
Jinyuan Street carried out outdoor development activities for employees

author:Jinyuan release

In order to enhance the cohesion of the grassroots cadres and workers and stimulate the enthusiasm of the directors to start a business, on the afternoon of June 27, the Jinyuan Street Federation of Trade Unions organized an outdoor development activity for employees in the paddy field park. A total of more than 100 people participated in the event, including employees of sub-district organs, employee representatives of 6 trade union federations in the district, and employee representatives of trade unions in 10 villages (communities).

Jinyuan Street carried out outdoor development activities for employees
Jinyuan Street carried out outdoor development activities for employees

Before the start of the event, Gao Xiang, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the street, delivered a speech, on behalf of the Office of the Party Working Committee of the street, expressed his gratitude to the employees who have been working diligently, taking root at the grassroots level and dedicating to Jinyuan, and encouraged everyone to unite and cooperate in the activities and be brave in innovation, fully demonstrating the good spiritual outlook of the cadres and workers of Jinyuan Street.

Jinyuan Street carried out outdoor development activities for employees
Jinyuan Street carried out outdoor development activities for employees

After collective discussion, creativity and cooperation, we successfully completed a number of expansion projects such as "team icebreaking", "wheels rolling", "happy big feet", "we are the best", etc., which improved the physical fitness at the same time, and improved the collaboration ability and team cohesion of cadres and workers.

This outdoor development activity not only allowed the cadres and employees to relax in the busy work, enhanced the communication between each other, but also enhanced the collective sense of honor and belonging of the employees, stimulated the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and confidence of the employees, and will strive to contribute to the realization of high-quality development goals and tasks in Jinyuan District.

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