
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone

author:Sketch of snow hazel time

Childhood home, forever dream home!

The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been in disrepair for more than 100 years, has several gaps, and the wall is covered with a climbing vine plant, the wall bangzi. On the whole flower head ridge, a lot of fruit trees were planted, including the chestnut tree of the second uncle's family, yellow bark, the carambola of the third uncle's family, and the yellow sweet plum that was not delicious at all but crushed the branches... They are all decades old trees, tall and leafy!

This is the paradise for our children! The yellow peel fruit is sour and sweet, the star fruit is sweet and refreshing, and when you think about it, the taste is on the tip of the tongue, sweet to the tip of the heart. The chestnut ripening season is the most interesting. On the stormy night of September, the children were so excited that they did not want to sleep, and at 4 o'clock in the morning, they got up one by one to pick chestnuts. At that time, I would not be short-sighted, let alone presbyopia, as if no matter where the chestnuts were hidden, I could find them! Chestnuts that fall to the ground, by default, belong to the person who picks them up, and the owner of the chestnuts will not have an opinion. At noon, we didn't sleep, a bunch of little farts stood under the tree, "guarding the tree and waiting for the chestnut" [I want to be quiet], just waiting for the wind to blow, the chestnuts to fall, who picked up who was happy! During that time, it was always full of hope, and it was full of endless fun! When there is no fruit, we are like little monkeys, climbing up and down trees, climbing out and climbing in through the gaps in the walls, chasing and playing hide-and-seek... In the hot summer, the noisy and noisy adults who take a nap can not avoid a few words, but they can only be quiet for a while, and they are lively, anyway, how bold people are, not afraid of scolding [cover their faces]

At noon, to Songyuanwei to eat, well, backgammon restaurant, this name to achieve really good, here! Authentic Songyuan specialties, memories on the tip of the tongue, enjoyment on the tip of the tongue [Ador] [Ador] [Ador]

Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone
Childhood home, forever dream home! The half-moon shaped tire behind the old house, we call it the flower head kanshang, when I was a child, it was not like this. The wall, which has been around for more than 100 years, is long gone

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