
【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed





The Year of the Tiger is auspicious


Chinese New Year's Eve, the last night of the end of the year, also known as "the division of the year". It means to divide from the old age to this, and to replace it with a new year, that is, to remove the meaning.

The Jin Dynasty official Zhou Chu 's Record of Customs and Soil records that:

"Chinese New Year's Eve, Andda dan does not sleep, which is called 'keeping the age.'"

Chinese New Year's Eve keeping the age is a tradition that we have continued for thousands of years. One night and two years old, from Chinese New Year's Eve to the first day of junior high school, one day to resign the old and welcome the new.

Culture and Art Newspaper and Shaanxi Poetry Society jointly sponsored the "Poetry Sea Picking Pearls" activity, connecting poetry lovers across the country, meeting friends with poetry, and enjoying a poetic life. Now we select 20 excellent works to enjoy with you.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed

Poetry appreciation

Except at night

Gao Min (Hanzhong)

The year light whitened the sideburns, and I did not feel that the new period was another period.

Tomorrow the east wind should be better, full of firecrackers years apart.

Chinese New Year's Eve nostalgic

Li Yuehe (Sichuan)

The time and space net sweep is updated, but see the red coat with a smile.

Mo asked the years to pass by, and the flowers turned over and the phoenix roared to welcome the spring.

New Year wishes

Wang Cuizhen (Xi'an)

Hand-cut window flowers and tigers greet the year, turn a page to start a new journey.

The golden rooster danced with its head held high, and the jade pipe flew to celebrate Taiping.

Chinese New Year's Eve homecoming

Ren Guangmin (Baoji)

Nostalgia is obsessed with firecrackers frying, and the bells count down to the New Year.

There is a lot of ice and snow on the soles of the feet, and it is difficult to get to the front of the old house.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed

Keep the age

Miao Xiaorong (Xi'an)

Replace the peach charm with a new taste, and a thousand families will reunite to celebrate the good day.

The lights are lit up all day long, and I feel more like a year old.

Chinese New Year's Eve

Shan Xiaoli (Xi'an)

In the sound of the cannon battle, the fireworks are like a dream into the beginning of the year.

Xiao Lou put the wine window in front of the month, tonight because of the song to strike the book.

Wang Jinming (Inner Mongolia)

Overnight the new peach replaces the old charm, and the spring breeze does not draw a blueprint.

Although the world is like a dream, shou bing heart shines on the jade pot.

Xin ugly Chinese New Year's Eve

Jiang Ying (Xi'an)

Jade butterflies fly in the clouds, ferry to Fu Rui full of people.

The ugly cow resigned from the epidemic, and Yin Hu took advantage of the spring mountains and seas.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed

Zhong Wan (Jiangsu)

The old years go with the cows, and the new year comes with the tiger.

Fireworks bloom everywhere in my hometown, and I drink a glass of Tianya wine alone.

Li Weijuan (Xianyang)

The peach charm has been replaced by ten thousand new ones, when the household red light smiley face people.

Even if there is no golden rope day, it is better to welcome spring as soon as possible.

Chinese New Year's Eve sense of plethora

Wen Qiuhong (Weinan)

The Red League wants to write a lot of things, and the ugly years of the epidemic are quiet.

Sprinkle the entrance hall Chinese New Year's Eve near, Chang'an for a long time to try the new note.

Yan Yi (Xi'an)

Chang'an is still illuminated at night, and the cold spring comes to the tiger leap year.

The food and wine are full of family fun, and the curtains are open and colorful.

Send Chinese New Year's Eve night patrol police

Zhang Dingmin (Ankang)

Thousands of families gathered between the wine glasses, and the Spring Festival Gala song was sleepless.

Even if the streets are cold and windy, the peace and protection of self-opening.

Wei Zhiguang (Xi'an)

Qingsong Ruixue reflected the red plum, and the Jade Tiger Golden Dragon was transported.

Pray for peace and keep the year together, and reunite with the whole world to brew new brewery.

Zhang Jian (Yan'an)

It was another year of snow covered in the mountains, and the north wind was still cold when it warmed up.

The branches gradually hang dripping with meltwater, and at the end of the year, they finally open into the dream orchid.

Accompanied by a child's natural laughter, he knows the loving mother Yuquan Shan.

The sound of bamboo this night divides the cattle and tigers, and this evening by the window to hold the knee sore.

Xin ugly Chinese New Year's Eve disciplined

Guo Jian (Xi'an)

The law returns to the spring and gradually floats in the clouds, and see the chang'an crescent moon soft.

The green willows are hanging on the shore, and the red jacaranda is hanging on the head of the city.

Frequent laughter called for a banquet, and exchanged greetings to relieve sorrows.

Spend the night with great effort, and do not slack off on the upper floor.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed

Xin ugly years Chinese New Year's Eve

Sun Minsui (Xi'an)

Before the festival, the end of the year heard each other together, and the tiger step was majestic in the town.

Every time the Tao is reincarnated, the year is only passed and the new is ushered in.

Unseal the city and open the heart to spring.

Alternating time and shade are colorful, and thousands of families are full of longing.

Han Xili (Xi'an)

The epidemic dispersed snow fragrant plum early, and Chang'an re-bathed in free wind.

The three streets and six cities are brilliantly illuminated, and thousands of shops and thousands of doors are red.

The evening song is accompanied by precious taste, and the family cup is overflowing with joy.

The bell rings the new year to carry out cattle luck, and the tiger steps lead the spring to run the jincheng.

Ching Ping Le Chinese New Year's Eve

Xu Jie (Hanzhong)

Taurus resigned. Jade Tiger Kai XiangRui. The most joyful Chang'an fireworks smell, the Nine Domains drunk tonight.

Isn't the wanderer homesick? Home mountain flavor village. Red Sleeve Video Link, meet Gao Tang at the post.

Huan Xi Sha welcomes the New Year

Lu Xiaoxia (Yan'an)

Counting nine meitu uniform color, the glacier quietly rises to the east of the small bridge, and the people laugh and whisper spring breeze.

Looking at the field without a few seeds, there are many reds in the front yard. A year of illumination.

【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed

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【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed
【Poetry Sea Pearl】Chinese New Year's Eve, unity is restored, and everything in Vientiane is renewed

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