
15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

author:Entertainment I know

Graphic / Entertainment I know

Editing/Entertaining I know

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different


He did everything he could to get a hit, but once he succeeded, his true colors were revealed. Mai Hongmei was forced to die by his machismo and cheating, and finally chose to divorce. As their daughter, Mai Baoyao began the darkest period of her life. While everyone felt sorry for Mai Baoyao, they were curious about why Mai Hongmei, as a mother, didn't care about her daughter's future.

Singer Sun Nan

Sun Nan came to Beijing with the support of his parents, and the city became his new home. As soon as he came to the art troupe, Sun Nan devoted all his energy to singing. At first, Sun Nan did not have his own original songs, and could only rely on cover songs to perform. However, for him at that time, the opportunity to perform was the greatest joy. In order to enhance his popularity, Sun Nan actively participated in various competitions, hoping to let more people hear his music.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

After years of hard work, he has the opportunity to perform and communicate in Hong Kong, as one of the "top ten singers in China". In 1999, the film and television drama "Never Look Away" in which he participated was a hit, which made the hero and heroine an instant hit, and the theme song "Come Back Soon" also quickly became popular. At this time, the audience began to know the singer Sun Nan. After that song became popular, major film and television dramas threw olive branches to him, so during that time, Sun Nan almost became a professional in the theme song of film and television dramas.

He gradually figured out the rules of this behind-the-scenes road, which gave him the opportunity to be on stage. Sure enough, after that, he was often active on the stage of various David TVs, and the name Sun Nan has become a household name. Despite all the gossip he has experienced, no one can deny his strength. He and Na Ying came out of the same school, and his strength should not be underestimated, and every time he sings, he can deeply touch the emotions of the audience.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

Last year, he collaborated with Chen Chusheng on "The Nameless Man", which attracted many netizens with only three lyrics, and some netizens even called for him to release a single version. This is because his singing voice is so moving that just a few lyrics can deeply touch people's hearts. It can be seen from this that his strength has never disappointed the audience. Despite the turmoil, shaking hands with others is always the best ending. This time, Sun Nan appeared on the stage again, and just one song completely reversed public opinion.

Buy the love between Hongmei and Sun Nan

Mai Hongmei has been good at singing and dancing since she was a child, so she is loved by leaders, and she cooperated with Guo Donglin when she first appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and became famous. With the passage of time, her fame has grown, and she has been frequently invited to the Spring Festival Gala, and is even known as a "sketch genius". However, in the year when Sun Nan appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, Mai Hongmei was unexpectedly absent. However, the fate of these two stars did not end there.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

One day three years later, Sun Nan participated in a variety show, but was pleasantly surprised to find that his idol Mai Hongmei was actually the host of the show. Seeing the idol in his mind, Sun Nan was very excited, and did not hesitate to express his admiration to Mai Hongmei. He suddenly jumped out with a sentence that shocked everyone present: "Are you willing to marry me?" ”

Mai Hongmei responded without hesitation: "Okay." Perhaps it was because of Sun Nan's sincere emotions that the love between the two sprouted. From the first meeting to the decision to get married, the whole process took less than 24 hours, which was unbelievable to everyone. In the absence of a formal wedding, they are already legally married.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

At their flash wedding, only Mai Hongmei attended alone, and Sun Nan hurriedly showed up and left in a hurry. Although the wedding looks a little funny, the married life of the two is quite sweet. When his wife was pregnant, Sun Nan offered to let the child take his mother's surname and take the name Mai Baoyao. He was extremely considerate to his wife and actively shared the household chores. However, there will always be some small things in life, and it is inevitable that there will be friction between the two people who get along every day, and gradually, there will be a rift in their relationship.

Marriage breakdown The future of the daughter after the divorce

Sun Nan failed to be a qualified partner in his marriage, and he prioritized his career over his family, apparently ignoring the importance of family. On the day of the wedding, Sun Nan took a commercial performance, and left in a hurry after showing up in public, which was difficult to maintain the marriage. Sun Nan advocates the traditional concept of patriarchy, while Mai Hongmei is more modern, and this ideological difference has become a major obstacle between them.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

After marriage, Sun Nan was busy with his career and rarely met Mai Hongmei, coupled with his serious machismo, the distance between the two became bigger and bigger. The lack of patience and understanding between husband and wife leads to the fact that big and small things can become the fuse of marital conflicts, and finally plant the "seeds" of divorce. The chance encounter between Sun Nan and his second wife Pan Wei became the last straw that led to the divorce, and this kind of third-party intervention is not uncommon in real life.

After the divorce, Mai Hongmei faced the dilemma of a heavy setback in her career and a sharp decline in her income, and her life of raising two children alone became extremely difficult. Netizens expressed sympathy and dissatisfaction with Mai Hongmei's experience, pointing out that she was forced to live with her children in a cheap house with a monthly rent of several hundred yuan, which obviously could not provide a good educational environment for her daughter. The difference between Sun Nan and Pan Wei's daughters who have the opportunity to receive a better education, while Mai Hongmei's daughter is forced to attend a school that is not worthy of the name, is unacceptable.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

Sun Nan's career has plummeted since the problems of cheating in marriage and improper ways of educating children were exposed. Mai Hongmei is becoming more and more focused on her career, and now she still frequently receives invitations to scripts and programs. At the same time, she also met her new husband, Sun Yulun. In contrast, the years have left obvious marks on Sun Nan's face. After all, no one wants to pay for such a person of bad character.


Mai Hongmei is still focused on her acting career, constantly receiving invitations to scripts and programs, and she also frequently shares photos of family outings on social platforms, still full of vitality and youth. In contrast, Sun Nan's life has experienced ups and downs. The shadow of his former career heyday was shrouded in marital infidelity and controversy, which caused his career to collapse. The years have left obvious traces on his face, and his life experience is also embarrassing.

15 years after Mai Hongmei and Sun Nan divorced, now looking at their respective circumstances, they are very different

This story teaches us that the choices and actions we make in life have a profound impact on the future. Mai Hongmei has maintained stability and happiness in her career because of her focus and hard work, while Sun Nan has faced great challenges and regrets because of her past mistakes. Every choice in life should be taken with care, as they will determine the direction of our destiny.

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