capacity is fundamental and strategic.

Persist in strictly enforcing discipline and prosecuting violations of discipline, so that discipline can truly become a charged high-voltage line. The CPC Central Committee has always adhered to the principle of no forbidden areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance, insisted that discipline must be enforced, and violations must be investigated, and made it clear to the whole party and society that no matter who they are, no matter how high their positions, as long as they violate party discipline and state law, they will be seriously investigated and severely punished. Calmly and soberly judge the situation, carry out an unprecedented anti-corruption struggle, adhere to the same attitude, do not loosen the scale, do not slow down, and do not reduce the intensity, always maintain a high-pressure situation, and continue to release the signal that we are always on the road and the stricter the discipline will be in the future. During the investigation, some cadres said that the Commission for Discipline Inspection has comprehensively applied the tactics of "lifting the lid," "pulling the vine," and "digging up the roots" to ensure that even if it is small, it must be dealt with, even if it is difficult, it must be investigated, and even if it is far away, it must be pursued.

Persist in grasping the small as soon as possible, preventing the slightest, fortifying at all levels, and deepening the use of the "four forms". During the investigation, everyone believed that the Party Central Committee creatively put forward the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, which penetrated discipline and law and reason, combined strict management and love, realized the organic unity of political effect, discipline and law effect, and social effect, and realized the synergy between "punishing the very few" and "controlling the majority", strict management and supervision, and encouraging responsibility. Party members and cadres generally believe that they should adhere to the integrated promotion of the "three non-corruptions", comprehensively use the "four forms", implement the "three distinctions", refine the party's discipline construction project into a specific roadmap, and find an effective path to punish the former and the future, treat the disease and save people, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and systematically treat the new situation.

At present, there are conspicuous problems in the party's discipline building

The understanding of comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline building is not high and the attention is not enough. First, they do not have enough understanding of the leading and guaranteeing role of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and they do not have a deep understanding of the importance of discipline building. During the investigation, it was found that some local leading cadres did not deeply understand that comprehensively strengthening the construction of discipline is linked to solving the unique problems of the big party, improving the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and improving the party's self-revolution system and normative system; There is no deep understanding that the comprehensive and strict governance of the party is not only a political guarantee but also a political guidance, an important support for the overall layout of party building in the new era, and the basic project of the new great project of party building, which has a decisive impact on the political ecology and has a leading role in building a good business environment and promoting economic development. Erroneous concepts such as "the theory of subsections on the issue of discipline violations" still have a market among some party members and cadres. Second, they do not have a proper understanding of the arduous and long-term nature of discipline building, and their judgment of the situation is biased towards optimism. At present, the problem of not reining in and not stopping is still relatively prominent, the "four winds" problem is repeatedly banned, the corruption of the "key minority" is still high, and the task of curbing the increase and clearing the stock is arduous and arduous, and some party members and cadres do not have a deep understanding of "always on the road" and lack a clear understanding of the still severe and complex situation. Third, the understanding that the building of discipline requires the whole party to grasp it together is not deep enough, and the responsibility for safeguarding party discipline is not firmly enough. During the investigation, it was learned that a small number of party members and cadres lack a deep understanding that discipline construction is the common political responsibility of the whole party, and there is a phenomenon of vertical decline and horizontal unevenness in the implementation of responsibility. Some party organizations have assigned all the tasks of discipline building to the discipline inspection commission, while some have not made sufficient concerted efforts, and the joint force of discipline building is not strong. Fourth, the comprehensive grasp of discipline construction is not accurate, and the formulation of party rules, party discipline education, and discipline supervision are not well coordinated. Through research and conversation, it was found that some of them lacked overall thinking about the "comprehensive strengthening of the party's discipline construction" proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, did not have a thorough understanding of the meaning and connotation of "comprehensive strengthening", and did not have many ways to promote the coordination and linkage of all aspects of discipline construction. Party organizations in some units attach importance to the formulation of rules and regulations and paper documents, but do not pay enough attention to whether the system provisions are in line with reality and how to implement them. Fifth, some cadres themselves are not clean, and they pay attention to the building of discipline in a perfunctory manner. Judging from the survey data, in recent years, the problem of "top leader" corruption is still prone to occur frequently, and has become an important "pollution source" that destroys the political ecology. These leading cadres are not honest and upright, so they are unwilling and dare not grasp the building of discipline.

Violations of political discipline and rules have taken on new characteristics. In the investigation, it was found that some party members and leading cadres did the "two maintenances" in real success. The "seven haves" and the "four winds" issues are intertwined and deeply combined, eating, drinking, and having fun with gangs for personal gain, exchanging money and songs, and trading power and money are all around. Some specially set up groups to organize card games, dinners, and ball games, and exchange "feelings" and exchange interests in the process of pushing cups and changing lamps and playing cards for entertainment. Some party members and leading cadres have an incorrect view of political performance, do not adhere to the people-centered, infringe on the vital interests of the masses, and create political, economic and social risks; Some cadres are greedy for merit and fame, borrow money in violation of regulations, and engage in "political performance projects" that work hard for the people and hurt money; Some create illusions by embellishing data. In some places, the problem of collusion between politics and business to undermine the political ecology and development environment is more prominent.

Violations of organizational discipline are repeated and stubborn. Circle culture and dock culture still exist to a certain extent. The investigation found that some party members and cadres still like to form gangs, such as Shi Cunwu, the former secretary general of the Qinghai Provincial Government, and other six leading cadres at the department level used "power replacement" as a link to form a "small circle" of political dependence and mutual support, and meddled in personnel adjustment to engage in interest exchange. Some cadres' family members, staff members, and people with specific relationships still interfere in personnel matters, and some leading cadres clearly know that people around them are meddling in personnel affairs under their own banner to seek benefits, but they connive at and acquiesce to it, and even go into battle to "help" in person. There is still a market for "political swindlers," and some leading cadres are being used by so-called "political swindlers" who "have a background" and "a way" in order to be promoted and reused.

The party's discipline and rules are not deeply imprinted. The consciousness of the Party Constitution, the sense of discipline, and the awareness of rules are still not really established. The investigation found that some party members and cadres did not study, understand, or care about the party constitution, party rules and party discipline, so they lacked awe and did not know how to stop. The seriousness, pertinence, and effectiveness of discipline education are not strong enough, and some party organizations do not pay enough attention to party discipline education. Some local cadres reported that daily discipline education was talked about in general terms, and less on internal party regulations such as disciplinary punishment regulations; There is more training and education for ordinary party members and cadres, and less training for the "key minority"; Discipline education is not done enough according to the individual, and leading cadres and ordinary party members, party members of government organs and rural party members, and key posts and ordinary posts are all "one model, one package". The survey also found that some young cadres lack experience in political life within the party and lack concentration, and are prone to breaking discipline and breaking the law in the face of temptation; Some young cadres have made rapid progress, but they have not kept up with their theoretical study and party spirit cultivation, they do not have a strong sense of discipline and rules, they are ignorant, fearless, and bold in their actions.

Proposal on comprehensively strengthening the building of party discipline

Embarking on a new journey, comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction plays a more important role in deepening the party's self-revolution, promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. We must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, accurately grasp the situation, tasks and phased characteristics of the Party's discipline construction in the new era, use the successful experience of strengthening discipline construction since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, take the Party Constitution as the fundamental follow, deepen the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, and improve the discipline and law enforcement system as the driving force.

Highlight ideological guidance and firmly grasp the correct direction of discipline construction. It is necessary to firmly grasp the fundamental task of arming the whole party with the party's innovative theory, systematically sort out General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, and transform General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction into specific and clear discipline regulations. Firmly grasp the important requirement that we must adhere to the strict tone, permeate all aspects of party building, and achieve strict ideology, strict supervision, strict discipline, strict management of officials, strict work style, and strict anti-corruption. Firmly grasp the goals and tasks of improving the political, contemporary, and pertinent nature of discipline construction, reflect the political nature in the guiding ideology, strategic objectives, basic principles, and work content, highlight the epochal nature in closely following the party's new mission and new requirements in the new journey, and reflect pertinence in adhering to the problem orientation.

Highlight political discipline and political rules, and ensure that the whole party always firmly supports the "two establishments" and resolutely achieves the "two safeguards". It is necessary to defend the "two safeguards", the party's highest political principle and fundamental political rules, with the most resolute attitude, improve the mechanism for supervising the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and improve the system to ensure that the whole party maintains a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee. Promote the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee with the most powerful measures, strengthen political supervision, promote the improvement of the whole chain of work mechanisms such as the division of tasks for major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, supervision and implementation, regular reporting, inspection and notification, tracking and accountability, supervision and accountability, and promptly discover and correct problems such as inaccurate grasp of policies, inadequate performance of duties, and deviations in implementation, so as to prevent problems such as high statements, non-implementation of actions, or even deviations from the spirit of the Party Central Committee, and ensure the smooth implementation of the Party Central Committee's decrees. Orders are forbidden. We should investigate and deal with violations of political discipline and political rules with the strictest requirements, persist in comprehensively and strictly administering the party from a political point of view, and investigate and handle cases first from a political point of view, and strengthen the construction of laws and regulations and case guidance in response to key and difficult issues such as engaging in the "seven haves" and colluding between government and business. Strictly investigate and deal with violations of the principle of democratic centralism and other violations of organizational discipline, safeguard the unity and unity of the party, and maintain the party's advanced purity.

Highlight the "comprehensive" construction, and promote party members and cadres to be disciplined and supervised everywhere. It is necessary to advance the construction of Party discipline based on the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, study and explain the connotation of comprehensively strengthening the construction of Party discipline, and ensure that strict requirements are implemented in the entire process and all links of Party rule formulation, Party discipline education, and discipline enforcement and supervision, so that the main field links are fully covered, the supervision of the education system is made in concert, the enforcement of discipline and law enforcement and the judiciary are coordinated, and the quality and effect of standards are improved. Improve the party's discipline building system in an all-round way, and strictly implement the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China". Improve the whole chain of discipline as the guarantee of the intra-party supervision system, the discipline education into the party members before joining the party, the party inspection, daily management and supervision, cadre entry, promotion, assessment and other key links, strengthen the party members, cadres from the party to the retirement of the full cycle of discipline constraints.

Highlight the strengthening of discipline education, and promote the whole party to engrave discipline rules in their hearts. It is necessary to promote the normalization of discipline education, urge party organizations at all levels to conscientiously fulfill the main responsibility of discipline education, and guide party members and cadres to firmly establish a sense of discipline and rules in combination with the centralized discipline education carried out within the party, transform other discipline into self-discipline, solidify it into party spirit and good style, and truly become "conscious discipline". We should further give play to the role of party schools and cadre academies as the main fronts for education and training. Focusing on discipline education, open up new scenarios for communication, build an all-media propaganda front, pay attention to transforming the practical achievements of discipline and anti-corruption in the new era into "living teaching materials" for discipline education, and integrate discipline education with party spirit education, political ethics education, and family style education. Strengthen the combination of positive guidance and negative warnings, combine education in revolutionary traditions, propaganda on honest role models with clear discipline through cases, combine talking about regulations with talking about cases, and combine key people and things with the things around them, and strive to solve the problems of "watching the drama but not entering the play" and "not getting into the ears". Promote the organic integration of discipline education and the construction of a culture of integrity, and continue to purify the party style with discipline education covering the whole party, so as to drive the continuous improvement of social customs and people's customs.

We should give prominence to party spirit, party style, and party discipline to ensure that the eight central regulations become long-term and effective iron rules and rigid bars. It is necessary to carry forward the great spirit of party building, solidify the good traditions and good practices formed in the history of the party and the new practices and new explorations in strengthening ideological and moral building in the new era, and lay a solid ideological foundation and source of strength for comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline building. Resolutely rectify behaviors that violate the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, focus on "endemic diseases", "occupational diseases" and "chronic diseases", formulate concise, feasible and verifiable prohibitions, improve system norms, expand discipline requirements, investigate and deal with typical cases, integrate into the governance system, and continue to strengthen the embankment of the eight provisions of the central government. We must resolutely rectify formalism and bureaucracy, seriously investigate and deal with discipline violations caused by deviations in the outlook on political achievements, and encourage leading cadres to be practical in their work, entrepreneurship, and conduction. Improve the system of opposing privileges, strictly and strictly improve the regulations on the work and living conditions of leading cadres, improve and standardize the normalized management mechanism for the spouses, children and spouses of leading cadres to do business and run enterprises, and promote the implementation of the system with strict discipline.

Highlight the integration of discipline enforcement and law enforcement, and continue to improve the discipline enforcement system. It is necessary to promote the "three non-corruptions" around the integration and improve the discipline and law enforcement system. Improve the early warning system, use big data and information technology to dig deep into clues to problems, strengthen statistical auditing, analysis and judgment, and promptly grasp outstanding problems of discipline violations and new manifestations of discipline violations. Improve the operational mechanism of discovering and investigating together, dynamic clearance, and normal punishment. Research and formulate implementation opinions on strengthening warning education, issue recommendations for discipline inspection and supervision, deepen systems and regulations for using cases to promote reform, and so forth, to promote the normalization, institutionalization, and long-term effectiveness of warning education, using cases to promote reform, and special rectification. Improve the discipline and law enforcement system around discipline and law, further improve the party's discipline system and normative system, and promote the interconnection between party discipline and national law; Complete mechanisms for communication and cooperation between supervision organs and public security organs, procuratorial organs, adjudication organs, and so forth.

Highlight the leadership of party committees, responsibility coordination, and improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party. It is necessary to consolidate the main responsibility of Party committees, take the implementation of the "Provisions on the Main Responsibility of Party Committees (Party Groups) for Implementing Comprehensive and Strict Governance of the Party" as the starting point, and improve the institutional norms for Party committees (Party groups) to lead the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in their respective regions, departments, and systems, and to strengthen the construction of Party discipline. Research and formulate regulations on the main body of discipline enforcement, clarify the authority and responsibility of Party organizations and Party organs at all levels as the main body of discipline enforcement, and solve the problem that the discipline inspection commissions will bear the responsibility for the implementation of Party discipline. Supervise and urge the "top leaders" of party organizations at all levels to perform the duties of the first responsible person, and other team members to perform "one post and two responsibilities", and ensure that the responsibility is assigned to the person and the post in a list-based and responsible manner.

Highlight loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility, and improve the political quality and discipline enforcement level of the "disciplined forces". It is necessary to consolidate the achievements of thematic education and educational rectification, focus on absolute loyalty to the party, dare to be good at fighting, strictly enforce the discipline inspection and supervision cadre access system, strengthen the training of all staff and actual combat training, familiarize themselves with the provisions of discipline, grasp the situation of violating discipline, and improve the level of discipline enforcement. It is necessary to promote cadres to be politically competent and capable in the course of strengthening ideological tempering, political training, practical training, and professional training. Continue to deepen the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, strengthen the institutional mechanism for discipline enforcement and review work to focus on the leadership of the discipline inspection commission at a higher level, deepen the innovation of systems and mechanisms, integrate the forces of supervision and inspection, review and investigation, and improve the unified command, upper and lower levels, authoritative and efficient discipline enforcement and law enforcement system. Increase the level of standardization, legalization, and regularization of discipline inspection and supervision work, and improve the norms and work guidelines for supervision and enforcement of discipline and law enforcement as the traction, and improve institutional mechanisms such as procedures, entities, collaboration, and restraints; Improve the case quality assurance system, improve the detailed rules for case quality assessment standards, and promote the improvement of the quality of discipline enforcement and law enforcement. Promote the concept of "three non-corruption" throughout its own construction, consciously accept the strictest discipline constraints, seriously investigate and deal with violations of discipline and law enforcement, and forge an iron army of discipline inspection and supervision that is upright, hard and honest. (Special Research Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission)