
"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

author:Worry-free evening breeze writes articles


"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”


"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

The summer heat is rolling in, and it seems that even the air has become viscous and breathless.


The ancients called this period of time "Fu", which means that people should lurk like animals to avoid their edges.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

When the sky comes, the farmers avoid the scorching midday sun, and the students enjoy a long vacation, all fighting the heat in their own way.

What exactly is "King Fu"? What kind of harbingers does it bring?

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

As the old saying goes: "The summer solstice is three Geng, and the number of volts", since the summer solstice, we have entered the hottest day of the year.

The sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer on this day, and at noon, the sun's blazing heat reaches its peak.

Although the summer solstice has passed, the heat of the sun has not weakened, and the temperature on the ground is still rising, so Futian has become a representative of extreme heat.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

This year, due to the rare appearance of "Fuwang", this Futian is particularly special.

What kind of unusual experience will this year's "Fuwang" bring us, will it be unexpectedly cool, or will it be a more severe test of high temperature?


This year's Futian seems destined to become a topic of conversation after dinner.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

Its arrival is a harbinger of unusually hot summer this year.

"Fuwang" means that the temperature will reach an extreme high, so hot that it can melt almost everything.

This year's Futian, because of the addition of "Fuwang", is even more unusual.

The advent of the "Fu King" is not accidental, it follows the ancient laws of astronomy and climate.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

This day marks the beginning of the year, that is, the official debut of the "Fu King".

This proverb vividly depicts a weather phenomenon: if it rains on the day of the "Fuwang", then the whole Futian may not be so hot.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

This year, this old proverb seems to have been confirmed once again. With the arrival of a heavy rain, people were surprised to find that this summer was not as hot as expected, but rather a little pleasant.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

It warns us that if the sky is clear and cloudless the day after Fuwang, the following Futian will be extremely hot and drought conditions may continue into autumn, which will pose a serious challenge to the growth of crops and people's lives.

People are starting to act. Farmers are pouring into the fields and toiling hard to keep the harvest alive in the drought.

The students sheltered from the scorching sun at home and enjoyed the coolness of the air conditioning.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

It means that the rain has moistened the paddy, making it grow so lush that it is enough to attract small insects.

This is undoubtedly good news for farmers, indicating that there will be an abundant grain harvest this year.

This year's Futian is not only a test, but also an opportunity.

People look for coolness in the heat and opportunities in the midst of challenges.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

Although this year's Fuwang brought heat, it also brought the hope of life and the joy of a good harvest.

It makes us understand that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have hope in our hearts, we can find ways to overcome them.

Under the shadow of "King Fu", many interesting changes have also taken place in people's lives.

In the streets and alleys of the city, people have put on parasols and sunglasses, as if they are conducting a summer fashion show.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

In the countryside, farmers are more concerned about the weather, knowing that a timely rain is essential for the growth of crops.

Whenever a dark cloud drifted from the sky, they would look at the sky hopefully, expecting the rain to come.

This year's Futian doesn't seem to be playing cards according to common sense. Just when people thought that "Fuwang" would bring continuous high temperatures, a sudden heavy rain broke everyone's expectations.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

This rain not only brought a touch of coolness to the hot summer day, but also provided sufficient moisture for the growth of crops.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

People were pleasantly surprised to find that this year's Futian was not as difficult as they imagined.

Under the moisture of this heavy rain, the crops in the fields are thriving, and it is a scene of vitality.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

The farmers looked at their crops with a smile of relief on their faces.

They know that this year's harvest will not be bad. And the residents of the city, because of this rain, also felt the coolness of summer.

They stepped out of the house one after another to enjoy the rare coolness.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”
"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

Unlike previous years, this year's Futian, because of the rain, the growth of crops has not been greatly affected.

The farmers looked at their crops and their hearts were filled with hope.

This year's Futian, because of the addition of "Fuwang", has become particularly interesting.

People look for coolness in the heat and opportunities in the midst of challenges. They have learned to find hope in the face of adversity and find a way out in the midst of difficulties.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

The arrival of "King Fu" also made us deeply appreciate the magic of nature and the tenacity of life.

In this hot season, we must not only escape the heat, but also the wisdom and courage in the heat.

Let's take the "Fu King" as a lesson, learn to find opportunities in adversity, and feel the warmth of life in the heat.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

As the ancients said, "the heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds and muscles", this year's Futian is a test of our will and a challenge to our wisdom.


Futian, this season full of uncertainties, let us deeply appreciate the difficulty of life and the magic of nature.

This year's "Fuwang", although it brought heat, also brought the hope of life and the joy of harvest.

It makes us understand that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have hope in our hearts, we can find ways to overcome them.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

In this hot season, we must not only escape the heat, but also the wisdom and courage in the heat.

Let's take the "Fu King" as a lesson, learn to find opportunities in adversity, and feel the warmth of life in the heat.

As the ancients said, "the heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds and muscles", this year's Futian is a test of our will and a challenge to our wisdom.

Let's face this once-in-60-year "Fu King" with a positive attitude, looking for coolness in the heat and opportunities in difficulties.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”

May each of us harvest our own coolness and hope this summer, so that life is full of color and soul can be comforted.

Futian is not only a season, but also an attitude to life and a courage to face challenges.

Let's dance with "King Fu" this summer and welcome every hopeful tomorrow.

"Temperatures are soaring!" King Fu's appearance, the once in 60 years, what does it portend? ”