
Listen to your mother 丨 The best "New Year's gift" for your mother

author:Shangguan News

Red Net Moment reporters Wu Gongran, Yang Bin, Zhang Xingcheng, Pan Jin, hunan reported

The Spring Festival was supposed to be a reunion day. Many people who work outside the home cannot spend the holidays with their families because of work and other reasons, but they are no less concerned about their homes than others. The sea rises and the moon rises, and the end of the world is at this time. Chinese New Year's Eve, Rednet Moment reporters interviewed several strivers in different industries to see how they shouldered their love for their families and their responsibilities for work.

Best "New Year's Gift" for Mothers

At 14:00 on the afternoon of January 31, Wu Lewei, an employee of a steel company in Zhuhai, woke up because of overtime the night before. When he got out of bed, he received a call from his mother Wu Deying from long'ao Village, Qingtangpu Town, Anhua County, Hunan Province: "Everything is fine at home, rest assured to work outside!" ”

Wu Deying told Wu Lewei that the village is very concerned about the parents of the migrant workers who have not returned to their hometowns, and on the day of the New Year, the village cadres also sent New Year goods to the door, and we were very happy. Wu Lewei, who was still worried about the New Year at home, instantly put down a stone in his heart.

Listen to your mother 丨 The best "New Year's gift" for your mother

Wu Deying (first from left) receives New Year goods from the village.

Forced by the epidemic situation, Wu Lewei, who is working in Zhuhai, plans to celebrate the New Year on the spot to avoid the risk of infection caused by the cross-provincial movement of returning home for the New Year. But the old mother at home with her own children is at home, and he is worried that the family will be a little deserted this year. But the mother, who often pays attention to national events, knows that there are risks in inter-provincial mobility under the epidemic situation today, and asks Wu Lewei not to return to his hometown for the time being, and then find an opportunity to come back to see it after the epidemic subsides.

The home is the smallest country, and the country is tens of millions. Wu Deying told Wu Lewei that it is not easy for epidemic prevention personnel, and the fight against the epidemic is all day and night. Migrant workers should abide by the local epidemic prevention policy, the temperature should be measured, the mask should be worn, the vaccine should be beaten, the work should be done well, and the trouble should be avoided for the country and the unit, which is the best New Year's gift for the mother, and it is the greatest filial piety.

Hearing his mother's words, Wu Le couldn't help but shed tears for this man who had tears and did not flick. No matter how hard and tired he is outside, as long as his family is doing well, he feels worth it. This Spring Festival can not go home, can not be around his mother filial piety, he feels ashamed of his family. Now his mother's words made him unable to hold back any longer, and let the tears flow down.

Wu Lewei decided to wait for the epidemic to subside, and bring his mother, who had never been far away in her life, to Zhuhai to see and make the old people happy.

The momentum of the work is even stronger

On January 31, Xie Jiang, deputy county magistrate of The People's Government of Anhua County and head of the county science and technology expert service group, after sending New Year's greetings to the scientific and technological service experts in the group with his mobile phone, re-prompted and redeployed key tasks such as spring ploughing and production in the coming year.

Since its establishment in 2018, Xie Jiang has led the service group to be awarded the title of "Excellent Science and Technology Expert Service Group of the Province" for three consecutive years, and is also the only science and technology expert service group in the province to achieve "three consecutive championships".

The service group composed of 89 scientific and technological talents of the "three districts" of the province and the provincial, municipal and county-level science and technology commissioners is active in the frontline of Agricultural and Rural Production in Anhua around the work goals of agricultural efficiency, farmers' income and rural development.

Listen to your mother 丨 The best "New Year's gift" for your mother

Xie Jiang at work (second from right).

On the phone, Xie Jiang and the team members worked together to divide and lay out the work priorities in the next year. He led a group of science and technology commissioners, with the feeling of "three rural areas", with the ambition of "science and technology growing in the soil", let the peasants go from "relying on the sky to eat" to "rejuvenating agriculture with science and technology", gradually entered the hearts of the villagers, let everyone taste the sweetness of science and technology, and formed the most sincere friendship with peasant friends.

Work and career have been effective, but the guilt of parents, wives and children has always been buried in Xie Jiang's heart. In the three years of the service group, I can't remember how many holidays and weekends, Xie Jiang led the members of the group to run in the lofty mountains and fields of Anhua and had no time to take care of others, including the New Year's Day, they could not accompany their parents, wives and children.

However, the parents, wives and children understood Xie Jiang very well. His mother said to him: "Farmer friends need you more than we do, don't worry about home, and work outside the home." This made Xie Jiang feel that his family's heart was always with him, and he had more momentum to do his work!

Stick to the post to protect the health of patients

This year Chinese New Year's Eve, Chen Cheng had to be on duty again, and he could not return to his hometown in Hubei for the New Year. Mom said that everything was fine at home and asked him to do a good job, make some delicious food by himself, and take care of his body.

As the attending physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Tuina Rehabilitation of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen Cheng has not returned to his hometown for the New Year for 3 consecutive years. During the Spring Festival in 2020, when the new crown epidemic broke out, he stuck to his post and was on duty at the unit; during the Spring Festival in 2021, he supported the Tibetan Hospital in Zhanang County, Shannan, Tibet, and returned to Hunan, and was on duty at the unit from the first day of the first year.

Listen to your mother 丨 The best "New Year's gift" for your mother

Chen Cheng (second from right) and his colleagues stuck to their posts and inspected the ward.

The Spring Festival was originally a reunion day, and many people went home for the New Year. After 7 years of practicing medicine, Chen Cheng has become accustomed to the Spring Festival duty. There was no epidemic in the past few years, and he would return to his hometown in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, for a few days after his duty.

Due to the special duties of doctors, as long as there is another patient in the department who has not returned home, it is necessary to have a medical staff on duty. Chen Cheng's department is the National Regional Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Center, which is the center of paralysis in Hunan Province, and there are inpatients left every year during the Spring Festival.

Chen Cheng said that the daily work of Chinese New Year's Eve on duty is actually the same as usual, but also daily rounds and acupuncture rehabilitation. However, because it is responsible for every patient in the department, it will analyze, examine and deal with all patients who have changed their condition, so the responsibility is greater and there are more things.

In Chen Cheng's department, most of the patients are elderly stroke patients, and there are many basic patients such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, and some of them have almost no ability to take care of themselves, requiring more patience and care. During the Spring Festival, many family members accompanied them home, and they also need to check whether the patient has taken the medicine on time and in quantity, and need to repeatedly tell them to pay attention to preventing falls and recurrence, and encourage patients to actively recover and strive to go home as soon as possible.

"In fact, everyone wants to go home for the New Year, but as a doctor, the job responsibilities are special, and there is always a responsibility in my heart, because I am the patient's dependence; there is always a kind of perseverance in my heart, because I want to protect my health." Chen Cheng said that during the Spring Festival, he is not alone, many medical staff are sticking to their posts, and each department has a duty officer; many staff in other industries are also because of the needs of work, because of a responsibility, adhere to the front line of silent dedication, due diligence, to make life better.

New Year does not close to return customer trust

On January 31, in the "Xiangnong Souvenir Shop" on Wenyi North Road, Lantian Street, Lianyuan City, Wu Nongbin, a poverty-alleviated household, and his wife Hu Jianjiang Chinese New Year's Eve business as usual, and they came to the store at 8 a.m.

"Starting tomorrow is the time to visit relatives and friends, many people like agricultural products, good quality, positive taste, gifts like." Wu Nongbin said happily. In less than 3 hours, more than 2,000 yuan were sold, and local specialties such as "Honey Full Nest" alpine honey and Tomitabashi tofu became sought-after goods.

Due to his wife's illness and other reasons, Wu Nongbin was rated as a poor household in 2015. The couple worked together to keep bees and work, and after more than a year, they took off their poverty caps. In 2018, the couple opened a souvenir shop in the urban area, and the goods sold were all "natively grown" in the local countryside. The local people's evaluation of the two is "honesty" and "never participate in fakes when selling things", and they trust them very much.

"In addition to spending a few hours on the first month to pay homage to both parents, we basically have no rest for 365 days a year." Hu Jianjiang said that the store is not closed all year round, one is to protect customers, and the other is to facilitate everyone's shopping.

The elderly in the family are also very supportive of them. Wu Nongbin's mother said that the most important thing in doing business is credit. You can't lose your credibility because you celebrate the New Year's Festival, and you can't snub the trust of the villagers.

Listen to your mother 丨 The best "New Year's gift" for your mother

Hu Jianjiang (first from left) is busy introducing products to customers.

"Boss, help me prepare three more boxes of vermicelli and four bottles of honey, and I'll come and get them." In the half-hour interview, Wu Nongbin received calls from old customers 3 times and kept busy.

All along, Mr. and Mrs. Hu Jianjiang have always been able to "be anxious about what customers are anxious about and think about what customers think", and while winning the praise of consumers, they have also continuously opened up sales channels. "Wait until the sales channel is bigger, and strive to open a branch." Looking at the growing customer circle, Hu Jianjiang is full of confidence in the sales of agricultural and soil products in the new year.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Gu Wanquan Zhang Wu Text Editor: Song Yanlin

Source: Author: RedNet

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