
【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

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【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

Blessings for 2021 (Outer Chapter)

Luo Xueya

"There are three hundred and sixty-five sunrises a year, I send you three hundred and sixty-five blessings", humming this household blessing song, tearing off the last calendar of 2021, I send you the 365th blessing in my heart - the inspiring 2021.

Bless you, the great Communist Party of China. This year, your "centenary birthday is just the right style, inheriting the past and opening up the youth." "100 years ago, you set sail on the South Lake, driving a red boat, chopping waves, and crossing the blue wisps of the road. From firing the first shot in Nanchang to the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area, from the bright lights of the Zunyi Conference to the five-star red flag flying high in Tiananmen Square, all the way to the magnificent waves, scrupulously abide by the original intention, unswervingly follow the wheel of historical progress, fight one battle after another, and create a new world. You led the Chinese people to stand up, get rich, and become strong, and then you whipped the horses and galloped on the Kangzhuang Avenue of national rejuvenation.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

Jiaxing South Lake Red Boat (Image source: Zhejiang Online)

Bless you, great motherland. This year, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared to the world that the land of China has built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The Chinese nation's millennium vision has become a reality, and a large country with a population of 1.4 billion has historically solved the problem of absolute poverty and created another miracle in the annals of history. The 9.6 million square kilometers of land are full of self-confidence, industrious and brave Chinese, standing at the intersection of the two centuries, and marching more energetically toward the goal of the second centenary struggle in an all-round way, a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, and harmonious socialist modern power, like a bright new star, shining in the bright starry sky.

Bless you, happy Chinese people. This year, the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, known as the "Encyclopedia of Social Life", doubled the sense of security of Chinese people, and the happiness index rubbed upwards. The rule of law for the people, the country for the people, the Communist Party is to put the interests of the people first, for the people to seek happiness, breathe with the people, share the fate, 100 years have not changed. "The people are the country, and the country is the people." The Communist Party fights and guards the country, keeping the people's hearts, in order to let the people live a good life. Today, our days are getting better and better, and even foreign scholars have said that Chinese is the happiest person in the world.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

Bless China's aerospace. In 2021, Mars landing, Xihe Day by Day, Tiangong Travel, SpaceWalk and unprecedented space teaching, stunned Zhu Rong, Qu Yuan held "Tianwen" to find answers.

Best wishes to the Olympic athletes. In 2021, you are in Tokyo, working hard, surpassing yourself, racing out of the spirit of Chinese, with burning passion, to light the sacred flame of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Blessings for bluer skies, blessings for whiter clouds, blessings for green water, blessings for green mountains, too many blessings pouring out of the heart, even at the speed of the clock turning 1,440 times a day, it is far from satisfying my admiration and love for 2021.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

On October 23, 2021, thousands of red-billed gulls danced at the zero kilometer of the Yangtze River in Hejiangmen, Cuiping District, Yibin City (Lan Feng photo, image source: Sichuan Daily)

In 2021, on the occasion of the three yuan, you kicked off the prelude to the "14th Five-Year Plan", standing a clear coordinate in the process of China's development at the centennial of the party, and using a huge brush like rafters to paint a more brilliant new picture.

Bless you, in 2021, you have successfully completed the sacred mission entrusted to you by history, and the beautiful and colorful year like water flow. At this moment of saying goodbye to you, may "the auspicious light always surround you, like the rising sun in the east", shining in the heavens and the earth.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

Clean up too big year

It is a traditional custom of the Chinese nation for thousands of years to clean up the New Year. When I was very young, I heard my grandmother tell a story: there was an evil god who used to say in front of the Jade Emperor that the world was evil and dirty. The Jade Emperor was furious and told the spider to make a mark under the eaves of the dirty people's house, so that Wang Lingguan would go to the nether realm at night Chinese New Year's Eve, and when he saw the people with spider webs, he would cut them all over the door. The god of Vesta was very anxious to learn that he was busy informing the families that before the twenty-fourth to the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve of the waxing moon, they must sweep up the dust, and if the household was not clean, the god of Vesta would not enter the house. So people swept away the dust, dusted off the cobwebs, and cleaned the outside of the house. Chinese New Year's Eve night, Wang Lingguan came to the human world, found that every household had a few clean windows, brilliant lights, and harmony and beauty, and could not find any traces of spider webs, so he truthfully told the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor regretted listening to the rumors, so he severely punished the evil gods and imprisoned the heavenly court forever. Since then, in order to eliminate disasters and eliminate harm, people have sent the god vesta on the twenty-third day of the waxing moon, and they have begun to sweep away dust and greet the New Year.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

The illiterate grandmother also made up a recipe: "The king of the stove went to heaven and swept away the dust for the New Year." "So, every twenty-fourth of the lunar month, she is like a great general, directing the whole family to sweep away the dust and wipe the pulp."

Dad is the only big man in the family (the two younger brothers are still young), and he is the only one who has the responsibility of sweeping the dust. He was fully armed with his mask and folded hat of newspaper, and skillfully held up the bamboo broom that his grandmother had tied, from the roof to the foot of the bed, from top to bottom, meticulously. The pointed roof is very high, and the 1 meter 7 dad still has to stand on a stool to reach it. The tiles of the roof are very delicate, and they can only gently sweep away the dust on its body, and they cannot move it at all, otherwise, when it rains, they will "shed tears" (leaks). The adobe walls are uneven, but they can't hide a little dust. The bed is made of grain grass, but there can be no fragment of grain grass at the foot of the bed, and even the outer walls and eaves of the house must not leave a speck of dust.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

Dad finished the heavy task, and my mother and I went on to fight: wiping the doors and windows furniture. I twisted the rag and Mom wiped it. The house is small and has very little furniture, but Mom wiped it very carefully, and no corner is easy to hide dirt. After wiping it, we brushed the paste on the bare wall, neatly pasted the old newspaper, and finally, under the large family portrait frame on the wall in the middle of the room, we pasted a calendar painting of Li Tiemei dressed in big red, and the room was full of joy.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

The residential houses in the coal mine are lined up next to each other, and the layout of the interior and exterior is almost the same. In the mining area of tens of thousands of people, people come from all over the country, and the neighbors speak local dialects with different accents, but this year's cleaning is in the same pace, and every household is doing the same work at almost the same time: sweeping dust and washing clothes.

There are 6 families in a row, and there is a cement ping-pong table built on the side of the road in several rows, and every household has to brush the sheets on this platform. Grandma went to the queue before dawn, and when it was our turn, my mother and I spread the soaked sheets on the cement table, soaped them, brushed them vigorously with brown hair brushes, and then picked them to the river at the foot of the mine to clean the laundry. After washing, the two worked together, wrung out hard, and hung up as soon as possible. In the afternoon, wait in line to sew a quilt on this cement platform, otherwise, the whole family will not have a quilt cover at night.

Grandma also has to carefully clean up the washed clothes, the patches that should be made up, the tears that should be dismantled, although it cannot be guaranteed that the whole family will have new clothes to wear for the New Year, but it is absolutely guaranteed that the whole family will wear neat and clean.

In the New Year, my grandmother and father were cooking Chinese New Year's Eve meal in the kitchen, and we sat around the clean house and read with my mother: "Poor family sweeps the floor, poor women comb their hair, although the scenery is not gorgeous, the temperament is elegant." Although I don't fully understand the profound meaning of this poem, everyone has a happy smile on their faces, a year of sour, sweet, bitter, and hard work of cleaning, and at this moment, all gone. In the eyes, there is only a clean home, and in the heart, there is only a happy and auspicious year.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office

Author: Luo Xueya (retired medical staff, member of Luzhou Writers Association and Luzhou Longmatan District Writers Association)

Pictured: Fang Zhi Sichuan

Some of Fangzhi Sichuan's pictures, audio and video come from the Internet, only to disseminate more information. The copyright of the pictures, audio and video contained in the article belongs to the original author or media.

【Spring Festival Special】Blessings to Luo Xueya, ‖ 2021 (outer chapter).

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