
The tiger was made for love| Borges

The tiger was made for love| Borges

Happy New Year ∞

The Year of the Tiger is auspicious

Borges's Someone (in the poetry collection History of the Night, 1977) depicts a man like this:

He did not know (and others would know) that he belonged to the confabulatores nocturni, the descendants of the night singers, whom Alexander of the Two Horns had summoned to relieve his sleeplessness.

He does not know (and will never know) that He is the one who has benefited us. He believed that he was speaking for a few people, a few coins, but he had woven a thousand and one nights on a fading yesterday...

Translated by Chen Dongbiao

Today is the 2937th push of the Borges public account, divided by 365 days, this public account has been more than 8 years. I'm not a good reader, and over the years I haven't known Borges more than anyone else. On the contrary, it has added a lot of prejudice.

Is it possible? Is it my secret and great desire to become "someone" in Borges' text?

Happy New Year.

The tiger was made for love| Borges

Borges's collection of tigers painted as a child by Helft Nicolas

Borges Postcards from a Biography

It was the tiger of that morning, in Palermo, the tiger of the East and the tiger of Blake and Hugo and Hill Khan, the tiger that had existed and would exist, and it was also the prototype of the tiger, because that body, as far as it was concerned, was the whole species. We think it's bloodthirsty and handsome. Nora, a little girl, said: It was made for love. (Excerpt from Tiger from the poetry collection History of the Night, 1977)

—Translated by Borges | Chen Dongbiao

—Reading and Rereading—


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