
In a hundred years, what will not change?

Wide color

Also known as "Guangzhou weaving gold color porcelain"

It has a history of more than 300 years

It has the charm of Chinese painting

Absorb the exquisite Western painting style

Wide color is presented

"East meets West on porcelain"

In a hundred years, what will not change?

Li Yipo, 68 years old

He is the inheritor of Macau's Guangcai skills

Influenced by the family

He began to contact the porcelain industry at the age of seventeen or eighteen

It's been more than 50 years now

Li Yipo first learned the furnace process

He remembers the electric stove at that time

There is no temperature measurement tool

The color of the fire can only be observed with the naked eye

To guess the temperature

He recalls his past as an apprentice

"The master taught us to smoke by the kiln

When the stove and the light on the cigarette butt reach the same color

It means that the firing is complete."

After mastering the furnace process

Li Yipo began to take charge of the operation of the color porcelain factory

During this period

He is passionate about painting

Continuously study painting techniques

He recalled

I would have stayed alone in the workshop

Slowly grope

In a hundred years, what will not change?

Macau Guangcai has distinct Lingnan characteristics

It also incorporates Western techniques and elements

Present the characteristics of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures

Listed in 2020

List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Macao

The process of making Guangcai begins with the selection of porcelain tires

Sketched and lined

There are many processes such as filling, sealing gold, and firing

Li Yipo said

The most important thing to do is color design

Sometimes he would put white porcelain

Leave it for two or three months before you start writing

"Being there doesn't mean I don't do it

I eat and watch, thinking about how to do it."

In a hundred years, what will not change?

Feng Qiu Huang (works by Li Yipo)

Wide color porcelain appearance

It has a three-dimensional feeling of unevenness

This is related to the pigments used

Li Yipo introduced

Water-based pigments have a certain thickness

Oily pigments, on the other hand, are heavy in color and thin in quality

Use with you when drawing

you can make a pattern

It exhibits a blending effect of different shades

In a hundred years, what will not change?

Li Yipo bluntly said that Guangcai pays attention to refinement

The hardest part is drawing lines

"The ink pen draws lines on the porcelain

Write accurately

The hand is not fixed enough to draw at all

These steps take a lot of thought."

In a hundred years, what will not change?

Li Yipo and his apprentices

Li Yipo, who is nearly ancient

Say that you insist on doing Guangcai

Purely out of interest

"Do as much as you can in your life."

I don't think about the trade-offs."

Li Yipo now has three apprentices

He said he was an easy-going master

Teach your apprentices

"He didn't understand that I would ask him

He wouldn't have Taught him

I don't have a secret."

In a hundred years, what will not change?

Speaking of heritage

Li Yipo said that he upholds a "normal heart"

Hopefully, more people will be aware of this tradition

For example, interest classes can be set up in schools

Different from items such as paper

Porcelain will not fade for 100 years

Children draw works at the age of 6

When I reached the age of 60, the porcelain was still the same as it was then

He hopes that the children will have a chance

Try and learn about this traditional skill

The color pen is a needle, and Danqing is a thread

Guangcai painted porcelain master on top of porcelain

Thousands of patterns were drawn

It also imprinted a lifetime of ingenuity and perseverance

In a hundred years, what will not change?
In a hundred years, what will not change?

See Macau

Jointly produced by the Voice of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area of the Central Radio and Television Corporation and the Information Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, it presents you with the charm of Macao exclusively.

Chief Planner /Hu Yi

Producer/Ren Yongwei

Planner / Zhang Bei

Choreographer/ Lu Jia Li Penglei

Editor on duty/Lu Jia

Co-operative Unit/Cultural Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Government

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