
Ultraman: Also Shining Form, Taiga B, Telica A, and he SSS

In the Ultraman series, these different justice warriors have their own characteristics, some of them also have some of their own forms, and the shining form is a very rare look. Although the Shining Form is very rare, there are still a large number of people who have the Shining Form. Here are the next 5 representative characters, the same shining form, and Theaga B, Telica A, but he has reached the SSS level.

Ultraman: Also Shining Form, Taiga B, Telica A, and he SSS

Shining Taiga B grade, Taiga is the grandson of Father O, and is also the noble prince of the 3rd generation of the Kingdom of Light. Since this guy's status is not low, Round Valley also arranged a lot of scenes for him. In the finale of "Otter Galaxy Fight 2", Taiga evolved to the Shining Triple Form, and at the same time directly destroyed the Jetton Legion, which was very powerful. Shining Taiga held the sword, covered in golden light, which looked very domineering and not low in combat effectiveness. But he can only be counted as B-class.

Ultraman: Also Shining Form, Taiga B, Telica A, and he SSS

Shine Triga A- "Ultraman" is a hit work, and the male number one has already taken a shining form. This Triga has the shadow of Diga in many ways, so it cannot be without the shining form, but this state of its is called the "eternal form". At first, Triga looked very tall when he evolved into the Shining Form, but Sword Goku did not know how to control power, which affected the exertion of his true combat power. Of course, comparatively speaking, this Trega also showed strong combat effectiveness after opening the trick, at least up to Class A.

Ultraman: Also Shining Form, Taiga B, Telica A, and he SSS

Shining Cyro S-class, among the many Ultramans, it seems that Only Cyro has super good luck that no one else has. Although Ultraman is a righteous warrior responsible for defending the world, he is deeply loved by the authorities and even has the label of "Round Valley's grandson". Since Cyro's presence is bursting, this guy won't lack a shining form. In Galaxy Fight 2, the shining Cyro golden light surrounds the whole body, holding a sword in his hand, and the whole look looks very windy.

Ultraman: Also Shining Form, Taiga B, Telica A, and he SSS

Shining Diga SS Level, in comparison, Shine Diga seems to be the most famous 1 Shining O. In the TV work of "Diga", the evil god suddenly appears in the world, the earth is all shrouded in darkness, and the hero who can save everyone is only Diga. However, at first, he could not defeat the evil god, and he was even slapped into a stone statue by the other party. Fortunately, the children's light of hope later ignited the fire of Di Jia's life, and the latter successfully awakened, thus destroying the boss in a shining form. It can be said that Diga is the 2nd most powerful person in the Shining O'ao.

Ultraman: Also Shining Form, Taiga B, Telica A, and he SSS

Shining Dream Bius SSS, this Dream Bius is a little special, because he originated from the future world, and at the same time appears very non-existent due to the darkness of the work, even less famous than Vice Osikali. Surprisingly, however, Monbius also has its own shining form. This guy was covered in golden light, and the whole person immediately became tall, and even carried a hint of nobility. At the same time, his combat effectiveness can also be called to a higher level, which is not comparable to ordinary Oak. It is no exaggeration to say that this dream is more attractive than Yous and even more than Diga. The above 5 Ultramans are representatives of the Shining Form, of which Diga only reaches the SS level, and only the Shining Dream Bius has the SSS level.

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