
He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

author:Entertainment I know

Graphic / Entertainment I know

Editing/Entertaining I know

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback


Gao Yifeng, with a net worth of more than 100 million, went bankrupt unexpectedly, and his hair turned gray overnight, but he made a comeback. If this story appears in a cool novel, it may still be understood. But this is part of Gao Yifeng's real experience. In 2010, he stood on the stage of "China's Got Talent", with white hair, and sang the song "Start Again". His singing infected countless audiences, and his voice was full of emotion, which moved everyone present. Gao Xiaosong sighed: "I call you brother, you really vividly express the 'heroic life'." "If you haven't experienced it yourself, how can you have such a deep feeling?

Singer dreams

Gao Yifeng, a young native of Anhui, has dreamed of becoming a singer since he was a child. At the age of 14, he entered the Tongling Art Troupe with his dream and began to study art performance. However, due to his short stature, he never had the opportunity to appear on stage. Therefore, he had to become a handyman, dealing with stage equipment every day, and this kind of life lasted for 7 years, but in the end, he left because he could not see the future. When he returned to his hometown, he was in trouble, young and ignorant, uneducated and had no expertise.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

After much deliberation, he decided to make ends meet by doing business. In 1987, Gao Yifeng went to Hainan alone with only 300 yuan to make a living. As the forefront of reform and opening up, Hainan has attracted many young people to explore opportunities. However, the reality is even more cruel than the dream, and when he first arrives, he, like other migrant workers, faces the dilemma of not being able to find a job.

In order to survive, he worked as a newspaper salesman, worked on construction sites, set up a street stall, and pedaled a rickshaw. In 1988, he got a job as a waiter in a dance hall with a monthly salary of 100 yuan. During that time, he observed that the business of the cabaret was booming and saw a huge business opportunity to open a cabaret. He resolutely decided to take action and used his savings and borrowed money to open a small song hall.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

Since he was a child, he dreamed of becoming a famous singer. However, his family was so poor that he couldn't even afford a guitar. He spared no effort to make his dream come true. "I didn't eat for three days to save up for a second-hand guitar." When Lao Gao recalled the past, tears flashed in his eyes. He was not afraid of hardships and perseverance, and finally appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 1998. That night, his singing conquered a national audience. Since then, Lao Gao has become famous in one fell swoop and has become a household name.

It's hard to start a business to the rich

Gao Yifeng came to Hainan with a dream to find opportunities in this coastal city, but reality dealt him a heavy blow: the capital needed to start a business became the biggest problem. But he didn't give up easily. He started from scratch, from part-time job to stall building, no matter what kind of work he tried. However, these efforts have yielded little and are still far from his ideals.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

Friends around him suggested that he go back to his hometown, where he might get more support. But Gao Yifeng has his own ideas, and he sees the difference between big cities and small cities. The big cities have gone beyond mere survival and have begun to pursue a higher level of spiritual life. At this time, he began to pay attention to the singing and dancing industry. At that time, the dance hall was a popular project, and high consumption brought high returns. However, opening a cabaret is no small feat. Lighting, sound, venues, everything costs money.

He decided to take a risk and borrow money. This bet eventually led to his success, and he immediately became a 10,000-dollar household. With the starting capital, he is even more motivated. In the era of rapid development in the country, Gao Yifeng, as Lei Jun said, stands on the tuyere. He identified an opportunity in the real estate market. He bought and sold land, and each time it changed hands, it was millions of dollars. Although this is a "side hustle" in his opinion, the main focus is still on the entertainment industry.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

After the era of cabarets passed, he provided a full range of entertainment services, from singing to dancing and drinking. He was no longer short of money. However, being rich did not satisfy him. He suddenly remembered his original dream - to become a singer. Now that he has wealth and resources, he did not hesitate to find someone to write songs, use his connections, and finally appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in 1996. The song "Wine on September 9th" is familiar to almost all the elders. From an unknown young man, Gao Yifeng became a star of the Spring Festival Gala, and then to a tycoon worth more than 100 million.

Bankruptcy hit rock bottom

However, he did not escape the financial crisis of 1997 and eventually went bankrupt. Gao Yifeng has experienced challenges and failures again and again, and the career accumulated over the years has been destroyed, and he is not only discredited, but also burdened with more than 30 million debts. These debts were like a mountain weighing on him, and they hit him extremely hard, even causing him to fall into despair that he didn't want to live.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

However, with the encouragement of family and friends, Gao Yifeng regained his confidence. He started driving taxis, driving vans, and trying to pay off his debts. At the same time, he re-embarked on the entrepreneurial journey, running a steamed bun shop and then a restaurant chain. If a success requires seizing the times and opportunities, then the experience of recovering from the trough proves Gao Yifeng's tenacity and strength.

Gao Yifeng showed the courage and entrepreneurial spirit to pursue his dreams, from his music dream to entrepreneurship in the entertainment industry, fully demonstrating his courage to try and innovate. Despite this, his girlfriend always supported him and never left him. Later, he regained his strength and opened a 17-square-meter steamed bun shop in 2006. Although there is a huge gap in his status from a multimillionaire to the owner of a steamed bun shop, he has not given up on his current life.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

Although he is no longer as glorious as he used to be, he still feels very happy. In addition, Gao Yifeng's business vision is discerning, and his decisive decision-making and effective execution ability demonstrate his exemplary role as a successful entrepreneur. He flexibly adjusted his strategy according to the situation, skillfully integrated resources, and successfully launched his own company, showing his excellent business acumen and insight.


In the ups and downs of life, Gao Yifeng has experienced the toss and turns of spring breeze triumph and bankruptcy. Although he was once a dazzling star on the stage and rich in wealth, he did not stop there. After losing everything overnight, he was not discouraged, but chose the path of starting anew with firm faith and hard-working hands.

He went to the Spring Festival Gala and was worth more than 100 million, but he lost his head overnight after suffering bankruptcy, and now he is selling steamed buns and making a comeback

Today, he runs a 17-square-metre steamed bun shop. Although his life is no longer as rich as it used to be, in his heart, this simple life is also full of satisfaction and happiness. He no longer measures his worth by wealth and fame, but feels the true meaning of life in the ordinary. No matter how big the setbacks are, as long as you have dreams and pursue them bravely, you will always have the opportunity to make a comeback and regain your rhythm in life.

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