
Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area
Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area
Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area
Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Zhai Jingxiang of the Nanyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology reported that the title of the report was "Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area". This year, the sites that cooperate with the infrastructure excavation belong to the sites within the scope of the Xia culture, the era is the late Longshan culture, especially the Wangwan Phase III culture is closer to the Xia Dynasty, and more excavation ruins have been found, and the excavated relics are more abundant, which provides important archaeological data for the study of the expansion of the Wangwan Phase III culture to southwest Henan. In 2022, we will sort out and analyze the Survey Data of Xia Culture, confirm the nature and cultural connotation of the site, conduct more detailed investigation and exploration of important sites, clarify their site connections and settlement changes, provide a basis for the planning and protection of the sites, especially large sites, and also provide direct evidence for the study of the historical culture and prosperous exchanges in Nanyang since the Neolithic Age.

[The report was published at the "2021 Henan Archaeological Work Achievements Exchange Meeting" held in Nanyang, Henan on the afternoon of December 17, 2021]

Extended Materials:

Nanyang searches for "Xia" to provide archaeological support for cultural self-confidence


◆ "History of Cargo Colonization": Yingchuan, Nanyang, Xia Renjuya. The Xia people are loyal and simple, and they have the legacy of the previous kings.

◆ "Hanshu Geographical Chronicle": Yingchuan, Nanyang, the country of Benxiayu. The Xia people are loyal, and their concealment is despicable.

◆ Since August 2020, in just one year, Nanyang has clarified and discovered 202 Sites related to Xia culture and Xia culture.

◆ 202 Sites related to Xia Culture and Xia Culture have outlined a historical and geographical picture other than the literature; the exploration and excavation of the remains of a site, and nanyang archaeologists have written nanyang answer sheets for exploring the source of civilization...

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Panoramic aerial photograph of the wangying site in Wolong District

Looking for the Xia and pre-Xia civilizations, Nanyang has always been a fertile land for archaeology and historiography.

Since August 2020, in just one year, 202 Xia culture and Xia culture related sites and literature and classics in Nanyang have been clarified and discovered, all pointing to the core area of Xia activities, and an important origin of Xia civilization and pre-Xia civilization...

Looking for "Xia", looking for the civilization of Xia, the country of Xia

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Artifacts excavated from the Bali Bridge site in Fangcheng County

Archaeology has empirically verified the history of mankind for millions of years, the cultural history of 10,000 years, and the history of civilization for more than 5,000 years.

The vast sea of documents and classics record the history of China's civilization for more than 3,000 years, and there is no written record of the history of civilization development for more than 1,000 years. In the Xia and Pre-Xia civilizations.

The 202 Xia culture and Related Sites of Xia Culture discovered in Nanyang so far reveal a historical fact to us: the core area of the activities of the Xia people in Nanyang is an important origin of the Xia civilization and the pre-Xia civilization, one of the important birthplaces of the Central Plains civilization, and provides archaeological Nanyang support for cultural self-confidence.

Look at the literature again: "History of the Chronicle of Cargo Colonization", "Yingchuan, Nanyang, the residence of the Xia people." "Hanshu Geographical Chronicle", "Yingchuan, Nanyang, the country of BenxiaYu." ”

It can be said that in the continuous history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years and more, Nanyang has always been the creator and founder.

It can be said that as the first dynasty in China's historical narrative, Xia has always been a dynasty haunted by the soul of the Chinese people, and is a crucial link in the study of the origin and early development of Chinese civilization, but due to the lack of sufficient written records and self-evident text materials like oracle bones, it has not been unveiled so far. The study of Xia culture is a crucial major academic research topic in the study of the formation and development of the entire Chinese civilization, and it is also the key to deciphering the characteristics of early Chinese civilization. For decades, the archaeological and historical circles have been trying to confirm the History of the Xia Dynasty through archaeological discoveries, to find the civilization of Xia and the country of Xia.

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Erlitou cultural artifacts were excavated from the Zhao Wa site in Neixiang County

Looking for "Xia", archaeological discoveries are undoubtedly the most direct and effective method.

For the entire Chinese archaeological community, "Xia" is a long and grand topic. Since 1959, Xu Xusheng, a historian and archaeologist from Nanyang, has carried out archaeological work in the Xia Dynasty for more than 60 years in the academic community, marked by the field archaeological survey in western Henan for the purpose of clearly searching for "Xia Ruins".

On May 16, 1996, the state launched the "Xia Shang Zhou Dynasty Project" (concluded on September 15, 2000), 170 scientists from the fields of history, archaeology, philology, paleography, historical geography, astronomy and dating technology jointly tackled the key problems, aiming to study and arrange the exact chronology of the Xia-Shang Zhou period in China, and create conditions for studying the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization.

In 2004, the "Chinese Civilization Exploration Project" was officially launched, which is another major scientific research project supported by the state to combine and study Chinese history and ancient culture after the "Xia-Shang-Zhou Dynasty Project", with modern science and technology as the support, taking multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research methods to reveal the origin and early development of the Chinese nation's 5,000-year civilization, which can not only help us understand the origin and development of Chinese civilization, but also help enhance national cohesion and cultural self-confidence.

On September 28, 2020, the 23rd collective study of the Politburo of the CENTRAL Committee pointed out that archaeology should provide strong support for promoting China's excellent traditional culture and enhancing cultural self-confidence. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage has timely promoted the major project of "Archaeological Chinese Xia Culture Research" jointly organized by a number of units, providing scientific support for the comprehensive restoration and construction of the birth background, social history, civilization achievements, political structure, and national system of the Xia Dynasty, and providing accurate and clear answers to major academic issues such as the historical status and role of the Xia culture in the process of civilization in the Central Plains and even the overall process of the multi-integration of ancient Chinese culture.

In April 2021, in order to find out the basic situation of the Xia culture-related sites in our province and lay the basic materials for the next step of in-depth research on the archaeology of the Xia culture, the Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics issued the "Notice on Carrying out special cultural relics investigation work on the Xia culture-related sites in the province", requiring the competent departments of cultural relics in various places to organize and implement it, and all cultural relics and archaeological research institutions to undertake it.

Looking for "summer", the nanyang support of cultural self-confidence

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

The Ruins of Wangchenggang in Wancheng District were excavated from Yuyazhang

Nanyang is an important distribution area of Xia culture. At the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, Yu built a city in the territory of present-day Nanyang, Yao fought at Danshui Zhipu to serve Nan man, and Emperor Shun's son was enfeoffed in Nanyang. During the Xia Dynasty and its long period before and after, there were many states and was the core area of the Xia people's activities. The Chronicle of the Chronicle of cargo breeding reads: "Yingchuan, Nanyang, and the residence of the Xia people." The Xia people are loyal and simple, and they have the legacy of the previous kings. "Hanshu Geographical Chronicle": "Yingchuan, Nanyang, the country of Benxiayu." The Xia people are loyal, and their concealment is despicable. ”

As a transmission channel between the north and the south, the Pei Ligang culture, Yangshao culture, Longshan culture in the Central Plains of the Neolithic Era and the Qujialing culture and Shijiahe culture in the south intersect and blend in Nanyang. The special geographical location has made the appearance of the Nanyang Xia culture and its relationship with the archaeological and cultural discoveries in the surrounding areas a hot topic of academic attention in recent years. It can be said that studying the face of Nanyang Xia culture is of great significance to promoting the "exploration of the source of Xia culture".

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Artifacts excavated from the Wuji site in Wolong District

In this environment, regarding the archaeological work of exploring the source of "Xia culture", Nanyang archaeologists think in advance and act first. In July 2020, the Nanyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology formulated the "Regional Archaeological Survey Work Plan for Xia Cultural Sites in Nanyang Area" approved by the Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics and agreed to carry out the regional archaeological survey of Nanyang Xia Cultural Sites. The Nanyang Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Nanyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology re-discovered and re-sorted the discoveries of the Xia culture in Nanyang around the theme of "Xia Culture Research" to clarify the regional distribution of the Xia cultural sites in Nanyang. Aiming at the main distribution areas of Xia cultural sites, the regional archaeological survey project of Xia cultural sites in Nanyang was designed, and specific survey and exploration work plans were formulated. In August 2020, the archaeological survey project of Xia cultural sites in Nanyang area was launched, and the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research immediately established a regional archaeological survey team for Xia cultural sites to organize and implement the archaeological survey of sites within the scope of the Xia culture in Nanyang area. Archaeological surveys have been carried out successively on the sites containing the connotation of Xia culture, such as the Bali bridge site in Fangcheng County, the Wangying site in Wolong District, the Zhao Wa site in Neixiang County, and the maquan wang site in Zhenping County, and a number of cultural relics and relics of the Erlitou period have been found, which provide valuable information for the study of the cultural appearance of the Erlitou culture in southern Henan. By July 2021, a total of 202 sites in the same period or chronology of the Xia culture have been discovered, involving 16 counties and municipalities in Nanyang. At present, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research has completed all the archaeological surveys of the sites within the scope of the Xia culture in Nanyang area, and has done a preliminary collation of the survey data.

Each city has its own "memory" and "bloodline", they are the city's cultural heritage and bones, and the key to the charm of the city. This site and relic related to Xia culture is a fulcrum for exploring the source of Chinese culture, a test question for nanyang on the road to find "Xia", a historical support provided by Nanyang archaeologists for Nanyang to build a regional central city and strengthen cultural self-confidence, and a unique connotation and symbol of Nanyang, a famous historical and cultural city.

Searching for "Xia", Nanyang Answer Sheet of 202 Sites

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Artifacts from the Donggang ruins in Shinno Prefecture

● Located in Wanggang Village, Nanxia, Huaichuan County, with an area of about 6,000 square meters and a cultural layer of 2-4 meters thick, containing the remains of five periods, including Yangshao culture, Qujialing culture, Longshan culture, Erlitou culture and Western Zhou culture. Such a rich phenomenon of cultural cascading is rare in Henan archaeological excavations, which provides important data for the study of cultural genealogy changes, prehistoric environmental changes, and settlement morphology evolution in the Danhuai River Basin. The discovery of a large number of sites and relics from the Erlitou culture period provides an important basis for the study of the spread of the Erlitou culture to the south.

●The Maling ruins of Huaichuan County are located in Jiawan Village, Shengwan Town, Huaichuan County, with a site area of about 30,000 square meters. The main accumulation of sites can be divided into several major stages: Hougang Phase I culture, Zhujiatai culture in the late Yangshao period, Coal Mountain culture (some of which continue to the early Erlitou culture) and Han Dynasty-Six Dynasties period. In addition, there are also a small number of Relics of The Xiyin Culture, the Shijiahe Culture, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Early Qing Dynasty. Among them, the strata of Hougang Phase I culture and Zhujiatai culture are relatively thick, and the number of relics is large and rich. The pottery of Erlitou culture includes ding, folding jar, high neck jar, urn, pot, red top bowl, lid, cup, cylinder, instrument seat, etc., of which the number of red top bowls, folded edge pots, stacked lip pots, high neck jars, and lids is the largest.

●The ruins of Xiazhai in Huaichuan County are located in the rural village of Taohe, Huaichuan County, with an area of about 600,000 square meters. Cultural remains from the Yangshao period, the late Longshan period, the early Erlitou culture, the two-week period, the Jin-Sui and Tang dynasties, and the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties were found. There are more than 1,000 ruins such as house sites, pottery kilns, wells, ash pits, sacrifice pits, ash (trench) ditches, tombs, urn coffins and other relics in various periods, and nearly 800 small pieces of various utensils have been excavated. Among them, the cultural features of the late Longshan era at the Xiazhai site are generally considered to be the local type "chaoshitan type" of the Wangwan Phase III culture or the coal mountain culture, and the cultural factors in the Central Plains are dominant.

It is particularly important to find a total of 27 tombs and 45 urn coffins from the end of the Longshan period to the early Erlitou period, and a number of pottery and stone tools have been excavated, and some tombs have human bones. This provides valuable information for the multidisciplinary comprehensive study of the funerary cultural outlook, burial system and human bones in this period, and also provides new information for in-depth discussion of the growth, exchange and integration of archaeological and cultural forces in Henan, Shaanxi, Hubei and their neighboring areas.

●The ruins of Shan Gang in Huaichuan County are located in Shan Gang Village, Shengwan Town, Huaichuan County, with an area of about 20,000 square meters. Excavations were carried out twice from July 2011 to January 2012 and from March to June 2013, with an area of 9,000 square meters. A large number of relics of the Two Zhou Culture and Qujialing Culture were found, as well as the remains of the Erlitou Culture, the Han Dynasty, the Southern Dynasty, and the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

In the process of the first excavation, the remains of house sites, ash pits, ash ditches, tombs, urns and coffins of the Qujialing culture period were cleared out, and more abundant pottery, stone tools and other relics were unearthed. The excavation of this site has provided new information for the study of the cultural characteristics and chronology of the Qujialing culture in southwest Henan, as well as the layout and structure of settlements. Among them, 1 Ash Pit of Erlitou Culture was found, and relics such as Large Mouth Zun and Gao Neck Urn were excavated, and the era was preliminarily judged to be roughly equivalent to the fourth phase of Erlitou Culture.

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Zhenping County Maquan Wang site collection of Cheng filter

●Dengzhou Rangdong Ruins is located in the northeast corner of Yongdong Town, Dengzhou City, with an area of about 7,000 square meters. In August 1989, the survey was discovered and excavated. The main relics are the mid-mouth jar, the lace jar, the round-bellied jar, the large-mouthed zun, the bowl, the urn, the koshiki, the kneading jar, the ding, the knight, the mane, the bean, the flat-bottomed pot, and a small number of stone tools.

According to the characteristics of cultural relics and relics, as well as the combination and ornamentation, the era is equivalent to the second, third and fourth periods of the Erlitou culture, respectively. Compared with the Erlitou culture of the Central Plains, the Yongdong site has certain regional characteristics, such as a considerable number of brown and yellow pottery and red-brown pottery in the pottery pieces excavated here, the proportion of sand pottery is larger, the clay pottery is relatively small, and some of the clay pottery is also sandwiched with a very small amount of fine sand, lacking typical polished pottery and so on. The excavation of the Yongdong site has provided extremely valuable information for studying academic issues such as the appearance of the Erlitou culture in the Nanyang area and the southern boundary of the Erlitou culture.

●Located in Dachengzhuang Village, Coupon Bridge Town, Fangcheng County, the site of Bali bridge in Fangcheng County covers an area of about 1 million square meters, which is the largest and well-preserved Erlitou cultural relic found in southwest Henan. The cultural connotation is rich, and the main relics are pottery, stone tools and animal bones.

In the 1980s, the Fangcheng County Museum collected an exceptionally exquisite stone pendant at the Bali Bridge site. In April 1994, the archaeological excavation area of more than 100 square meters, cleaned up 14 ash pits, unearthed a number of important relics such as stone tools and pottery. Among the excavated relics, the pottery is mainly sand-filled gray pottery, and there are also sand-filled black pottery, red-brown pottery and some clay pottery; the production method is wheeled and handmade; the ornamentation is mainly thick rope pattern, followed by additional pile patterns, string patterns, cloud thunder patterns, etc. Of particular importance is the discovery of carved symbols on the inner wall of one piece of pottery, while a suspected "writing" has been found on another collected pottery. The shape of the instrument mainly includes large mouth zun, sand jar, ding, bean, lace jar, knight, lid and so on. There are a large number of stone axes and stone tools in stone tools.

The overall cultural characteristics of the Erlitou cultural relics at the Baliqiao site are in line with the appearance of the third phase of Yanshi Erlitou, but the straight-barreled, flat-bottomed or pointed-bottom ash pits found here have local characteristics; the pottery process is infused with black pottery, black-skinned red tire pottery and large-mouth zun, urns, pot shoulders decorated with bull-nose-shaped ears, small mud cakes and cover buttons with pores constitute local characteristics.

The Bali Bridge site provides a reliable basis for studying the political, cultural and economic conditions of the Xia and Shang dynasties in southwest Henan.

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Specimens excavated from the Maquan Wang site in Zhenping County

●The ruins of Wangying (Chenzhuang) in Wolong District are located in Chenzhuang, Wangying Village, Luanhe Town, Wolong District, with an area of about 70,000 square meters.

In September 2020, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research conducted a survey of the site to determine the area and cultural connotation of the site. The site is about 350 meters long from north to south and about 200 meters wide from east to west. In order to clarify the cultural nature and connotation of the site and enrich the research data of the Xia culture, from March 12 to April 12, 2021, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research conducted a test excavation in the western part of the middle of the site and found 8 ash pits in the Erlitou period; a batch of pottery pieces and other relics from the Erlitou period were unearthed, and the main instrument types were pottery ding, pot, pot, and Dakouzun, which enriched the connotation of Nanyang Xia culture research.

●The Wuji ruins of Wolong District are located in the south of Wuji Village, Luanhe Town, Wolong District, with an area of about 1.7 million square meters. From July to November 2011, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research excavated it, excavating an area of about 3,000 square meters, and found a total of 114 cultural relics, including 19 Erlitou cultural ash pits, and the excavated relics mainly include ding, folding jar, high neck jar, bowl, urn, pot, lid and so on. Judging from the archaeological excavations, the excavations of the Erlitou culture are compared with the Yanshi Erlitou culture in stages, and the first phase is not seen, but the pottery of the second, third and fourth periods is basically the same, indicating that the Erlitou culture was transmitted relatively late. The excavation of this site provides new materials for studying and exploring the evolution and southward spread of erlitou culture in nanyang area.

●The Wangchenggang Ruins of Wancheng District are located in Dongkangzhuang Village, Lihe Township, Wancheng District, with an area of about 15,000 square meters.

The site was discovered based on a historical survey of the exquisite tooth zhang excavated from the local flat land in 1975. From January 2, 2021 to February 2, 2021, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research conducted a test excavation of the site, revealing an area of 82 square meters and a cultural layer accumulation thickness of about 0.2-1.5 meters; 14 ash pits were found, including 8 circular pits and 1 oval pit, and the others could not be fully revealed and the shape was unknown. According to the analysis of the relics excavated by the test excavation, 11 ash pits are the late Erlitou and 3 ash pits are the late Longshan period, and there are fragments of pottery bristles, dings, axes, pots, pots, cylinders and other utensils in the late Erlitou period. The ground stone tools in the relics excavated from the site are relatively developed, which enriches the cultural connotation of the site in the Erlitou period and has a very important academic value for the study of Nanyang Xia culture.

●The site of Phoenix Mountain in Xinye County is located in the north of Simen Village, Crooked Town, Xinye County, with an area of about 250,000 square meters. The cultural layer is about 5 meters thick. Human bones and urn burial remains were found under the cliff on the south side of the site, and a braised soil layer was found on the upper level of the cliff on the east side, and irregular ash pits and ash ditches were found on the lower level. There are fragments of pottery, stone, bone and other relics scattered on the surface, and the pottery is mainly gray and black pottery, and there are a small number of faience pottery pieces. Recognizable types include ding, can, pot, cup, bowl, pot, bean, bowl and so on. These relics and relics, including the Yangshao culture, The Qujialing culture and the Longshan culture period, are of great value for the study of the exchange of ancient north-south cultures on the mainland.

●Tanghe County Zhaizigang site is located in Tanghe County suburb township Houwa Village Xiaozhuang, an area of about 85,000 square meters, cultural layer thickness of 1-5 meters. This is a Neolithic cultural site that contains elements of the Erlitou culture. In 1958, a total of 11 exploration squares and trenches were opened in the southwest, east and northeast of the site, with an excavation area of 297 square meters, and a large number of relics and relics were found. Among them, there are 2 house foundations, 3 cellars, 18 tombs, and the production tools are mainly stone tools, including axes, shovels, chisels, knives, cones, and stones; pottery production tools include spinning wheels; living utensils are mainly pottery, including dings, bowls, pots, beans, cups, etc.

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Site mapping

●The site of Tongbai County Steep Slope Mouth is located in the Steep Slope Mouth Group of Wangzhai Village, Xinji Township, Tongbai County, with an area of about 60,000 square meters and a cultural layer thickness of 1-4 meters. After investigation, the surface and section found that there are more relics, the production tools are mainly stone tools, more grinding, the shape of the axe, shovel, hammer; the living utensils are mainly pottery, mainly clay and sand red pottery, brown pottery, black pottery, gray pottery, the shape of the vessel is Ding, bowl, pot, pot, pot, cup, bean, jar, utensil seat, spinning wheel, etc., are handmade; the pattern is decorated with finger nest patterns, string patterns, additional stacking patterns, etc. The site is a Neolithic settlement site containing Yangshao culture, Qujialing culture and Longshan culture.

●The ZhaoWa Ruins of Neixiang County are located in Zhaowa Village, Wangdian Town, Neixiang County, with an area of about 270,000 square meters. At a distance of 0.3 meters from the surface, there are burned earth particles, pottery pieces, and the pottery pieces are Jomon sand pottery. In November 2019, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research conducted archaeological excavations on the site, with an excavation area of 300 square meters, and unearthed more than 10 ash pits of Erlitou culture and Eastern Zhou culture, of which the excavated Erlitou cultural relics mainly include folding jars, dings, lace jars, bowls, high-necked cans, and utensil lids, etc., and the excavation and judgment era is the second and third phases of the Erlitou culture.

●The ruins of Song Xiaozhuang in Zhenping County are located in Song Xiaozhuang Village, Houji Town, Zhenping County, with an area of about 300,000 square meters. When the cultural relics department of Zhenping County conducted a cultural relics census, there were pottery fragments such as Xia Dynasty Cheng filters, beans, pots, and plate tiles from the Warring States period, and fragments of Han Dynasty cylinder tiles, Rope patterns, and diamond-shaped bricks on the surface. In September 2020, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research conducted a specific survey and exploration of the site, and based on the investigation and drilling situation, as well as the characteristic analysis of the collected specimens, it was preliminarily speculated that the site belonged to a cultural relic extended from the Erlitou cultural period of the Xia Dynasty to the Eastern Zhou and Han Dynasties.

●The ruins of Maquan Wang in Zhenping County are located in Wangying Village, Houji Town, Zhenping County, with an area of about 3,000 square meters. Ash pits and other relics can be seen in the western cliffs, and the pottery collected includes thick and thin rope filter fragments of the Erlitou period, large mouth zun, plate, high neck jar, milky mane foot, spring and autumn Warring States bean handle, Warring States thick rope pattern circle bottom pot and so on.

In mid-September 2020, the Municipal Institute of Culture and Research conducted an investigation and exploration of the site and collected a small number of Erlitou cultural relics. In April 2021, another test excavation was carried out in the south of the site, excavating 2 trenches of 20 meters × 2.5 meters, cleaning 6 ash pits, and unearthing a small number of Erlitou cultural relics.

Based on the archaeological surveys, drilling and test excavations over the years, it is preliminarily speculated that the cultural nature of the site is a settlement site. From the collection and excavation of cultural relics, the accumulation date of the site includes about the Erlitou period of the Xia Dynasty, the Shang, Zhou, Han and Song Dynasties.

Henan Archaeology 2021: Investigation and Excavation of Xia Culture in Nanyang Area

Excavation scene of Donggang site in Xinye County

Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. Firm cultural self-confidence, enhancing the competitiveness and influence of the city, enhancing the sense of happiness and gain of the masses, is not only a solid foundation to support the development of Nanyang, but also a majestic force leading Nanyang forward.

Wancheng District Wangchenggang Ruins, Balipu Ruins, Wolong District Hezhuang Ruins, Wuji Ruins, Wangying Ruins, Dingfengdian Ruins, Xinji Ruins, Fangcheng County Baliqiao Ruins, Balicha Ruins, Dengzhou City Yongdong Ruins, Baligang Ruins, Neixiang County Zhao Wa Ruins, Huaichuan County Maling Ruins, Xiawanggang Ruins, Xiazhai Ruins, Dangang Ruins, Zhenping County Liuquanpu Ruins, MaquanWang Ruins, Song Xiaozhuang Ruins... Investigation, excavation, cleaning, screening, 202 scattered in the land of Nanyang Xia culture and Xia culture related sites, is a specific measure for the Nanyang cultural relics department to implement the "efforts to build archaeology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, Chinese style", is a Nanyang answer sheet written by Nanyang archaeologists to find "Xia" and explore the origin of civilization. Next, they will continue to carry out trial excavations of some important sites, and conduct systematic archaeological surveys on both sides of major rivers such as Nanyang Danjiang, TangHe, Baihe, and Turbulence River to discover more Erlitou cultural sites, obtain more scientific cultural information, provide information for the next step of research work, and promote the research of Nanyang Xia culture and Xia culture related sites.

All-media reporter Chen Feifei Nanyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Wang Wei

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