
The beijing winter olympic torch is passed at the Summer Palace

The beijing winter olympic torch is passed at the Summer Palace

On the morning of February 4, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Torch Relay was held at the Summer Palace. The picture shows the 31st stick torchbearer Dou Guimei (first from the right) and the 32nd stick torchbearer Fan Di'an (second from the right) relaying and greeting in front of the Embroidery Bridge.

The beijing winter olympic torch is passed at the Summer Palace

The 31st stick torchbearer Dou Guimei (second from the left) and the 32nd torchbearer Fan Di'an (third from left), the 34th torchbearer Liu Qiang, and the 35th torchbearer Chen Bo display the "flying" torch in front of the Xiuyi Bridge.

The beijing winter olympic torch is passed at the Summer Palace

31st stick torchbearer Dou Guimei (third from right) during the pass.

The beijing winter olympic torch is passed at the Summer Palace

31st stick torchbearer Dou Guimei (second from right) during the pass. (Photo by Hou Yu, reporter of China News Service)

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