
Noon on November 6, 1949. Premier Zhou held a grand banquet at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace. Zhang Zhizhong, Shao Lizi, Liu Fei, and other representatives of the peace talks appointed by the former Kuomintang authorities were invited to attend the meeting. In the wine

author:Dog mom read history

Noon on November 6, 1949. Premier Zhou held a grand banquet at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace. Zhang Zhizhong, Shao Lizi, Liu Fei, and other representatives of the peace talks appointed by the former Kuomintang authorities were invited to attend the meeting. At the cocktail party, Premier Zhou, who has always been cautious, publicly revealed a shocking secret.

It turned out that just between the people talking and laughing, Hu Zongnan's close confidant Xiong Xianghui also quietly arrived. Zhang Zhi, who was talking about Xingzheng, suddenly felt confused and was speechless for a while under embarrassment.

Premier Zhou smiled and said, "What, you don't know each other?" "It took everyone half a day to relax. Zhang Zhizhong sneered at Xiong Xianghui: "Knowing, how can you not know?" But what is unexpected is that such a brilliant person as Old Brother Xiong has actually revolted. alas! It seems that heaven deserves to perish the party state! ”

Premier Zhou laughed: "Uprising? He's not an uprising, he's a returnees. Today, I invite all of you to come, first, to gather with you and talk about your hearts, and second, to reveal a secret to you. ”

"Comrade Xiong Xianghui was a member of the Communist Party of China who joined the Party in 1936, a highly talented student at Tsinghua University, and we specially sent him to Hu Zongnan..." The Prime Minister smiled and unsolicited.

The crowd was even more stunned. They did not expect that the beloved general of Hu Zongnan, the "King of the Northwest", would actually be an undercover agent of the CCP.

It turned out that in 1936, 17-year-old Xiong Xianghui secretly joined the Communist Party. In 1937, it was in Hunan that a youth field service group was organized to "serve" in the south of huzong of the Kuomintang. Xiong Xianghui was therefore secretly dispatched by the party to Wuchang to receive a personal interview with Hu. When Hu was on the roll call, in order to deepen the impression on Hu, Xiong deliberately sat and replied: "I am." Hu was indeed impressed.

Hu asked, "Why did Mr. Xiong come to this army?" The bear replied, "Join the revolution." Hu Wei was slightly embarrassed and asked, "Mr. Xiong came to this army to participate in the revolution?" Xiong replied: "The first sentence of Mr. Sun's will is 'Yu devoted himself to the National Revolution for forty years', your army is the first army of the National Revolutionary Army, and it is of course to join the revolution when you come to your army." ”

Hu Zai asked, "Then, what is the reluctance to resist Japan and oppose the War of Resistance?" Xiong replied: "What actively resists Japan is the real revolution, what is passive to resist Japan is a fake revolution, what is unwilling to resist Japan is not revolutionary, and what opposes Resistance against Japan is counter-revolution." ”

After a few rounds of interviews, the bear was left behind. Successfully placed next to the "King of the Northwest". From March 1939 onwards, Xiong began to serve as Hu's assistant, and because of his superior talent, he was quickly appreciated by Hu, and was promoted from aide-de-camp to a confidential secretary, beginning a 12-year-long career as a secret agent. During this period, he was also sponsored by Hu to study in the United States.

Liu Fei, former deputy chief of staff of the Kuomintang Ministry of National Defense, said with some sadness: "No wonder Elder Hu Zongnan lost the battle." ”

Zhang Zhizhong was also anxious, and Shangfeng did not even know about such an important situation, which was repaid, and soon Zhang Zhizhong secretly gave Jiang Xiushu a letter to the effect that: "In the past, I only knew that the Kuomintang was not an opponent of the Communist Party militarily and politically, and today I know that the Kuomintang is far from being an opponent of the Communist Party in terms of intelligence." You started as a spy, but who do you use? Who are the people used by the Communist Party? In your secret service, is there a talent like Xiong Xianghui? How can Hu Zongnan not lose the battle, and how can the World of the Kuomintang not be lost? ”

Premier Zhou looked at it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. This first step in revealing the secret is just a cover, and the purpose is to achieve it, that is, to ask someone to report to Jiang Xiaoxiao.

It turned out that the real intention of the premier was to use Chiang Kai-shek to drag Hu Zongnan's 300,000 troops and prevent Hu Zongnan and Song Xilian's troops from taking the road to Xichang and retreating to the Sino-Burmese border in western Yunnan, continuing to resist, and then retreating to Burma as a last resort.

Because Hu Zongnan and Song Xilian were the last heavy army group of the Kuomintang on the mainland. Facts have proved that the decision of Hu and Song was the most powerful measure judging from the situation in the Kuomintang at that time. But for the young new Chinese regime, it was raising tigers. We must not let them flee, and we must wipe out this force on the mainland.

Previously, there was a commander of the Kuomintang 8th Army named Li Mi, who led only a few thousand remnants of his army into the triangle at the junction of Burma, Laos, and Thailand, and was haunted for many years, and many people also transformed into big drug lords who threatened the international drug. This is an example. If it is replaced by Hu Zongnan's 300,000 troops, what will happen in the "Golden Triangle" area? What are the consequences? That's really hard to think about.

When the Battle of the Southwest began. The central authorities came up with this trick. Premier Zhou also carefully analyzed the personalities of Jiang and Hu and started to write an article here.

Chiang Kai-shek has always been very suspicious. As long as Chiang Kai-shek became suspicious of Hu Zongnan, this could be done.

Xiong Xianghui's chess piece was used on the blade. Premier Zhou is usually a very strict and meticulous person, but at the banquet, he deliberately revealed the true identity of the bear. The purpose is that the drunkard does not intend to drink, hoping to inform Jiang through the mouth of the right person.

So the wine feast, in fact, is an innings. The purpose was to ask Zhang Zhizhong and Shao Lizi to convey on their behalf: The real reason for Hu Zongnan's defeat in the Great Northwest was that Xiong Xianghui was an undercover agent of the CCP.

However, Hu Zongnan did not report this major incident in secret. Jiang would certainly be suspicious. He was then suspicious and suspicious of Hu's repeated demands to abandon Sichuan, take Xichang, and withdraw to Western Yunnan. After doubt, Jiang will definitely not let go, then Hu and Song will not be able to leave. Finally, it just entered the preset pocket of the People's Liberation Army and reached the final annihilation.

Things were just as the premier laid out, and after Jiang received the letter, he did not let go of Hu and Song's withdrawal plan. From December 4 to 16, Jiang refused Hu's request four times in a row. On December 9, when Jiang refused Hu for the third time, he went so far as to ask Hu to "commit suicide." It was not until December 19 that Jiang woke up and hurriedly approved Hu's fifth request to abandon Sichuan. But it was too late. The Hu clique's escape routes have all been cut off, and the People's Liberation Army has long formed a trend of closing its doors and beating up dogs.

In fact, Hu Hou had already recognized the identity of the bear, but he also had bitter feelings, because once it was made public, he could not escape the interference. After thinking about it, I had to hide it. It was a last resort.

As mentioned earlier, Jiang is a very suspicious person, if you directly poke away Xiong Xianghui's identity. Jiang didn't necessarily believe it. Therefore, the former Kuomintang peace talks deputies who had already "joined the Communist Party" were cleverly selected and reported through them. Chiang Kai-shek eventually won the plan. The Battle of the Great Southwest ended in victory.

Premier Zhou is really clever!

Noon on November 6, 1949. Premier Zhou held a grand banquet at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace. Zhang Zhizhong, Shao Lizi, Liu Fei, and other representatives of the peace talks appointed by the former Kuomintang authorities were invited to attend the meeting. In the wine
Noon on November 6, 1949. Premier Zhou held a grand banquet at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace. Zhang Zhizhong, Shao Lizi, Liu Fei, and other representatives of the peace talks appointed by the former Kuomintang authorities were invited to attend the meeting. In the wine
Noon on November 6, 1949. Premier Zhou held a grand banquet at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace. Zhang Zhizhong, Shao Lizi, Liu Fei, and other representatives of the peace talks appointed by the former Kuomintang authorities were invited to attend the meeting. In the wine

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