
We should make concerted efforts to ensure the bottom line of urban safety

author:Shanghai Hongkou

In order to implement the spirit of special equipment safety and electric bicycle safety management, and do a good job in flood prevention and Taiwan prevention before the flood season, the District Greening and City Appearance Bureau recently organized inspectors to go to various sanitation companies to carry out safety operation inspections and flood control emergency preparations.

This inspection mainly focuses on the safety of electric motors, and the inspectors have carried out key inspections on whether the charging devices are effectively operating and whether the fire-fighting facilities and equipment are intact and effective in each charging place. In view of the problems and hidden dangers found in the inspection, the inspectors ordered the operation block to be rectified immediately in place, "look back" at the weak links in safety, strictly prohibit flying wire charging, unauthorized modification, parking and charging of electric vehicles and batteries, etc., and guide employees to purchase and use national standard electric vehicles and chargers, and actively participate in the safety management of electric vehicles.

We should make concerted efforts to ensure the bottom line of urban safety

At the same time, the inspectors also carried out special inspections on the emergency material warehouses to verify the staffing, material reserves, and implementation of the emergency plan of the current emergency team in each operation block; It is required to purchase and replenish the damaged and missing materials in a timely manner, and make adequate preparations for flood control and Taiwan prevention work.

We should make concerted efforts to ensure the bottom line of urban safety
We should make concerted efforts to ensure the bottom line of urban safety

In the next step, the District Greening and City Appearance Bureau will strengthen the safety supervision of sanitation companies, carry out safety inspections on a regular basis, and urge all companies to earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of safety production.

Reporter: Lu Qiang

Photo: Hongkou District Emergency Management Bureau

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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