
Zhang Ying's code of conduct: Humility is a good character

Zhang Ying, a native of Tongcheng, Anhui, is a chinese poet who is a native of Tongcheng, Anderson, who in his later years. In the sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, he was elected as a Scholar of Shu Jishi (庶吉士), an official to the Rank of Scholar of Wenhuadian University and the Rebbe Shangshu. He successively served as the chief officer of the revision of the "History of the State", "The Chronicle of unification", "Yuanjian Class Letter", "Political Canon", and "Strategy for Pacifying shuo desert". Kangxi died at home in the 47th year, and his title was Wenduan.

Zhang Ying's code of conduct: Humility is a good character

Zhang Ying pays special attention to being a person. He advocated that when people live, they must do a good job. He believes that if a person wants to do a good job, he must pay attention to "establishing products" and have excellent moral character.

A person who is misbehaving and misbehaving is not a good person. In Zhang Ying's view, the children of official eunuchs and the children of rich families should pay more attention to the cultivation of moral products, because the cultivation of moral products of these children is a hundred times more difficult than that of the children of the cold door. When Zhang Ying was alive, in addition to consciously doing a good job in his own self-cultivation, he also always attached importance to the forging and cultivation of the moral conduct of his descendants.

He has always stressed that a person should be humble and self-reliant. In life, we must learn to be humble and courteous, we must be beneficial to the country, we must be beneficial to people, we must be willing to support others, and we must be willing to help others solve difficulties. He hated the people in the world who were unreasonable, oppressed, and bullied people.

Zhang Ying vigorously advocated that the home should be harmonious and orderly, and the hometown should be honest in loving people. If a man has no fraternity, and if he does not speak of honesty, he has no place to stand. Standing in the world, we must be quiet and indifferent, and we must not be preoccupied with personal interests.

Zhang Ying's code of conduct: Humility is a good character

Zhang Ying has always advocated that people should have the spirit of forbearance. On the issue of forbearance to people, Zhang Ying believes that "letting" is the moral basis of being a human being. How can a person achieve "forbearance"? He said it clearly, "If you want to practice the path of forbearance, you must start with small things." "What good is it for people to tolerate it?" He felt, "If you endure stinginess, you will not be affected by the atmosphere; if you eat a small loss, you will not suffer a big loss." "

Zhang Ying is very opposed to the bad habit of a person who loves to take advantage. He stressed that the most important thing to do as a person is to be cheap, and he regards the loss of cheapness for life as a lifetime of cheapness.

Zhang Ying's code of conduct: Humility is a good character

He warned his descendants and the world: A person should not be too truthful in dealing with honor and disgrace gains and losses, and if he encounters others who do not pay etiquette to himself or make unwarranted criticisms and accusations, he must be calm, must not be angry, learn to be tolerant, and learn to think from the other party's point of view.

Even if you are not at fault, you must be able to forgive others, be good at asking yourself questions, and find out more problems and contradictions in yourself.

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