
Xinhua Network and Fan Di'an came to visit the New Year丨 "Year of the Tiger Struggle" to write a new chapter in the New Year

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Fan Di'an, chairman of the China Artists Association and president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, sent sincere wishes to xinhua netizens! I wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year and a new journey for the tiger leap! In the New Year of the Tiger, he and Xinhua Network jointly released his first digital Lunar New Year edition of calligraphy work "Struggle in the Year of the Tiger".

Xinhua Network and Fan Di'an came to visit the New Year丨 "Year of the Tiger Struggle" to write a new chapter in the New Year

The word "struggle" comes from the "Character History" of the Three Kingdoms period, which means "cheer up and make every effort", and the whole work is smooth and powerful. In the new atmosphere of the Year of the Tiger, Fan Di'an borrowed the four words of "Striving in the Year of the Tiger" to wish the vast number of Xinhua netizens to write a new chapter in the New Year and expressed their expectations and encouragement for the new year.

On the occasion of the Spring Festival in 2022, in order to jointly celebrate the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, carry forward the national culture, show artistic charm, and gather positive spiritual strength, Xinhuanet will unite five art masters, Ma Jingru, Wang Keju, Gu Liming, Yan Ping, and Fan Di'an, to publicly launch the Digital New Year Edition of the Year of the Tiger calligraphy and painting works. The works will be officially released at the February 15 Yen Festival, so stay tuned.

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