
This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

author:Economic Daily

A few days ago, foreign media released news: 95-year-old Jean Deich, the director who directed 13 "Tom and Jerry", died unexpectedly in his apartment.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In fact, many people have overlooked that this legendary animation work has buried too many Easter eggs for us, and we have not found them all until today.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

As we all know, the Oscar is the highest honor hall of all kinds of films, and Xiao Lizi has been running with the Oscar for more than ten years. Why is it that in just 7 minutes an episode, the 0-line "Tom and Jerry" can be "effortlessly" nominated 5 times and won awards 7 times?

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Because we are all "deceived" by it, when we were young, we only cared about watching the hilarity, and did not see that there were many unknown efforts hidden behind the scenes, just like the saying: you can only look effortless if you work very hard.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Few people know that this god-level animation that has been on fire for more than 80 years was abandoned and hidden in the snow four times in the early stage of creation, the main creators were unemployed in the winter, the copyright was sold several times, and the failed adaptation and other bumpy experiences, the ups and downs in the middle are no less than the absurd plot of cats and mice.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

"Tom and Jerry" is a slang term commonly used by young people in London in the 19th century, meaning "prodigal son who eats, drinks and has fun". It first originated in Pierce Egan's Jerry Hawthorne and His Elegant Friend Collins Tom.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Because there is no dialogue, the progress and development of the plot relies heavily on background music and body movements to present, a smile, every move, all have to be drawn, the workload behind this is far more than people can bear.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In order to draw the most vivid and vivid expressions, animator Irv Spence made various exaggerated expressions in front of the mirror while drawing them.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In order to imitate the actions of the characters, the director stood on a high chair in the script meeting and imitated the movements over and over again regardless of the identity and the image.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Every detail in the animation stands up to scrutiny, from the layout structure in Jerry and Tyfi's residence, the small table lamp, their respective names on the bed, the small carpet, the bed made of cans, the chair made of teacup,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

The lace of the curtains, the area of shadows sprinkled by the sun shining on the windows,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

As large as the variety of mouth-watering food in the refrigerator, all of them are meticulous, delicate and delicate.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In addition to the emoticons, the background music is particularly important, not only rendering the atmosphere, but also promoting the development of the plot, emphasizing the inner dynamics of the protagonist, and this animation hides many world-class classic music.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Johann Strauss's "Blue Danube", Chopin's "The Great Round Dance", Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata", the Second National Anthem of the United States "Yankee Dudel", the US Navy military song "Anchor March"...

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

The source of the soundtrack of "Tom and Jerry" compiled by netizens

According to statistics, there are more than fifty classical music pieces that appear in Tom and Jerry, including works by Chopin, Liszt, Tchaikovsky, Rossini, Mendelssohn, Bizet, Johann Strauss Jr. and many other musicians. Someone said, "Tom and Jerry is my classical music teacher." ”

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Even under the influence of "Tom and Jerry", it changed the trajectory of many people's lives.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Lang Lang, a famous pianist in China, has expressed his fate with the piano and the rich body movements when playing, which are derived from "Tom and Jerry" to a large extent.

Lang Lang said: "There is an episode in the cartoon 'Tom and Jerry' called 'Cat Concerto', which left an indelible impression on me and had an indelible impression on me more than 'Kingdom of Music'. Every time that episode was played on TV, I watched it intently. Lang Lang described this in his autobiography "A Journey of a Thousand Miles, My Story":

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

The episode of "Cat Concerto" mentioned by Lang Lang won the 1947 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.

Tom as a piano player is about to play, the result of the "wrongdoer" Jerry wants to take the opportunity to spoof Tom ugly, throughout the performance has been making trouble, Tom not only to ensure that the performance is not messed up, but also to clean up the mess that Jerry broke, the whole process is tense and funny.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Years later, when some music-related netizens watched the episode again, they found a surprising secret, "As a music practitioner, the meticulousness of piano keys and musical scores in "Tom and Jerry" is really terrible..."

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

It turned out that Tom was playing Liszt's famous song

"Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2", Tom from the first note to the last note, all the tones in this process are exactly corresponding to the keys of the original song, and most of them are even on the right pitch, each note is stepped on the key, and the fingering is accurate, not because the audience does not understand the piano to play randomly, unlike many film and television dramas now in the flute to take the reverse, the guqin guzheng is not divided, lack of awe, but no difference!

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

This is not the most terrible, don't forget, 1946, and the current situation is completely different, at that time the first generation of computers, just born, not to mention what notebook desktop, 3D modeling at that time did not exist, PS pen tablet drawing technology did not, a second 24 frames of animation, is a picture of one by one, the animation production process of that year, far more cumbersome than today.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

But even at the time when the technology was immature, the entire production team never made excuses, never cut corners, the characters could speak and even sing the lip shape, the short film "Universal Conductor", Tom's command action was consistent with the real conductor. Whether it is the expression of the characters or the background, they are all depicted in detail.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

The production process of Tom and Jerry is all hand-drawn frame by frame, and the entire music should be planned before drawing, and Tom should be aimed at each frame to play, and an average of 15,000 middle drawings are required for an animation.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

After the tom and jerry manuscripts are drawn, they are connected one by one and colored uniformly with celluloid until it is determined that all the details are fine.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

This animation detail table is an outline of the action, sound effects, and music in the animation. With this chart, every frame of action and dialogue is synchronized with the music in a thousandth of a second.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Because Tom only has four fingers to play, so when playing the piano, the need to redistribute the fingers is very important, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the work, and in such a difficult production environment, it can also make Tom and Jerry's fight, the mood of the character, perfectly integrated into the music, and there is no hint of obtrusiveness, plus a variety of details checked and adjusted, how difficult this episode is to imagine.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In the early days of Tom and Jerry, the original drawing was drawn on paper and then transferred to film, and the price of film at that time was very high, so it could only produce one episode per year, and in order to produce this episode, the team of 150 people took a full 18 months to complete. From 1939 to the present, "Tom and Jerry" has done more than 160 episodes, an episode of 7 minutes of animation, the longest production cycle of an episode has reached 18 months in length, even if the number of episodes with lower difficulty also takes 2 to 3 months to produce, on average, each episode takes half a year to do well, and its degree of care is extreme.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

This animation, which began in 1939, has been 80 years since this year, and in the past hundred years, Tom's image has changed 14 versions:

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In addition to these two protagonists, the image of the supporting characters in the animation is also flexible and vivid, and the little nephew of Q Meng wearing a diaper, Tiffy,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Sexy beautiful white cat,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

The fierce but protective bulldog,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

A total of 116 animated characters appeared in the entire animation, and 2-3 characters were selected in each episode, matched with different personalities, and with the nature of cat and mouse, a comedy was staged that was both funny and warm and touching.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Someone said, "A story is a metaphor for life." You can find yourself in stories, vent emotions, and even find a different possibility. After a hearty laugh or a cry, regain your confidence, pack your bags and set foot on the road of life again. ”

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

You think it's just a cartoon for kids?

Then you are wrong, many people's life principles have long been explained thoroughly, but we did not understand it at that time.

When I was a child, I laughed and laughed when I grew up, and I cried.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Children should never use inflammable and explosive dangerous items:

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Even if you are deeply in love, don't lose your self-esteem, don't become humble,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Bear children cannot be allowed to make mistakes because they urinate,

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

One of the episodes, "Peace Treaty", is even more inhumane.

Tom, Jerry, and Spike the Big Dog are tired of chasing and fighting all day long,

In order to "truce", they drew up a "peace treaty".

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In the early days, he also enjoyed peace and tranquility, friendship and mutual assistance,

But when they encounter a piece of fat meat, all three of them want to divide it more, their selfish ambitions are all exposed, their ugliness is exposed, and the "peace treaty" is nothing more than a piece of waste paper in the face of interests.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Sure enough, as Churchill said: There are no eternal friends,

There are no eternal enemies,

There is only eternal interest.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In this cartoon, we see Tom and Jerry falling in love and killing each other, they are natural enemies, but they are friends, they are not at peace all day, but they rely on each other, maybe it is not that Tom can't catch Jerry, but Tom is reluctant to catch Jerry, because Jerry, his life can become more exciting and fun.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Exaggerated action creativity, imaginative plot, high-level classical music, delicate production methods, impeccable details, so that after 80 years of animation, it still seems that it is not inferior today, and when you look at it, you will still be moved by the craftsman spirit and the humanistic care in it.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

In that environment, but always the pursuit of perfection, adhere to the faith, uphold the spirit of craftsmanship of the persistence, such a rigorous ingenuity, in the animation production technology is getting better and better today, more and more difficult to see, and this is why it can be popular so far, this is the power of the classic.

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

No wonder netizens praised it: "has always been imitated, never been surpassed", "accompanied my entire childhood, how many times I watched it is not tired".

This cartoon is exposed behind the scenes! It turns out that the years have hidden so many Easter eggs for us...

Over the past eighty years, "Tom and Jerry" has constantly changed and innovated, and each episode of animation has brought us a lot of touches, teaching us to know right from wrong, distinguishing between good and evil, in fact, what we miss is not cartoons, but childhood that cannot go back, thanks for companionship, and tribute to the classics.

Source: Yi Extraordinary WeChat