
The New Year's "Cute Tiger" baby is coming, and the family named it "Dundun"

Modern Express News (correspondent Liu Haixia reporter Gu Xiao) In the early morning of February 1, at the moment when everyone was leaving the old year and celebrating the New Year, a wave of "cute tiger" babies was quietly born. At about 0:48, a pair of "cute tiger" male treasures were born at the Yangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital almost at the same time, and one of the mothers named the baby "Dundun" to welcome the Winter Olympics.

The New Year's "Cute Tiger" baby is coming, and the family named it "Dundun"

At 0:48 on the 1st, the first baby cry of the Lunar Year of the Tiger came from the delivery room of Yangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital. After handling the umbilical cord, weighing, wearing clothes, and the medical staff were busy for a while, the first "cute tiger" baby in Yangzhou city met with everyone, and was a "little handsome guy" of 7 pounds and 4 pairs.

The New Year's "Cute Tiger" baby is coming, and the family named it "Dundun"

A new mother, Ms. Kong, 28, is tired and excited. She introduced that the expected date of delivery was originally the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, who knew that there was a precursor to childbirth in the afternoon of the twenty-ninth of the year, and she was worried that if the baby was born at the moment of "ox tail", the name of the tiger treasure that had been pre-erected could not be used. Fortunately, the baby arrived as promised in the Year of the Tiger, and the family smiled and closed their mouths. The family named the baby HangXiaolin, which means Tiger Howling Mountain Forest.

The New Year's "Cute Tiger" baby is coming, and the family named it "Dundun"

At the same time, another baby tiger was born. Ms. Zhang, 35, said happily, "This is my second treasure, boy, 6 pounds and 6 more, named 'Dundun', to welcome the Winter Olympics!" ”

What is amazing is that Zhu Biyun, the nurse who accompanied Xiao Xiaolin's birth, is also a tiger. The parents asked Nurse Zhu and Xiao Xiaolin to confess their relatives, and she gladly agreed.

The reporter learned that in order to welcome the birth of the "tiger baby", the birth room of Yangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital carried out the "warm women and children, happy childbirth" activity, carefully made a "baby card" for each born baby, printed with "the first step in life" small footprints and "family portraits", the obstetrics department also carefully prepared a blessing bag, sent a hat printed with a small tiger, and wished the babies a healthy growth.

It is understood that in the early morning of the first morning of the New Year, a total of 6 "cute tiger" babies were born in major hospitals in Yangzhou City, 5 men and 1 woman.

(Editing by Su Xiangyang)

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