
In 2021, the net payment of national taxes exceeded 40 billion cities, 6 in Guangdong Province, 3 in Jiangsu Province, and three cities in Changchun, Shijiazhuang and Kunming were unexpected. Among them, 6 cities in Guangdong Province

author:Data 100 points

In 2021, the net payment of national taxes exceeded 40 billion cities, 6 in Guangdong Province, 3 in Jiangsu Province, and three cities in Changchun, Shijiazhuang and Kunming were unexpected.

Among them, 6 cities in Guangdong Province are not surprising at all, because the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province, as the first in the country to get rich, should also be the city with the belt behind.

But Huizhou handed over more than 40 billion yuan is a surprise, because Huizhou's GDP in 2021 did not exceed one trillion yuan, nor did it exceed 500 billion yuan, only 497.736 billion yuan. If more than 40 billion yuan is handed over, it means that a large proportion of Huizhou's fiscal revenue is handed over to the state.

Jiangsu province only 3 is also surprising, to know that The thirteen cities in Jiangsu have entered the top 100 in the country, the lowest GDP is 300 billion, and there are 9 cities with a GDP of more than 600 billion, of which four cities have a GDP of more than one trillion, but the taxes paid are very small.

In addition, Changchun, Kunming, and Shijiazhuang are also very surprising, because the GDP of these cities is not much, and the overall development strength is not too strong.

Among them, Changchun, as an old industrial city in the East, is affected by the overall environment, and the GDP growth in the past decade is very slow, with a GDP of 663.803 billion in 2020 and a GDP of 710.312 billion in 2021, which can be handed over to more than 40 billion, which is not easy.

The same is true of Kunming and Shijiazhuang, with a GDP of 649.03 billion yuan in 2021, with an actual growth rate of 6.6%, and a GDP of 722.25 billion yuan in 2021, with an actual growth rate of 3.7%. The GDP growth rate of the two cities has slowed down significantly, and it is not easy to hand over more than 40 billion yuan.

In addition to these cities, the GDP of other cities has suddenly increased by trillions, and it is relatively easy for them to hand over more than 40 billion.

In 2021, the net payment of national taxes exceeded 40 billion cities, 6 in Guangdong Province, 3 in Jiangsu Province, and three cities in Changchun, Shijiazhuang and Kunming were unexpected. Among them, 6 cities in Guangdong Province
In 2021, the net payment of national taxes exceeded 40 billion cities, 6 in Guangdong Province, 3 in Jiangsu Province, and three cities in Changchun, Shijiazhuang and Kunming were unexpected. Among them, 6 cities in Guangdong Province
In 2021, the net payment of national taxes exceeded 40 billion cities, 6 in Guangdong Province, 3 in Jiangsu Province, and three cities in Changchun, Shijiazhuang and Kunming were unexpected. Among them, 6 cities in Guangdong Province

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